Not much to say here other than I’m genuinely wondering what was going on in their heads when they decided this would be a good mount reward choice to incentivize more players to strive for doing higher keys and get the KSM achievement?


i kinda like it


That armoredon is a beast. Looks good and powerful in my opinion. What don’t you like about it?

I mean, I guess it has a cool mouth? I think I’ll be striving for the Gladiator dragon riding mount instead thank you :upside_down_face:


It looks like a random vendor mount. As lazy as reskinning the same mount four times in SL was, at least that mount was visually impressive and distinct.

Also insane to me that in an expac where the main new feature is a special new flight mode they give us a reward that’s completely incompatible with it.


Seems fine to me.

It’s a unique mount, looks good. Sure it’s a ground mount, but that’s honestly fine, because you can’t use regular flying mounts in the Dragon Isles right now (well, you can, but not to fly).

Most people will just be using their flying dragonriding mounts let’s be honest. I mean sure you can use it to travel short distances before bouncing back to your flying mount.

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I love it! Look up “Behemoth Final Fantasy”, its basically that. They just took a final fantasy monster and made it a mount in this game.

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I really like it!
Won’t be using it but then again, KSM isn’t supposed to be “Get KSM for the mount”

But as a ground mount, it looks cool ^^
Surprising that they didn’t create a DR transformation though, like the did with Gladiators and Vault of the Incarnates

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2 of the dragonriding dragons are missing “alternate” skins…one of them could have been Tarecgosa if you did questline and got achievement :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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They could add that as a “hidden” quest, but I don’t think asking people to collect old legendaries to get to experience current content is an all that good of an idea

But for hidden quests I’m at least more accepting of it if its a minor thing, not a full on transformation
Like a quest like this could add a new set of horns, but a full transformation wouldn’t be good I dont think

It’s an ugly mount but to be honest I’ve never cared about the mounts anyway.

I just enjoy keys.


Pretty much. It’s a reward you want…or don’t. Sums it up darn good.

Besides yelling at the sky, what did you want?

It’s probably a hint that dragon riding wont leave this expac.

I just don’t think it’s:
a) a mount aesthetically pleasing and worthy enough for an achievement like KSM
b) a mount that fits in the Dragon Isles
c) and it’s not a Dragonriding mount

That’s my opinion, you may like it and if so that’s great, I just don’t think it’s suitable due to the above I’ve said.

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The main negative I have is it’s not a DR mount. I personally like the mount tho outside of that

I don’t care what the ksm mount is as long as it is unique.

im gonna get it for the portals anyways (assuming there are portals to get still).

couldnt care less about a mount.

It should be unacceptable to have any kind of mount that isn’t a dragonriding mount as a reward for these types of activities, why does Gladiator get a sweet custom dragonriding mount but KSM and potentially the raids don’t?


I understand the Gladiator achievement is extremely difficult. That doesn’t mean KSM is not an achievement worthy of a nice mount reward. If people like it, that’s great, personally I don’t though. It reminds me of the kodo mounts in WoW, and it gives me WOD mount vibes?

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