Most seem fine with it. Honestly only the undead elves seem to have an attitude about it, outside Voss at least but she was raised a Scarlet. Probably because they already live for millenia so the whole ‘eternal life but I’m not as pretty now’ might actually strike them as a bad deal.

If I recall correctly, the val’kyr were bonded with Sylvanas specifically, not the forsaken as a whole. It’s possible Blizzard may have just forgotten about it (it wouldn’t be the first time they screwed up something important) but up until now, they’ve needed the val’kyr to do this, and they ought to have left with her.

Ironic posting this in a thread that’s supposed to upset Night Elf players and trying to take away one tiny satisfying moment from them after stomping and destroying them for 2 years straight


First off don’t think this thread was made to bash night elf players, and second your one satisfying thing sadly comes at the cost of players on the opposite side of the fence who are already down on the ground begging to not lose more.

I kind of thought someone who knows what it’s like to lose something close would just stop and say the cycle can’t continue if forsaken players end up being like night elf players once this is all said and done, things will possibly continue.

Each side wanting to take more from the other side while not focusing on blizzard


Why it must always be about upsetting someone?, I want all of us to have fun and enjoy a great story as a whole, in the end we all look like the goblins and gnomes fighting in that bar in thousand needles while blizzard counts money in a corner and enjoys the fight

Oh and btw, I loved starting that fight


It’s fine if you can annihilate the Night Elves as a race, totally fine. But if they even dare to strike back, threads like these are being made asking for it to be reverted.

That’s what I’d like to know from you Horde players.

  • Tyrande gets to kill Nathanos and send him to the Shadowlands? Unacceptable
  • Night Elves get their zones back? Unacceptable
  • Tyrande is featured in Ardenweald? Unacceptable

And that after the Horde already had an entire expansion of destroying the Night Elves, but that’s obviously fine for you of course because you profited from it and it wasn’t you who lost things to make that happen.

I hope the Horde will one day be brought to justice and the story will be fair so people like you will get to know what it feels like to lose things.

Imagine making threads to spite Night Elf fans, it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve seen in these forums. I should just make a thread asking for Calia to become the forsaken leader, maybe you’d know how this feels then

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I hate to sound like just another member of the choir, but from what I’ve read it was Christie Golden who pushed to have Calia made into an important character. As far as I know, she’s the one who created her to begin with back in the Arthas novel. Then she pushed for her to be a bigger presence, and wrote her in Before the Storm, establishing what her character would be like going forward. It’s similar to Anduin. Originally, Blizz had no major plans for Anduin. The most he did was pop up in Varian’s comic. But Golden asked Blizz if she could write a major story for him in her Shattering novel, and they agreed and gave her the freedom to shape him how she wanted, thus how we got modern day Anduin.

So the truth is that there never really was some great clamoring for Calia to become a major character. It was the desire of one writer who happens to have a great deal of influence over the game’s story.


You can make a thread if you want but I find it dumb, not calling you dumb of course just the action of making something just to upset someone who wants the same as you.
Faction divide should never be the same as player divide, if we are divided as players we both lose,


You really believe that, do you? No bigger plans for the future King of Stormwind? Seriously? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This thread is supposed to upset Night Elf fans and taking away things from them after they have already lost everything, this is what I’m saying.

The equivalent would be asking for Calia to become the forsaken leader just so others have a worse time.

This thread is just to mourn the loss of a character that gave us something different, in the end it’s not Tyrande who killed him, just the inept writers who created this monster called bfa


This thread is more about asking for it to be reverted and to deny the Night elves any sort of resolution or justice.

Disgusting is all I have to say for it, and I hope OP will one day have the same thing happen to his race, and then others will make such threads against him.

This is basically nothing more than a red Elesa thread, as far as I can tell.

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It’s not like we aren’t entitled to our Elesas, though.

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Yeah when they had him act in a ‘double take’ moment (in the Warbringer) when she said ‘burn it’ I thought he was going to go behind her back. Oh well…


I did specifically say “of a Horde race”, did you not read that part?

Calia Menethil is not a Horde character, Calia Menethil is not Forsaken, Calia Menethil has virtually no ties with the Horde, Irenaus.


Reality is that the horde already lost a lot of characters, do you really want your rival faction to be erased?, who are you going to fight then?, the auction house goblins?, the more they push this stupid mega villain stories the more we lose as a whole.

Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t want peace, I want conflict, but I want it to be believable


I mean asking for “Justice” just seems like the cycle of hatred blizzard wants to keep the players on, because if the horde has to lose more big named characters, then alliance should lose some, alliance will get mad and want more horde heads, but the horde is building up characters still so now blizz either kills them off or kills off more alliance characters.

This stops when both sides realize there is nothing to gain but animosity for each other the longer this goes on.

Also OP is and Orc main…lol you’re essentially saying “I hope his family dies also then since he feels this way” only for him to reply “Everything I’ve more or less loved orc wise is already dead…” come on fam we already had WoD destroy the Orcs


Because they were Forsaken characters, the two largest ones. When they quit they were no longer Forsaken characters, so the Forsaken lost them.

Since Blizzard tells their stories through individuals instead of though the populace the loss of important characters tend to have drastic consequences for racial stories. The loss of Vol’jin for the Trolls comes to mind here.

Losing Sylvanas and Nathanos will impact the Forsaken on a cultural level, meanwhile Tyrande, Malf, and Shandris are still around and in charge, meaning that they can contribute to the story in impactful ways. The Forsaken…really can’t right now outside of trying to establish new leadership.

Besides, I agree with the assessment that this thread isn’t made to take away from the NE, but instead:


That’s why I said ‘Horde characters’ which includes people of a Horde race. I’m not sure what you think the confusion is there.

So what? She’s there helping the Forsasken either way.