I think you need to learn how to read again if you seriously think that is an inflammatory statement.

For that matter, also go read up what “inflammatory” means as well since the definition also appears to be lost upon you.

I don’t care about Trolls or Night Elves they are not what I’m discussing in this thread. If you want, you can make your own thread and discuss them to your hearts content about how badly they suffer i’m not here to measure whose suffering is worse.

Cuz I don’t care about others grievances. We’ve had a whole 2 1/2 years of Night Elf fans loudly crying over Teldrassil while Forsaken fans quietly had to mourn the loss of the only zone their race had any attachment to, their racial themes, and their core character since WC3.

This thread is concerned with the Forsaken’s grievances and them alone. If you want to go cry about Trolls and Night Elves some more, there are likely hundreds of other threads in which to do that. Now if you have nothing useful to add to the discussion, I suggest you take your baseless accusations and cease trying to warp the main message of my thread.


Honestly, I feel like this has happened to the entire Horde. I’ve been kind of stewing on a post lately about how I feel almost like Blizzard is rapping Horde fans over the wrist and telling us everything we like is bad and they know better and will give us something nicer.


Kel’Thuzad? We never did find his phylactery.

Hold up, that was Elesa? Lmao.

Honestly, I was under the impression that was a Pheandra alt.

Yeah, the pets lined up with one of her alt accounts, and she was going on in the discord at the same time with a -slightly- watered down version of the same posts here, absolutely convinced of a conspiracy that we wanted to deny her closure just because people weren’t happy.

Edit: She did weirdly accuse us of allegedly harassing WoW writers on Twitter to try to pressure them into removing the content, though.


He’s in the Shadowlands currently.

Oh, I had not realized she came back. In fact, iirc she left the discord because she felt like thinking about/and discussing the current state of WoW was causing them grief irl.

Maybe some of us are also writers at Blizzard who designed and constructed the story who intentionally destroyed Teldrassil to spite the Night Ef playerbase.

This thread just confirms that Forsaken/Horde apologists are the absolute worst type of poster on this forum. Always trying to one-up other races in how bad they have it, and quick to hide or push aside the fact that they’ve participated in some of the most cruel and barbaric acts that the game world has ever seen (Destruction of Southshore, Hillsbrad, Theramore, Astranaar, Teldrassil, etc.) meanwhile, being led by the biggest Mary Sue of the entire series who puts other sues in this same category to shame.

And you people wonder why so many now make fun of their current plight at getting stuck with Calia.

And yeah, I know I’ll likely be banned/edited or muted for making this post because of the influx of reports from butthurt apologists who can’t handle the truth. But that’s fine. I’ve already screenshotted it for posterity. I will gladly take that forum vacation if that’s what it takes.

Iva out.


Or you know, maybe everyone (Horde and Alliance) could talk about what they see as the problems with their preferred race/faction without always turning it into a &^*& match over who had it worse?

Because, honestly, arguing over who had it worse is letting Blizzard off the hook, because implicit in the argument is the belief that Blizzard can/will only fix so much and therefore any fix has to be justified as being the most urgent.

The reality is that the Forsaken have serious narrative problems, the Night Elves have serious narrative problems. Frankly, just about every race/faction has serious narrative problems (Not you, Vulpera - you’re awesome). Blizzard should expend the energy and resources to work to fix all of that, rather than encouraging this internecine conflict between player bases.


OP is talking about poor lore development, what are you even on about? Who cares what “bad things” a fictional character has done, the writing should still be competent and satisfying.

P. S. I swear, some of yall cannot talk about Horde or Alliance without immediately getting weird and pretending you are somehow the victim because the race you play as in the game got attacked.


I don’t think you’ve read the OP at all nor do you seem to remember who I am.

No, I’m simply bringing attention to the matter. I have no intention to 1-up anyone. Sorry, but I’m not going to spam threads about how the Night Elves are ruined because of Teldrassil even though the core themes and characters of their race remains surprisingly intact. The same cannot be said for the Forsaken, which is the issue that I’m bringing attention to. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want to sit here and draw comparisons, you’re welcome to but that’s not the intention of this thread.

Yeah, cuz immature and petty behavior from the minority of one group begets immature and petty behavior from the other.

No, cuz no one on my side of the fence is petty enough to flag peoples’ posts for having an opinion contrary to theirs, like the people on your side of the fence who tried to do that to mine earlier.(and failed)


Two of my threads have been flagged and restored in the past 2 months. Maybe that’s not “your side of the fence” though, but still. Let’s not pretend no one else flags things.


I doubt it. If anything, you will probably be flagged by Night Elf Posters for not saying enough nice things about them.

The OP was flagged by people who share your opinion. The people making false flags and being the worst scum in the Forums are actually the people espousing your opinion, trying to shut down topics they do not like.

I suppose this is subjective. I believe those who False flag others and report posts simply because they disagree are the worst members of this Forum. And those people are the Alliance posters and touched Night Elf Posters. They hit this thread hard with flags, which Blizzard rightfully dismissed.

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Yeah, to be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens. Iva’s post is practically begging to be flagged with the way it was written.

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Well…that’s literally what I was trying to do, so…

Like, at no point was this intended to be some kind of Tug-of-war game of who’s faction suffered the most. I’m simply pointing out the massive flaws of how a particular character and story was handled until subsequent posters decided to home in on a chunk of text and proceed to completely warp the message my thread was originally trying to convey. Into a “my navel is bigger than your navel” competition.

Seems kind of like a major wasted opportunity to not have a Forsaken, preferably an older one, going to Maldraxxus to go personally beat up Kel’thuzad.

I still can’t tell if the dwarves being given no spotlight or plot relevance is a good or bad thing, but I’m trending towards good.


You said this:

That’s pretty specific.


I absolutely get that is what you were trying to do. Unfortunately, I think the way you worded your first bullet on your list of three bullets opened the door to the &^& match.


Tell me about it how in the hell does my thread saying we should all stop gatekeeping choice controversial

The lack of awareness to claim that Forsaken fans have been quiet, especially on this particular board, is baffling. I have seen plenty of threads in the past 2 and 1/2 years bemoaning the “villain batting” of Sylvanas and yelling about all things Calia, not only threads, but replies to other threads.