RIP Flamelash

Eh, not bad, but try kiting to undercity.
IF has an easy entryway, UC is a pain.

Please, UC has a very easy entryway. Just go in the sewer. That’s how people did [For the Alliance!] city raids back in the day. No guards in the sewer until you get to a few paired abominations, so a raid with world boss in tow can easily get it into the heart of the city.

Have troubles getting Shadra to go in it.
Then again, horde kited what’s his name to SW once, and damned boss got stuck in a house.
Big tall angry guy…

Oh he could hit everyone else, but attack him and


I didn’t even play Legion, let alone BfA. You silly people need to stop assuming a lack of experience when you find yourself losing the argument. If I need to swap to my retail profile so you can see Vanilla specific Feats of Strength as well as several Server Firsts, I can happily oblige.


You really can’t just say “difference”

From Alliance to Horde, it is a 50% increase.
From Horde to Alliance, it is a 66% decrease.

This is the classic ratio problem teachers would present to students by asking:

“Which item is more expensive? Item A priced at $25.55 with a 10% discount, or Item B which is normally priced at $20.00, but has been marked up by 20%?”

If you think 60 v 90 is manageable, I question your judgment as much as I question your numeracy.

Will you please go back to the fourth grade and relearn fractions and percentages? Your posts are making me die inside.



Does it equal 2v3?


So let’s get this straight. Blizzard catered to Alliance carebears? So sad. Alliance just wants warmode. It’s in BFA.

1 Like

Except the person he was responding to said they were outnumbered 2:1.

50% is not 2:1, it’s 1.5:1. Simple math.

But where I get confused by the 50% claim is that 60:40 has 20% more of one side than the other, not 50%. It’s 50% of the difference, sure, but not 50% of the total.



In a 60:40 ratio, there are 50% more Horde than Alliance.

40 * 1.5 = 60



Holy hell autrwarrior’s math rambling physically upset me. That was painful reading.


I almost feel bad for Flamelash Horde players…almost.

Lol, what a bunch of math nerds. I’m ally and i smash horde all the time, they go “Please no my children!!” Then i go “ME SMASH YOU DIE!!!” Then there are no more horde… Explain that math people. ally 1 horde 0.


Blizz going to make bank if they open up paid transfers. And I don’t see why they wouldn’t. They existed in vanilla and blizz has proven to be extremely greed driven. So why not?

It’s gotta be a troll.
Even politicians in Texas aren’t this bad.


I R Confuzded?

40/60 = 4/6 = 3/2 = 120/180
All of those are the same, did you hit reply before finishing?


So, what you’re saying, is that the Horde players didn’t want to be on a PVP server anymore so they forced it to be PVE?


Lmao, the fact that we whooped the Alliance so bad that they just surrendered an entire effing server. That’s just so priceless.


That feeling when simple math feels like the most complicated thing in the world… To me it looked like a 2/5, or 20%, increase over the other. (Horde is 60/100, or 3/5ths, and Alliance is 40/100, or 2/5ths, meaning that the difference in power balance is 3/5 - 2/5 = 1/5 or 20%.) Obviously this would be 20% of the total server population and why I’m dumb and bad at analytical thinking.

But your unbelievably simple equation makes way more sense when looked at with the understanding that we’re talking about an extra 50% of the total number of ALLIANCE, not 50% of the total server population. Please kindly allow me to remove my pants from my head now.

Stupidity is the leading cause of stupidity in the world, obviously.


The best part about this entire thread is those alliance that transfered are now crying because alof of horde also transfered to the new server - so the alliance having been camped for 3+ weeks are still being camped on their new server

PvP on a PvP server


All this situation it’s just a meme hahahahahahaha