It’s not just nameless characters, it’s zones too and in fact, those characters in Darnassus, Teldrassil and Darkshore that were all wiped out had names too.

Making up numbers now, I see. They didn’t lose a single one unless you’re counting Zelling.

Yea, because having an entire expansion full of cgi cinematics and glorification where they could live out their power fantasies and wipe out an entire race doesn’t make them credible or able to be proud of their race.

I don’t want to hurt the forsaken any more than they want to hurt Alliance and Night Elf fans with these kind of threads, asking for the tiniest bit of justice and positive developments to be taken away from them out of pure spite.

its a bot. pay no attention to it.

I don’t think that was the intention of the OP. Even though I would have worded it differently than he did.
He has a point and every reason the state his frustration with the story.


Oh no they can’t turn living beings they killed into undead who are in a constant cursed state of pain and despair.

What a tragedy.

They’re already exploring ways for the Forsaken to continue, such as turning people afflicted with uncurable diseases and such, as long as they are willing.


What the hecc do you think Sylvanas and Nathanos count as?

A-are you inebriated? The only times the forsaken showed up in cgi not to get one upped was Tink-tink, and that definitely wasn’t a glorification of the forsaken.

And you say I can’t be objective. We’re talking about a player race in a story telling MMORPG. “huehuehue you guys should just die off” is not an argument you can make in good faith.

Like I said,


I like how you just skipped the last part of my post on purpose.

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Exploring =/= currently capable of performing. Right now, at this very moment, the forsaken cannot procreate.

Forsaken fans will have to take a page from the Night Elf posters on this forum and screech until you get the development you want.

Developer on Tyrande’s revenge being complete in BfA:

“I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves.” Shani said.

A thousand Night Elf screeches on the forums later, Shadowlands looks like it’s finally prepped to appease them. I don’t want to hear about Teldrassil again after Shadowlands. :sleeping:


You’re 100% correct. Night Elf baby whining was the only way they got Blizzard’s attention, so we gotta follow suit. Can’t let up. Can’t not make every topic about the Horde’s losses.

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Are you trying to pretend that Tyrande getting black eyes and killing one whole expendable Val’kyr was supposed to be satisfying retribution for Teldrassil?


It definitely was though. Otherwise he’d think twice about complaining about the Night Elves and Alliance getting some minor happy moments.
He does it intentionally out of spite.

Both alive and well.

Sylvanas? Lying again I see. Seems to be the only way you can keep arguing, no surprise.

Don’t you worry, they will scrap anything positive they have planned for Night Elves because of spiteful Horde players like those in this thread.

I don’t get how you can be that scummy.

Yea, you already had an expansion where you could live out your power fantasy and superiorit, complexes, time for the Alliance and the Night Elves to finally strike back.

According to most Horde players here it was. :clown_face:


I think this is kind of what saddens me the most. I feel like they’ve fractured, perhaps permanently, the ability of the Horde fanbase to speak as one. I get frustrated when I see people buying into Blizzard’s retcon campaign against Sylvanas, and I was annoyed at Saurfang and the choices the writing team made for him in BfA. I am sure that there are others on the other side of the aisle who feel just as strongly in the other direction, but in all of this we direct our ire at each other, and Blizzard skips by whistling.

The Night Elven players conducted a sustained and on-message campaign for two years. They were successful. Many Horde players now make their arguments for them. Blizzard was convinced to put lots and lots of restitution and story development in Shadowlands for them. Blizzard does listen and does make changes, but only when there is a substantial, sustained outcry. Now that the Horde is divided against itself, and no matter what they do at least part of Horde players plus all Alliance players will be for it, giving them the majority they need to utterly ignore minority complaints.

It’s disheartening because it didn’t have to be this way.


Both are not forsaken.

See above.

… Legion? Cause of Death Knight??
But like… that ended with the light winning???

100% agreement.
It’s a travesty how badly they ruined everything.
I really can’t take Saurfangs BfA story serious. And on the other Hand people are simply taking the Sylvanas retcons as a given. It is really terrible.


"Plunder Harbor

I’m coming a bit more to my senses, name.

With Lilian’s help, perhaps I can come to accept this new fate.

Though I must say… the further I can get from Kul Tiras… the better.

Banshee’s Wail

It was… invigorating seeing those people get what they deserved.

Is this what it is like to be free? To set your own rules?

Perhaps I could get used to this."

  • Captain Stone, a newly risen Kul Tiran Forsaken.

If they aren’t forsaken, how can you say the forsaken lost them :thinking: contradictions after contradictions.

BFA with the Horde dominating the Alliance, wiping out and destroying the Night Elves and getting away unscarred after.

Not sure what’s your point?

I literally wrote in my post that they are working towards a way to create more forsaken by taking on people willing to be turned.

Doesn’t change the fact that the overwhelming majority of new Forsaken that were created after they ran out of corpses in Lordaeron were unwilling Alliance combatants / civilians that were killed by the Forsaken.

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I don’t know why people view these events so personally or emotionally.

Nathanos is not one of the only developed Horde characters. And I don’t see a problem with this.

Lor’themar isn’t allowed to have an opinion? If anything, given how he acted in undeath, the living instances we see of Nathanos are probably the outliers. And Nathanos is suppose to be our enemy at this point in the quest. Who cares about respecting his memory?

To who? Again, Nathanos and Sylvanas are our enemies.

Pretty sure she was?

I’ll still be surprised if he doesn’t come back in Shadowlands seeing as Sylvanas and the Jailer control the Maw, the place where everyone goes to after death now.


And really I can’t stand that.

I really liked the Horde’s presentation in Shadow’s Rising. I was disappointed at the lack of any Forsaken PoV character but we did ger that one cool apothecary.

I still like it as I do like the whole Horde. I’ve 6 Forsaken toons, but I also have an Orc, Tauren, Darkspear, Belf and Zandalari.

And I really wish Goblins could get like a tinketer class. I love them too but I love all their stuff with other races more unfortunately.

The Trolls got tons of spotlight in BFA, and my reaction to more troll stuff in SL isn’t ‘REEE IT SHOULD BE FORSAKEN’, it’s ‘Awesome! More Troll stuff! I love Troll stuff! But it’d be cool if we got some Forsaken stuff too’.


The fun thing about this is that most of those who want Calia as leader of the forsaken are alliance players, feels like they don’t care a single bit about the story of the game they are playing and only want to upset forsaken players.