Lol i thought this was a joke… that’s actually the KSM mount? LOL


I think the mounts great. I dont get why its not a cool dragonriding customisation instead tho like razsageth and pvp gets.

Looks ugly as all hell.


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I’m more irritated the mounts you get from killing the rares in DF aren’t even flyable……that’s just stupid….

That really pales in comparison to the crazy voidwalker that came before it

They shoulda made KSM mount a dragonriding mount in a color we don’t have yet, like purple


The fact that keystone players are left out of a unique dragon riding reward is simply unfair.


I like it, but I would have preferred a dragon riding skin like raid and pvp is getting

it’s a +1 on my mount collection. And let’s face it we have our favorite mount and we keep using it. And the rest gathers pixilated dust in our mount tab.

They didn’t know what player feedback to dragon riding would be so they planned on the KSM mount being a normal ground one in case feedback was negative.

Yup, I’ve complained about this issue so much already and I dont think they care. That mount is so basic looking - like a vendor mount you buy for 500g. Doesn’t come close to the awesome looking shadowlands KSM mounts.

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I don’t care if the mount is ugly, I just like having it and the achievement so I can cackle at all the posers in normal dungeons when they tell me I suck!


It looks cool

Buuut, they gave it terrible animations cuz blizzard

They probably should have gone with a full skin transformation for the dragon riding mount as they are doing with the gladiator mount for S1.

I cant wait for the pink recolored version in season 2 (sarcasm)

It’s a blue King Behemoth mount from FF14! I love it.

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It’s funny it’s not a flying mount in an expansion about flying dragons. Maybe next season then?

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I agree with op on this one…strange choice of blizzard to not make a dragon skin as ksm mount considering the expansion is all about DRAGONS!

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That’s not a good choice? That thing looks amazing.

For the first time since they were introduced I kind of want KSM now.

Today I saw a beast in Azure Span looking exactly like that KSM mount. In other words, they just copy pasted a beast from DF into the new KSM mount. Meanwhile the raiding and gladiator rewards seem to be unique.

Who is more likely to use ground mounts and who is more likely to use flying mounts?

Answer is pretty simple. Arena players almost exclusively use ground mounts in arenas. They can never fly anyway.

M+ players actually do have to occasionally fly to dungeons. Makes sense for us to actually get a custom dragon riding skin and/or custom flying mount.

I got the KSM mount yesterday and it is as disappointing as I expected it would be when first announced.