Not a single forsaken player wants her, she’s like a tumor in our bony undead butts


Just to add in to this, it doesn’t help that blizzard is attempting currently, to culturally change what the Forsaken have been for over a decade, with calia and Voss teaming up.


Sure, then let the Night Elves get a win too after over 2 years of the Horde destroying them. Believable conflict and fair.

Yea, can’t expect Alliance fans to just sit down and accept it when one of their most popular races got driven to extinction and they never got any payback for that.

Sadly. I wish the abomination that is Calia would simply be forgotten.


I’d rather have Med’an as warchief lol


Hyperbolic and not really relevant to the point I was discussing.

Plague-spreading evil caricatures? If you want the Horde not to be villain-batted again after BFA, they kinda have to move the Forsaken away from that. Not saying Calia’s the best and only way, but the point remains.

Here is my main issue fam, I personally think you’re hardcore aiming your anger at the WRONG Target, you’re focusing on the Horde and Forsaken when you should be aiming at Blizzard, you can go up to just about 99% of the Horde posters here and ask if they’re happy with bfa or the WoT.

I guarantee my life they’d tell you no and either wish it didn’t happen or it had been done differently to atleast make some modem of sense that isn’t just pointless tugging at the heart strings.

Horde players didn’t want this and have no control over the story.


I would be aiming my anger at Blizzard, but here they are trying to do something good for the Night Elves and you are her trying to deny them that.

This one isn’t Blizz’s issue, it’s your issue for trying to prevent that just to deny alliance fans a minor satisfying moment.

Many did though, and again in this thread we can see that Horde players are simply against positive things for the Alliance, even if it doesn’t affect them

Don’t think this is a fair statement since a lot of Horde players have been 100% on board with torching Teldrassil and the civilians within it. Can’t just paint things with a broad brush dude.

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Alliance fans using their writer bias privilege to dab on Horde fans.

Name a more iconic thing on the Story Forum.


Yeah, seems like some people weren’t around on the forums back when Sylv’s warbringer came out. BBQ’ed Night Elf jokes and Sylvanas cheering everywhere.

Horde players using an alliance alt to post


Might be confirmation bias. Though even, Draenei still get road jokes. Some Horde players definitely enjoy being labeled as the bad guy and want Blizzard to go all in on it.

I’m not happy with the boring route they took the Forsaken, but I can’t ignore that some absolutely live for the plague spreading route they took.

But having Nathanos killed and sent to the maw by Tyrande after 2 years of Horde domination is too much.

We DiDnT wAnT iT


Just…what the actual &@^ is this! Reading Lor’themar’s dialog just sickens me. Well, Lor’themar had a good run everyone. He was truly last racial leaders Blizz did not *#&@ up badly. The Horde truly has lost its fangs.

Nathanos was single handily one of the most enjoyable and delightful characters to have around the Horde because he didn’t kiss my &@% like everyone else did.

He was the funniest, hammiest character and I loved him for it. Aiding him in Stromsong Valley and Darkshore was always my favorite part of the BfA campaign. I even laughed when he said, “How uncouth for the Queen of the tree elves was it? No no I suppose that just won’t do. What exactly do you rule over these days?” right to Tyranda’s face :rofl:.

Yet despite being a delight he was most hated character in BfA, more so than Genn, Tyranda, Jaina, Malfurion, Zappy bio (Don’t care what his name is), or Thrall (*@&@ing Thrall) why? Because all these characters kiss your &@^ and Nathanos didn’t. Nathanos was only interested in one *@^ and it wasn’t yours.

While other characters go on and on how you’re the best hope for the world, Nathanos was always very dismissive about it and treated you like you were in inconvenience to him in Legion which made him refreshing. Things got so bad for Nathanos that people had to make up an asinine conspiracy that he was one of the writers a self-insert character just so they can avoid the real reasons why they didn’t like him: He didn’t stroke the player bases fragile egos.

If this is from a pre-patch event I am so boycotting it.


Oh, I’ve got one to top even that: insufferable night elves who have been crying consistently for years.


They really don’t, the plague was never honestly an issue for anyone, it’s only bad because blizzard says it’s bad and players eat it up. Until they realize is this really as bad as any of the things players can do on a daily basis with their basic abilities? Hell even the CC used it against naga in desolce so it can’t be super bad.

Back to my point though if blizzard was better at writing people wouldn’t view forsaken plague spreading as a bad thing and could of actually been a really great foil to night elf’s being all about life while forsaken are about death.

Could of threw in a good story about a forsaken and night elf working together one brings death to those around it while the other brings life to flourish anew because there has to be balance and all that, can’t just have life be the main thing constantly.

This seriously could of worked too since WC3 was the monster races showing unlike every similar media at the time they weren’t actually bad or monsters

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They aren’t though…it’s just blizzard painting a target on our back and pointing at it so you focus back on the horde, so we endlessly fight each other again to give them room to breathe.

The sooner you realize a character that wronged you dying doesn’t fix or make your story better the sooner we can make progress.

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Anyone using the term writer bias.


The fact that you’re intentionally disregarding all that the Horde lost in BfA to play up your Night Elf pity party, which btw, was not the intention of my thread. Is telling of just how completely ignorant you are.

“Nothing but a capital city”

Ok, genius, by your logic Night Elves only lost a capital as well.

That HD Auberdine during Alliance occupation gives me a rather different impression…

You’re really trying with this victim act, I’ll give you that. So desperate to be the victim that you’re going to declare Ashenvale “permanently” lost.

I need them to suffer? And just where did I say that? Again, you continue to both massively misinterpret my message and continue to put words in my mouth that I didn’t say.


A cinematic that was universally reviled when it was first revealed showing the Horde botching their whole plan to stick it to a dying Night Elf?

Saurfang died like a chump and Sylvanas got away quite literally scarred.

No, you’re just a an angry buffoon trying to change to purpose of my thread by making it about mocking Night Elves, when my message was clear-as-day simply to mourn the death of Nathanos. The fact that you’re trying to lace my intentions with malevolence is more telling of you than it is of me.

You mean the ones who are dead or no longer part of the Horde. Also again you presume to know my intentions by projecting your baseless accusations onto me.

Ik it’s hard for you to accept, cuz then you can’t whine and grace us with your massive victim complex, but it did happen in BfA.

No, it’s being incredibly presumptuous.