RIP Cata Classic

Yeh. Sure.

I don’t really care what you think and as for Mythic+ I don’t really care, classic vs retail is different, and when you see how parsing is done in Classic you realize that people parse by ignoring mechanics and simply hard focusing the boss, from skipping adds on Suarfang is a popular one, or skipping spikes on Marrowgar, these are how the best parses are achieved and that’s a simple fact, not speculation, an actual fact which can be verified by actually reviewing the logs.

Now as for the assumption that just getting H LK makes me bad thats a false equivalency, I was with guilds that I enjoyed being around, people that are at a similar point in life as myself, working professionals from their 30’s on, sure some younger folks I’m sure are there but the overall culture is laid back, fun, and not overly stressed. I’m happy to let you weirdo’s in your 20’s be server first chasing, because you have nothing else of value in your life, and your still trying to figure out who you are, and your basing your worth on what you do in a video game, I play a video game to relax after doing my life we are not the same.

Already explained how this isn’t true, you conveniently ignored it.

Blood beasts really don’t take long to die, not an excuse to parse green, especially as a hunter as you have a much easier time tabbing over to hit your assigned blood beast than a caster does.

I mean, these will literally get oneshot by melee cleave so you shouldn’t be targeting them anyways lol

Not sure how anybody can be laid back when you spend 20 weeks progging HLK and people are still wiping the raid with defile or some other stupid easy sh1t to avoid but ok u do u IG. Keep on whining about pandas and insisting that PvP is easy when you and your group can’t even manage to do the EXACT same mechanics in the EXACT same order every single week.

and we don’t know what the reaction of the free transfers to WotLK classic servers will be, I don’t think many want to advance to the next classic expansion, and with MoP Remix, it seems that Blizzard’s new decision is that we don’t have a MoP classic as next classic expansion for those who want to play in their common style that was the expansion.

Anyway… I hardly want to be in the next expansion, something difficult for rogues and casters who have to have their legendary weapons with ease in Cataclysm.

I think you should ask your parents before getting back online, your likely affecting your high school grades

Mop Remix may 16 wow cata Release may 20 ? I don’t think that they’re the same release date or close I’ll give you that.

On top of that I don’t know how long the event is lasting But i’m pretty sure it’s till the War within releases ?

That and I think they’re both for different audiences I mean For me , i’m going to play both , but I like dragonflight and wrath And I know I am not the common denominator.

Normally if you like Classic wow You hate modern wow Advice versa There’s some Roll over with wrath and tbc but Normally you’re not going to go from Classic two df you no.

So I don’t think it’s gonna kill it on top of that I think cata Is it going to be a different type? I don’t think it’s going to be a major hype train like wrath.

I think it’s going to be a slow What growth where we’re gonna see People coming to the game over time.

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Damn bro maybe just take the L and stop typing if you have nothing left to say. For someone so obsessed with saying “muHhhHh iM OLdeR ThaN YoU”, you really are a child lmao

hmmm… bad date for both events, That would affect any community to decide what they are going to do, that is not one or 2 days.

It seems to me that it is a bad decision by Blizzard, and probably Cataclysm because of its bad image due to some decisions and the farewell to WotLK. I don’t think it is a good classic expansion content.

It should be delayed further if you want Cataclysm to be playable, and we don’t know if there will be much migration to the WotLK classic servers because of that.

Now I remember why I blocked you. Nonstop lying like this right here. Where is your retail toon that played MoP? Post on it? And they were right about MoP you were wrong.

They did gut the classes. Forced you into one single talent tree, no more frost fire mages, no more shockadins, no more feralbooms. And then glyphs as well. Lots of spells and abilities were gone.

It is very obvious that they are releasing MoP next and then WoD after that. They are advertising MoP nonstop now.

In just a few years…we will be playing Dragongflight Classic.

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hello buddy =) remember this set? probably not, right?

Yeah I remember being very bored in original mop, and found Panderia to be a bit meh. Loved the original mistweaver spec though.

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Completely diff audience. MoP remix is just dragonflight classes in watered down MoP content.

some people just love being wrong

where are you with your big talk buddy

no just going down to your level so you better understand me

Again, you shouldn’t be criticising someone else’s age or education when you haven’t mastered first grade homophones.


Gained dark apotheosis tank warlock, pet-only PvP BM hunter, and harsh words paladin was way better than OG shockadin; all thanks to new glyph additions. Those are just the ones that i’m aware of. MoP had the most playstyle customization since vanilla, and unlike vanilla you didn’t have to hunt various pieces of weapons and armor over months. Just buy a glyph, respec, reforge, and you’re there.

MoP is coming soon. It is already being advertised and it is being advertised a lot more than Cata ever was. That means they are going to rush thru Cata Classic. And then we will have WoD coming up next. In just a few years you’ll all get what you wanted… you’ll be playing Classic Dragonflight. Cuz by this point it is very obvious. None of you actually want the old original worlds. You keep demanding back to back changes to it and then you keep demanding that it end and go onto the next thing.

Yea you people really are going to be playing Classic Dragonflight before you know it cuz that seems to be exactly what you want. You want the retail versions of these old original Classics. You all asked for WoW tokens and a whole bunch of other stuff that makes Classic into retail. Then when Dragonflight Classic ends, you will all be playing The War Within Classics. But you keep demanding that each version end faster and that it be shorter so yea that reality that i am saying there is not too hard to believe.

Like what does Cata give you that you cant get right now beside going up to level 85? What does it give? Pretty much nothing. All it does it take away. Enjoy your Classic Dragonfliight, coming soon.

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New zones, new dungeons, new raids and a large group of people all leveling through them together. While you can get a semblance of the zones, dungeons, and raids in retail you won’t really get to do the dungeons and raids since most people will be playing the most recent expansion. All you really can do in retail is the Cata single person quests.

just play the game , otherwise don’t pay and leave . no one likes whining

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