WoW is the most insidious of drugs. It never lets you go.

You’re not alone though. Everyone was pretty pumped to see what the first non-Orc Warchief would do when given the reins. Instead we all got hoodwinked.

10/10 prank Blizzard. Never do it again.


After the whole thing with Varian and Vol’jin at the end of SoO I expected what we got on the Broken Shore with Varian and Sylvanas between the two of them and the fact it wasn’t Vol’jin irritated the heck out of me so much.


Well at least Slyvanas will get some spotlight. They’re adding in all these really nuanced undead characters who manage to be both heroic and spooky. So with this BFA coming up I’m pretty hyped to see Slyvanas boldly lead the Horde. I mean did you see that intro? The way she rallies everyone with a ‘For The Horde’. At least she’s shaping up to be a really cool Warchief



Talk about misleading.

That cinematic was great. Saurfang charging the Alliance with a Horde banner. Different races in the cinematic. A Tauren bull-rushing. Zekhan zapping Greymane. A Draenei defender in Marad style, dwarves etc.

It felt like the Horde stood together, like Horde and Alliance pride could be real things and BfA could be cool. I should have known better. BfA is such a enormous disappointment.


“Some spotlight” also changed to “All the spotlight”

The best lighting from a world renown cinematographer means little to me when it’s cast on just a pile of shattered hopes.


Dragons existed during the ESO era prior to the lore in Elsweyr, Tiber Septim which conquered all the provinces hundreds of years after the events of ESO had a Dragon.

Elsweyr just made it so there was more notable dragons specifically during that expansion, which wasn’t a retcon but just fleshing out.

I believe they do think this or rather did. They also thought the Alliance players did the Horde questing too. They realized at some point they were wrong and that is why that Achievement “Two Sides to Every Tale” became a thing and gave basically two mounts.

It basically is a bribe to get players to do what they thought they were already doing on their own but weren’t.

The Worgen story in Cata suddenly vanishing until you realize it continued as part of Forsaken Questing comes to mind. They even admitted it was a mistake to have done that then and they still make that mistake 4 X-pacs later.

Also does it surprise anyone they are moving back to the Legion style story with a single set of questing for both Alliance and Horde in the next x-pac?


Which is how it should be. Makes the story so much more coherent, and everyone experiences the same thing. Instead of both sides arguing something didn’t happen because they only got to see 50% of it.

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Then we really don’t need factions at that point. Just have different races having the spot light for an x-pac.

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Everyone pretty much agrees the two faction is an outdated system. No one would really miss it if they did get rid of it. Games like Guilds Wars are insanely successful without it.

And what’s wrong with that approach? We can finally be done with their crappy attempts at a faction war.


If they need an excuse for pvp, just have races having problems with each other and the player gets thrown on one side. Dwarves trying to muck up the environment with the Tauren and Night Elves trying to stop them. Night Elves trying to keep Orcs out of their forests. Blood Elves trying to keep the Void/High Elves away from Silvermoon. Humans fighting literally anyone for a number of reasons like we do IRL…

I can already use merc mode to put on a mask and fight for the Alliance against the Horde, might as well let me enjoy their questing too.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with a factionless approach. I just don’t think having factions then a single set of questing is good. Maybe for a single x-pac like Legion but I do believe the horde felt short changed on that x-pac.

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No in the way you think. More factions would be better. No factions… not really no. I’m interested to see how Ashes of Creations system will go (no real factions, but… there will be sort of factions).

I also think there should be faction locked quests. It’s also rather easy to do, they simply have to be willing.

Personally, I’m a huge fan of questing where the Horde and Alliance chains go through the same area, but aren’t mirrors of each other, and react to what the other does.

(Such as the quests in Ashenvale where Horde players corrupt the Forest Heart, then Alliance players hear that it’s been corrupted and go retrieve it for cleansing.)

To me, it’s the best of both worlds - players on each faction learn of the same events, but with their own spin on things.

What I really don’t like is when the extreme basic knowledge of certain events are faction-locked when they shouldn’t be, such as the worgen not knowing what happened in Gilneas after the evacuation even if they travel back there, or the Horde not knowing wtf was going on in Brennadam.


I don’t think we ever really saw this in the game? But if both factions have to do the same things, their paths and reactions should be different, definitely. It would be an option.

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It’s pretty rare, as I recall. Most of my examples are from Cata, like those Ashenvale quests.


Oh true that was a thing. :grin:

Sums it up pretty well. But you know Blizzard, they love their stereotypes, tropes and being predictable - Whilst lying about it. Also confirming in Q&A that it definitely ‘won’t’ happen (Then obviously does). :confused:


Every time I see that cinematic I cry for the wasted potential. Blizzard letting you down becomes the norm.