I disagree. Nathanos is not “developed”, because he didn’t have “character development” after his body switch. He’s stilll acting and talking like the first day he was introduced as a “story-relevant” NPC.

I know this will upset some of you, but… I’ll say it anyway:
I think his REAL character development begins when he is by himself, no longer obsessed with and bound to Sylvanas.

Regarding Calia, I understand why many players don’t like her. On the other hand, be patient. Blizzard does seem to play the long game now. I’m quite sure that IF Calia will become Forsaken leader, she will have her fallout with the Alliance and experience what it means to be Forsaken. :thinking:

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He is one of the ONLY developed Forsaken characters, Irenaus, and that’s a fact. It’s him and Sylvanas, you’ll find it hard to prove otherwise.


Wait and see.


Well, I guess Voss too. Still a bit of a brow raiser for me honestly, but I think that’s due to it simply happening instead of seeing Voss truly enter the Forsaken fold ourselves. Not really opposed to her becoming prominent or even leader, but I wish we had more insight into why she decided to do so and how she interacted with everyday Forsaken.

Dang it Jellex, you made me spit my drink! In a bad way. The angry way.

Grr. :rage:


Hot take: Night Elves lost nothing of relevance and the story has done nothing but cater to them every step of the way and they won’t stop reeing about it, while the poor Forsaken who got dismantled entirely and lost their 2 most notable characters are being discarded by Night Elves.

Night Elves need to get over it and just wait for the writers to keep bending over the narrative to please them and just stop crying for five minutes.


Look, it’s Erevien’s long lost brother.




It’s kind of sad the biggest character that people want to be made the new Forsaken leader is a character that hates Undead and wasn’t Forsaken until BfA just made her Horde for some undefined reason.


Very disheartening. To say the least. But we have what Blizzard has left us. Pray they take no more.


Should have listened to Redpath.

Sylvanas deserves the worst fate.

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We should know by now that any time Horde characters get screentime, they’re on their way out.


No they didn’t. After the night elves were wiped out in the pre-patch, they were absent in 8.0. The genocide of the night elves was just a plot device to propel Saurfang’s story forward while the night elves were forgotten in 8.0 entirely.

Tyrande shows up to kick off a warfront in 8.1, but then she and the night elves disappear again. They are absent for the rest of the expansion including attacking Sylvanas which the night warrior is suppose to be focused on. Tyrande shows up at the end of the expansion to yell at Anduin and then disappears again.

The night elves weren’t even there to fight Azshara who has been a major part of their story for over a decade.

Also where were all the night elf cinematics if they got nothing but development? Oh right those don’t exists. Their race was wiped out so Saurfang could get a bunch of CGI cinematics. Also let’s look at about a hour and 20 minutes of cutscenes and cinematics in BFA where the night elves show up in maybe 30 seconds of the darkshore trailer.

So obviously you have zero clue what you are talking about. It also doesn’t seem like you are aware we are going to the shadowlands after this, which is the literal wow afterlife so I’m sure he’s going to be there too. But pretending the night elves have got nothing but development in BfA is obviously idiotic.


That goes both ways. We have Alliance-favoring folks who post on Horde alts too.


It comes directly from Chris Metzen during a panel at Blizzcon.

He should’ve died during the Darkshore Warfront Unlock quest. It should’ve been fast, a literal one-shot as Tyrande back-handed him and his head exploded, the shrapnel of bones from his skull killing the Val’kyr with him.

This? This is just correcting an egregious error in earlier questing. Not even in a very satisfying manner. It’d be more meaningful if it happened in Night Elf lands.


SO what is blizzard to do? Not give the villains development? Then you’d all be complaining about how this is out of nowhere lol you horde players just want your cake and eat it too.

I dont think horde bias exists, but horde players sure claw for it

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Give development to non-villain Horde characters, of course. I would have thought that was obvious.


AH I see, so they should just have characters like sylvanas and nathanos keep there plot armor

Yeah, yeah. I know you’re of the opinion that all Horde characters are villains. Now shoo.