Cuz Horde players were just clamoring to have a storyline involving them eating the villain bat yet again just make the Night Elves suffer, right?
Where does it at all state he didn’t wish to join?
They got enough of a population to still be well able to hold their own and even defeat the Horde and drive them from Darkshore. Again mostly through their own power with some minor Gilnean assistence.
2 permanently? You lost Teldrassil, what’s the second one?
An entire race that can very easily be replaced whenever the plot needs them to.
Tyrande and Malf absolutely plowing through Horde forces in Darkshore is a “joke”? Or how about, oh Idk, WINNING the overall battle?!
Riiight, cuz Saurfang getting his butt kicked at the BFL, being branded a traitor to the Horde for 80% of the expansion, and eventually dying in the end leaving Sylvanas and Nathanos to escape from the Horde to inevitably be slain is “not losing”.
Again, WHAT “justice”?! Is the Horde to lay down its’ arms and offer you sacrifices of innocents so that you’re “even”.
Because unanimously defeating the Horde apparently doesn’t constitute as “justice” enough.
You seem very sure of this even though we’ve not once had anything on Nathanos datamined outside the disguise you wear during a play in the Ardenweald campaign.
Did I say that? You’re very much trying to change the context of what my initial message is, and that’s not cool.
Again, cuz the FOUR battles that the Horde lost in BfA apparently doesn’t count…