I’m with you. And I hate the fact that places like the Exodar and Gnomeregan never will be fully fleshed out as actual liveable cities. You have no idea how bad I want to see a fully restored Exodar, floating above Azuremyst. Everyone being forced into Stormwind is soo boring. And I do agree with you on the leadership. Only leaders I actually like on the alliance is Velen and Moira.

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It became focused on Stormwind to the determent of everyone, Stormwind included.

Cata saw all the dwarves United in Ironforge, but because they were now led by a council they proceeded to do absolutely nothing.

Night elves got rocked by the Cataclysm and Malfurion woke up, and they proceeded to do absolutely nothing unless it involves druidism or getting rocked by the Horde.

Gnomes failed to retake Gnomergan completely and as punishment they proceeded to do absolutely nothing.

Draenei we’re basically forgotten until WoD and that was bloody WoD.

So with all the Classic-TBC races doing nothing that left Stormwind to pick up the slack so to speak, and then they widdled them down to just meme storylines and rescue their allies plotlines.


Which is just disappointing. It just feels like if it isn’t human centric, blizzard can’t be bothered.

Your the one ignoring her development, sweetie, there is NO point in the story where sylvanas goes yes I like the horde now.

She never had too, for what we are arguing for. She did with the Forsaken though.

I bet you will also claim that the helm of domination change and the role of the Lichking in Shadowlands “aren’t rectons” too?

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Problem with factions is that the horde got butchered so there’s no more balance, Baine is probably liked only by other taurens and a few other players, goblin leader is a non existant meme, forsaken leader made villain, blood elf leader doesn’t care about colors, only troll big chars are Rokhan and Talanji but are too green to do anything meaningful and the only orc leader lost his balls long ago.
This is the second time the alliance can delete the horde from the game and it doesn’t happen only because of gameplay purposes disguised as anduin’s good intentions and general benevolence, for alliance players I think it’s pretty much a win, but I really miss those times when the for the horde! or for the alliance! meant something.


I mean, he did kinda end up snatching Vol’jin’s whole stint with the Zandalari in the end.

Eh… what? How?
Because he was on Zandalar? Oh well.

calia has a good model we could have undead lighrforged

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I’d highly prefer we not have more Lightforged undead, it really drives home a point of

  1. Forsaken really just getting the bad end of a stick

  2. Forsaken might be even be perceived as worse if we find out Lightforged undead can be made fairly easy.

  3. Once again would a curse not feel like a curse, You’re telling me I can die, be brought back and have none of the negativity of Life or Undeath? (No aging, look like you’re in mint condition, don’t have to worry about food or sleep, hard af to kill etc.)


Remember when these writers wanted to force horde players to kill her while fighting alongside the alliance in the horrible Orgrimmar scenario? These are the same people trying to 180 the Forsaken. The narrative team needs to be overhauled. Steve Danuser and Alex Afrasiabi need to be name dropped everywhere you post criticism or this crap will just keep continuing.


imagine living without having a sense of taste! an important part of eating is being able to enjoy the flavors! sleeping is nice living without sleep is not a very good thing. You also couldn’t have children!

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Light sucks for undead because it causes them to feel and sense the rotting body along with burning, a lightsaken would most likely still be able to feel, and taste.

I’m sure there is a spell in WoW that could cause you to sleep or at the very least close your eyes and just relax if someone really wants it, already have some pots that cause the player to enter a deep slumber and quickly restore hp and mana.

There are other ways to carry on your Legacy.

Sure I’ll say Night Elf fans are just as bad as Forsaken/Sylvanas fans.

No skin off my back lol.

They act exactly as childish as one another.

Yes exactly. They are constantly getting story focus and, sure, its not always good.

However they are constantly complaining about not getting what they want while the Alliance is sitting here asking for a scrap of anything that isn’t just, ‘You’re losing every time you get story focus.’

They will stomp their feet and throw a tantrum every time new story is added that isn’t exactly what they pictured in their head. Lashing out and acting like toddlers when their headcanon isn’t confirmed.

Night Elf fans do the same thing, and I find them equally as cringey as Horde/Forsaken/Sylvanas fans, but at least they have more of a reason to complain considering every time the Night Elves get story focus, its about them dying.


I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be ticked if the story focus you get sucks, regardless of the faction you play. Even if the way some people complain get super annoying, I don’t think their feelings about this expansion are invalid. It feels like it burned a lot of players here in general.


They get story focus every time the faction war is in the spotlight, and it 100% is not always bad. Yet people are still always complaining if its not exactly what they want.

Meanwhile the other faction’s participation in the story is just being killed or being the tag-along friend while the Horde does its introspection storyline for the 2nd/3rd/4th time.

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:man_shrugging: Meh, I sure as hell hated it. The only point I can point to that I didn’t outright hate was the tidesage that begs to be raised as undead. He kinda speedran the general forsaken experience, but I liked the sort of faustian bargain story that was told. Everything else felt totally blah to me.

It probably sounds crazy to say, but if BFA had to happen, I 100% would have preferred if the horde had been attacked first and Teldrassil’d in some way instead of how the expansion played out.


Can’t we all just agree that the story wasn’t the best for each side for different reasons?

Something Horde side that we complain about may resonate harder with us compared to people who may mainly play or focus alliance (Even if they play both factions)

While Something Alliance side that others complain about Resonates harder with them compared to those who mainly focus horde.

It’s possible both sides of the debate are right, we just are super in our feels to see or notice that though.


This works as well.


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