yaaah, see Idk about you but, I’m hesitant to trust, accept, or give someone any power after they’ve more or less been affiliated with my rival group for years yet suddenly after her king is kidnapped, she tries to buddy up with your group.

I’d be beyond skeptical, she would have to do something pretty big for me to even begin trusting her, and not just save someone important horde sides life, I mean Kill a Alliance higher up or important figure to even work towards gaining my trust.


What do you think she’d have to do to win the trust of the Horde? You mentioned killing an Alliance higher up. Are you pertaining to Baine? lol


I think she’d just be better off not used at all. If the story needs a blood elf rogue for some reason, I’d rather they just invent a new one over using her.


Just take Valeera to the Telegros Rift and dunk her in the blueberry kool-aid already. Give her the blue skin tone to match up with the blue blood running through her veins. Anduin seems to like blue girls, too.

I wish it was that easy, she’d have to either kill a higher up/ attempt and make it look like an accident or something (Go for a racial leader, just so when it fails she can’t run to the alliance and is more or less forced to stick with Horde)

Pass on reliable info about the alliance and it’s works etc. (espionage)

Stuff like that, you really gotta give the Horde something grand that leads them to believe they won’t be used or betrayed, and chances are the deal would have to highly be in their favor.

These blue girls are traitors to the Horde I heard. Is this true?

Who exactly do you have in mind as a target? Just out of a curiosity. Who is she strong enough to assassinate successfully? Can’t be one of the big names i.e Jaina etc.

I was making a reference to either a short story or novel passage where Anduin was attracted to a Draenei.

I may find Blanduin to be one of the most boring characters ever written, but I can at least say the boy’s got good taste in women.


Ah I see, I thought you were talking about Void Elves.

No one really, because lowkey even killing a higher up means nothing to me at the moment since we aren’t at war what so ever and in fact would just bring more harm than good to the Horde.

I’m just saying how personally she would need to do something drastic like try and kill Tyrande if we were at war (I like Tyrande, everyone calm down) for me to wanna begin to accept her.

As it is now I think it’s pretty ridiculous any Horde, aside from baine would just let her waltz around the city, help out, and do what she pleases more or less.

Damn yo, that’s a massive task in the making for one to prove their allegiance. If she could pull it off I imagine the Horde would probably want proof. I assume the Horde would probably want Valeera to behead Tyrande’s pretty head and bring her pretty trophy head back to Orgrimmar as proof no?

Only a real massive task because her allegiance is in question after being allied with the alliance for so long, and the fact the Horde and Alliance just finished the “4th Great War”

Realistically or if blizzard knew how to write war stories, battles, etc. neither side would accept others from the other side or would give them some type of impossible task to complete in order to prove their worth.

It be like if God-King Skolvod after everything he did suddenly wanted to join up with Odyn, Odyn would either decline after all that’s happened or tell him to prove his worth with some insane task, like surviving fighting Odyn’s personal champion (Warrior PC) while he’s being empowered by his magic.

(Skovald is empowered with Fel so it only be “fair”)

Question is, if the deed was successful and Valeera does pull it off, wouldn’t the Horde want proof i.e Tyrande’s pretty head in basket?

I’m sure as the Champion/ Priestess of Elune she has some personal memento she keeps and wouldn’t let go for anyone.

Like her Glaive or Bow, idk bout you buuuut I don’t want the head of my rivals, or enemies for that matter, hell I don’t even think we do that in WoW anymore and just opt of grabbing something off their corpse to signify the deed was done, because the main person in charge has something to differentiate them from their peers.

What proof is better than Tyrande’s pretty head in a basket? It’s old school, but if you wanted enough proof, that would be it, bringing her pretty head back to Orgrimmar. And Assassins like Valeera do this all the time, I don’t think she would have any trouble bringing Tyrande’s head back IMO.

Glaive or bow can be stolen though. Perhaps her locket then? If she even wears one.

Take a shot every time he says “Tyrande’s Pretty Head”


At current projections your liver will dissolve around 3 PM.


Tyrande’s pretty head.

I mean if you wanna be mean about it you could just have her steal Tyrande’s owl ( I think that would suffice honestly, just because it sounds cartoon evil for no reason and blizzard is all about making Horde Cartoon evil.)

Got into the beta. And imo i would love forsaken to move into a more knighthood stuff like the House of the Chosen mixed with lordaeron stuff, could be cool.