He also seems quietly horrified at the Gathering and seems really conflicted about blowing up the Undercity.
But he was dead to me about midway through the war campaign after you’ve salvaged Derek’s body. The Kul Tirans attempt an exchange by holding Marshal Valentine, a newly risen Forsaken sent as an envoy to Kul Tiras, hostage.
And I was waiting for there to be some moment there where Blightcaller would show he at least cared about the Forsaken. But nah he let’s Valentine die, noting he means nothing to him and if anything finds it kind of funny the Kul Tirans would even try to tug at his heartstrings by threatening to kill one of his men.
The big middle finger to the Forsaken from BTS onward is that so many staid loyal to two people who could not be more thoroughly demonstrating they don’t care about them.
I kept waiting for some aspect of Forsaken resistance to turn up but, nah. None of them are curious about all the Forsaken who vanished during the Gathering. Or are upset Windy blew up their homes and seems content to let them just wander around Orgrimmar homeless. Or that Blightcaller seems homicidally indifferent to their sacrifice.
All you get is an optional line of dialogue from Voss after Baine’s arrested. Who’s the only Forsaken character disgusted Slyvanas would try to steal the free will of another undead.
You know, because their free will is the only thing they seem to hold sacred and in fact taking an undead’s free will is regarded as their highest crime for which the punishment is true death.
“That’s not the worst of it, class The aberrations that have the key to my cage are former Forsaken. Stillwater’s experiments have the side effect of turning Forsaken into mindless zombies. Why do you think he’s so afraid of letting this out? He knows that such a crime is punishable by true death!”
Vol’jin. In one little intro cinematic he was with us, then gone. We never got to really see a Darkspear led Horde and the greatness of Vol’jin’s leadership.
Trolls as a whole have been a narrative punching bag since day one, sadly. The Darkspear had two big moments, both in temporary events that are now lost to time.
I think the sad part is that there definitely could’ve been Calia fans if Blizzad played their cards right. Either as an actual member of the Forsaken, as a living human or even just an independent agent whether living or dead. Along with Turalyon and Alleria, she was one of those “Where the hell are they” characters that drove speculation about her for years and had plenty of potential hooks for stories. But it feels like Blizzard tried to take the “middle of the road” path and ended up with a character that no one likes.
Nightwarrior, defeating the horde with just the worgen, etc, etc.
You personally bring these up all the time unless they work against your argument because you’re a dishonest debater.
I think it’s fair for the Night Elves to get that tiny bit of justice after they have been waiting for it for over 2 years after Teldrassil, especially considering that Nathanos will just be alive again in the maw and united with Sylvanss.
I bet he’ll even say that it was part of his plan
Remember that he’s a self insert character, he isn’t going anywhere.
This is unbelievable. When was the last time the forsaken received any? Night elves get development almost every single expansion. Even in Cataclysm, where the night elves had to OOCly lose land for faction balance, the night elves categorically won every single fight they took part in. Every single one, completely undefeated.
Whether I agree or not matters less to me than the fact that this OP was flagged to near oblivion. I can only imagine it was some touched Night Elf Posters or something? They seem to flag everything.
Nevertheless, I find this position no less palatable than whatever else is going. What is up with people that would flag this?
After reading the OP, I selected to “like” it. Not because I agree so much. But because the forces against are evil.
Yeah I was initially curious. I thought it was weird they had to make her some weird version of undead. The common speculation was she’d be some leader for an allied race which was a pretty fair assumption.
And honestly if she was leading some adjacent faction of Lightbright deaders I really wouldn’t have a problem with it though I don’t think the setting needs that when the Light worshipping undead are made interesting by the juxtaposition of their nature and faith.
I think she ought to lead a third party with Faol, Leonid and perhaps Zelik. Sort of an Earthern Ring / Cenarion Circle but for Light undead. Be a good place to put the Scarlet Risen if they’re not going to be used to justify Forsaken paladins.
No, the night elves definitely fought and defeat the Horde despite being outmanned. They were shown as gods fighting plebs, as always, because Blizzard favors the Alliance every time. Even when you’re forced to take an L when both factions have to lose a capital, you lost an NPC designed to be killed, and Sira.
The Forsaken lost Sylvanas, Nathanos, umpteen valkyr that I personally don’t care about, and the best written forsaken character in years because he was designed to make us like him before Nathanos killed him.
No, I don’t. Goblins are there. I’ve stated that orcs aren’t in the warfront.
I am in agreement. I am sure it’s an unpopular opinion, but we’ve had far worse and more ludicrous arguments put forth that went unflagged, so this can only really be abuse of the reporting system, and any consequences should instead fall on the people abusing the system. Not that this will ever happen, however.
More to the point, I feel like the hyperbole in the OP was kind of inflammatory, but I can’t deny the underlying point. Both Forsaken and Night Elves got pretty firmly shafted in BfA. Only one of those groups is getting any kind of story progression and attempts at restitution, and that should definitely be cause for concern.