Probably future raid drops.

This shows that Blizzard decided M+ was not worthy of a special dragon-riding skin that you can get from raiding/pvp.

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M+ is a different activity to raiding though. The two take place in very different environments, although they are interlinked, but one does not necessarily need to do M+ to do raiding and vice versa. So it makes sense to have different rewards for each since both are significant achievements

Do an armored one for top 0.5% players. :dracthyr_love_animated:

its insane looking what r u even talking about dude

Exactly, gladiator/raids/mythic+ should all be rewarding cool unique dragon flying mount this expansion not some ground mount we will almost never ever use.


Well I’m not typically motivated by mounts to begin with so I don’t really get what the big deal is about this one in particular

no one does KSM for the mount if they weren’t already doing those dungeons.

It’s a pretty sweet mount, but it’s pretty bad in comparison to the pvp drake form. Not sure why Blizzard did this instead of a drake form similar to pvp

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I think it’s neat.

Rip. I was hoping they’d change like they did with the 500 mount one. Or at the very least also give us a dragonriding customization too. It’s a fine mount that I wouldn’t mind farming a rare, rep, or doing something 7 days to get it, but as a reward for ksm? Not so much. Oh well, I guess it’s another mount I’ll never use that I’ll add in my collection so I get the 600 mount achieve when they add that in.

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If that had wings like the hunter order hall mount that would be the sickest mount on my log. Why is it a ground mount? Who is using ground mounts?


I wonder if they did it to incentivize more people to do PVP for Gladiator but that’d be really hard to get

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But it’s not. Especially when the there is a discrepancy in exlcusive seasonal rewards between the primary three styles of play (Raids/M+/PVP). Why does Raiding and PvP give a dragonriding mount/reskin but M+ gets stuck with a ground mount?


Honestly do you know the crap storm that would arise from a dragon riding mount being a reward?

Come on now

My brother in christ, it’s already a thing.

Raiding and PvP

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Don’t assume my gender or diety.

I identify as a moistened UPS package of tube socks And I worship Those lickasticks in fun dip

Why are yall mad?
It’s literally friend shaped.

People are just lying to themselves if they thought they were going to get mount varieties for m+ reward mounts. When it was already established prior with CMs in MoP, with 4 phoenixes. And when gladiator (requiring easily still more work even after the BFA change), only got seasonal reskins in an expansion.

i wanted a dragonriding mount :broken_heart:

but i will still take the beast :100: