
Five characters.

In this house we don’t use that name.

Stormwind itself doesn’t pick anyone’s slack up. The Wrynns do. Remember until Varian “literal Thrall/Garosh expy” Wrynn Stormwind couldn’t organize itself out of a wet paper bag.

Stormwind as a nation lost its identity in the process of becoming the “Alliance capital.”


Well Valeera does make sense because she could very well be going Horde in Anduin’s absence. Only reason she sticks around in Alliance was because of Anduin but now he’s gone so.

Eh, that’s what the character might say, but in the overall story, she’s been functionally an alliance blood elf since her creation back in…Wrath, I think? I feel it’s a really hard sell to suddenly push her as a character that a horde player should care about, when her entire story up until now is about how she’s honoring a life debt to the king of Stormwind.


The horde really have zero reason to care about or accept her as one of their own. Mainly because as you said, she’s an alliance loyalist, regardless how many times her or blizz tries to convince us she’s neutral (which is another term that doesn’t mean what blizzard thinks it means)


She’s basically just a human death knight with different-colored eyes and not wearing plate.


This… would be awesome actually. We’d also get that badass vibe as when Illidan rejected being Lightforged - “MY DESTINY IS MY OWN!”
Have a showdown with Alonsus Faol representing the Forsaken, and a new direction for them without blind subservience to a Banshee who behaves like Lich King 2.0, OR blind obedience to the Lightforged Calia.
The neat thing with Forsaken was always that their WILL WAS THEIR OWN.
Making Calia into the villain who is trying to force the Forsaken into a shinier, prettier self, which offends the old guard like Voss and Faol, who rally to ferociously declare that while being Forsaken SUCKS, it’s also their suck to face and overcome, and no freaking wind chime is going to come handwave their suffering and determination.
The Forsaken’s central theme was their will.

That more than anything was theirs, and I mourned that loss when Sylvanas went all Lich King 2.0 with mind control and more, demanding that her minions obey her and worship her or face destruction.
IMO they’re well rid of her and that whole narrative where they become Scourge 2.0 mouthing her praise. Give us complex, nuanced, driven, angry, stubborn Forsaken.

Damn I would love to see Faol rock that.


Anything can change in the future, if her loyalty was with the Alliance and not just the King then I would agree but this is simply not the case. If Wrynn family perish and a new nobility comes into Stormwind then I don’t see Valeera sitting around.

All Valeera has to do is kick House Wrynn on the butt and there you go. She can easily be incorporated into the Horde after that. Incorporating her in the Horde is IMO very easy. It just requires modifying her current relationship with House Wrynn.

There is zero guarantee that Valeera will serve the next nobility of Stormwind after the Wrynn’s cease to exist. As far as I am concerned, the moment House Wrynn ceases to exist, then she is potentially a Horde spy.

I haven’t even seen Valeera do anything in favor of the Alliance, besides just being friends with the Wrynns who just happen to rule Stormwind. That’s not enough tangible proof to assume she is loyal to the Alliance especially when the majority of the Alliance (Including Jaina) don’t even know who she is and were ready to strike her down.

The fact to the matter is, nobody on the Alliance knows who she is and if she ever came out in public, people would most definitely think she is a Horde person. If she were Alliance, then she should have joined SI:7. She hasn’t done anything for the Alliance besides maybe spy for the king which is an indirect connection since she doesn’t take orders from any Alliance leadership.

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Simps get what simps deserve.

Good riddance.

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Had to skip most of the posts in it cause the usual “Night elves are all dead, deserve justice.” Argument popped up quite a bit, and being a person who plays both factions it’s like. . . Sooooo the horde constantly losing warchiefs isn’t important losses, the only powerful entities of the horde are dead or de-powered or villains etc etc. but to the OPs point I’m not a Nathanos fan, but I sympathize with the feelings and sentiments shared in this post. I’ve made my opinion on Sylvi quite well known in forums that involve her but losing 2 important forsaken characters is a hard blow for the race and the people that like the aesthetics and mentality of them.


Everything you said is true and possible, but…it still doesn’t make her any more appealing as a potential horde character to me. :confused: I’d personally prefer her to just disappear from the story altogether instead of wasting time integrating her into the faction. She just seems like a junk character concept and the worst kind of “neutral” where neither faction should actually want her around.


What’s any Night Elf’s favorite Elune line? You don’t need lines to be fan favorites.

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Yeah and I’d give someone a very strange look if they said their favorite character was Elune or the Earthmother. Because they’re not characters they’re just the word for God in those factions. More set dressing than anything else.

Bwomsamdi is now an actual character and the narrative is better for it.


Bwonnyboy has had more lines than Elune for a decade now.

Same weird stuff as people who say they loved Rastakhan for decades.


Honestly I thought his introduction was alright. But really his name was just kind of cringe. Probably could’ve come up with something better than Grand Puba Jamacia.

Then again this is the same studio bringing us Necrolord. Which was literally my Runescape username when I was 9. So maybe I’m expecting too much here.


I think Blizz just don’t know what to do with her

Blizzard probably doesn’t, but I’m sure Golden knows what direction she wants to take her character regarding her future within the Horde and Forsaken, along with the relationship with the Alliance.

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Valeera has to renounce her relationship with the Wrynn family and cut all ties in order for her to even be trusted in the Horde. I don’t think the Horde would feel comfortable accepting her until she actually does something in favor for the Horde against the Alliance. That seems so unlikely at the moment. But not entirely impossible.

Honestly, it would make more sense for her to renounce all ties with the Horde and join the Alliance, at this point. I don’t think any Horde players would “miss” her (can’t miss what you never had).