Don’t really care about Nathanos. His snark made me chuckle a few times, but I neither like nor dislike the character.
My beef is that they continue to push Calia as the great white savior that will swoop in and lead the Forsaken to a better future. Seriously, she has nothing in common with the Forsaken. It appears to me she was made exclusively to dump all over the last 15 years of the Forsaken’s themes and story and tell Forsaken players - “You chose wrong and here’s why. Now shut up and say ‘yas queen’.”
And here I was thinking I might actually enjoy playing a Forsaken with the upcoming option to cover up the bony bits.
A few areas are left. Most of tirisfal is destroyed and a mindless army of fallen hunts everyone in this zone. At least the zone is lost for the horde.
It is destroyed, in a different way, because to clean this area from the blight, you have to defeat the mindless undeads. And that will be difficult
You say that the night elves deserve what they’re getting in BFA despite factually and objectively getting more positive development in BFA as well as losing less than the Forsaken did.
–Lose Tirsifal / Lordaeron City
+Gain Tirisfal??? (? ? ? is this confirmed? ??? Link if so)
-Lose Sylvanas
-Lose Nathanos
-Lose Valkyr reproduction / any reproduction
+Gain Zelling
-Lose Zelling
+Gain Calia
-Gain Calia
Night Elves
–Lose Teldrassil / Darnassus
-Lose Sira
-Lose Delaryn
+Gain Nightwarrior
+Kill more Horde than Horde kills them during WoT.
+Defeat the Horde with just the worgen.
+Shandris development
+Maiev development
+Tyrande development
+Malfurion development
Calia and Anduin walk up to Tyrande with Calia’s gossip and drama… and then Tyrande just shoots her in the chest. Similar to Sylvanas ordering Nathanos to shoot Zelling.
Would the Forsaken simply eat Calia’s corpse, and cheer to be rid of her?
Or would they rally and strike at the Night Elves with renewed vigor just on principle?
/le sigh
Just an unlikely hypothetical. I do not think the story will ever go near the places I would see it go…
Night Warrior curse that makes their leader die is not a gain
Is obvious trolling
same as above
I like how you count these in, but ignore Calia development, Sylvanas development + the most love any character has any gotten in wow history, Nathanos development, Voss development etc…
I wouldn’t call that destruction “progress”. The Forsaken and the Night elves got really beaten down (Night Elves more in WoW in general, lost their old fangs).
I agree I wouldn’t say Forsaken had it the worst of all. But they definitely got shafted in BfA in a horrible way.
Flagging this thread is also very strange and nonsensical.
No I don’t, cuz Calia is literally a character groomed by the Alliance and now being shoved down Horde players’ throats while representing the opposite of everything Forsaken players like about the race.
Maybe Reznik “the Shiv” should also be installed as the next Trade Prince of the Bilgewater cartel. I mean, he is a goblin, right?! Or how about Valeera as Queen regent of Silvermoon? They seem to love using her now.
The WHOLE POINT of the Zandalar questing was slowly convincing him of joining. It’s literally one if the first things he declares when when we meet him and is the reason he allows the Horde in the city.
“Let us see if de Horde can prove its worth to Zandalar. Let dem stay in de Great Seal as my guests… for now.”
My post got flagged cuz I’m assuming people like you cannot handle opinions contrary to your own.
Arathi has been contested since freaking Vanilla. What are you talking about?!
Is that why all their major characters are 100% intact and are still able to handily drive the Horde out of Darkshore on essentially their own power and a handful of Gilneans? Cuz their race is so weakened now?
If all the Horde characters got to remain 100% intact, I frankly wouldn’t care about losing a capital city.
What “justice” are you honestly expecting to get?! It’s a two faction game. What payoff are you honestly expecting to get at this point that would result in further decimating and already decimated faction? Because wiping another capital city off the map or destroying the opposing faction is NOT is not in the cards for a game like WoW.
Yea, and what Tyrande and the Night Elves suffered through in BfA was to appease the Horde fans only.
He was allied with the Horde, but he didn’t want to join.
It doesn’t matter if their major characters are intact when their entire population is dead, also it’s not looking good for Tyrande.
You’d lose 3 zones (2 permanently), would have an entire race wiped out besides their leaders, then have their leaders look like a joke while those that commited and planned the attack would get cinematic after cinematic and never lose, basically denying you your justice.
You are complaining about the tiniest bit of justice the Alliance can get. Killing Nathanos so he can be in the maw again with Sylvanas? Unacceptable. Including Tyrande in Shadowlands? Unacceptable. Letting the Horde lose any battle ever? Unacceptable.
Yea, Darkshore which is around the same state as Tirisfal. But the forsaken still have Silverpine.
Has never happened ever.
So you’re saying the Night Elves killed more Horde than the Horde killed in basically an entire continent by burning Teldrassil? Who are you trying to fool ?
Nothing to rewatch. The Horde was in such a good state that the Alliance and the Night Elves had to give up in their quest for justice and accept a peace treaty in the favor of the Horde. They didn’t defeat anyone.
And Tyrande (and therefore Elune) were humiliated, so was Malfurion. Shandris failed her oblectives and Maiev was barely present.
100% happened in beta and will be happening on live. And before you have an Alliance cry about it not being in BFA neither is Tyrande dying:
I’m saying that in the War of Thorns, the night elves killed more horde than the horde did night elves. That’s in the book. Alliance baby cry to Blizzard about it if you don’t like it.
That tends to get them to change things.
Other than Danuser stating that the Alliance won Stromgarde and Darkshore?
Tyrande defeated the Horde with Elune’s powers.
Malfurion single handedly defeated Goddess Sylvanas until backstabbed.
The night elves got all zones back but Darnassus and Teldrassil. The forsaken still have not reclaimed Tirisfal. There’s two for two.
The war was over at that point. I agree more people in the tree probably died. Hard to say tho since stormwind is overrun with night elves canonically.
Last I chcked she effortlessly defeated Nathanos and sent him packing, then won Darkshore.
Yes she was. Thrall didn’t think that Saurfang could beat Sylvanas at the Makgora. No one knew she was superwoman at that point.
They have, that’s why you meet up with Calia and Voss there.
posting emojis doesn’t make you any less wrong
The war has started at this point. Fact is that you lied and the Night Elves lost way more people than the Horde, enough for them to have “far too few” people left.
Last time I checked, Nathanos raised her people, mocked her and almost defeated her up until Malfurion arrived.
Lying again.
Does it matter when Malfurion still lost and had his people driven to near extinction right after?
Depends, many were really happy with Teldrassil it seems like, especially those that want to deny the Night Elves any sort of justice after, even if it’s the smallest things like killing Nathanos before he travels to the Shadowlands.
See: This entire thread.
Also people complaining about Tyrande being featured in Shadowlands at all
I’ve only wanted to see night elves kick rocks after BFA, and entirely because Blizzard keeps wanting me to feel bad, and night elf players on the forums are some of the greediest people ever.
Before BFA, night elves were a footnote. Giving us Teldrassil for Lordaeron was like paying us 50 cents for our McLaren Senna.