RIP Cata Classic

I mean sub numbers stagnated in wrath, you could say that wrath was the first iteration of wow to not gain subs, seems kinda mid to me.

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Hmm… Alright. How about the word “literally” then? MoP literally wasn’t the “worst expansion in the history of WoW”.

Does that work better for you?

Haha, y’all need to accept that people like different stuff and move on. You aren’t going to convince others that what you like is best.

Lol, I don’t care if some people don’t like MoP, or Cata, or what have you. That’s their loss. Straight up calling MoP “the worst expansion” in the game’s history, though? I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t say that and not expect to get at least a little bit clowned on.


First off. I liked MoP. So I am not arguing with you on whether or not it was subjectively good.

No it doesn’t because best/worst/good/bad are all still using ones opinion on the subject. If you were to say MoP objectively/literally had more subs than any given xpac then that would be accurate. But that’s not the metric most people are using when they say it was bad/good. What most people mean by bad/good is whether or not they liked it. And that cannot be objective.

It can be when you conglomerate enough data from enough sources. It’s called statistical analysis.

Even just going by subs as a metric, the difference between active subs during MoP vs Shadowlands is gigantic. That’s not for no reason.

If all you care about is the way I used “objectively” and "literally, then fine. If you want to be very pedantic and absolute with definitions, I’ll rescind my use of those words. To say “MoP isn’t the worst WoW expansion of all time” isn’t a literal, objective fact, but it’s knocking on the door of objective fact. Hell, it’s practically breaking and entering.

mop remix is using all of the retail garbage. I will not be playing it. Also they do not care about cata. There has been no dev updates like there was for wrath in regards to how cata is going to play out. ie are we going to be doing pre nerfed heroics? pre nerfed bosses? None of that has been clarified. Devs are dead silent because they’re working on SOD, mop remix, and retail. Mop remix is only being deployed to entice players to join retail again. I mean we’re skipping like ALL of the cata prepatch phases so yeah like i said, dead giveaway they dont give a ****

I approve of your post. Bottom line: If you don’t like the game, just leave. This is not an airport. You do not need to announce your departure. When you quit, there is a box to explain your reason. This is not that box.

That is all. Goodbye.

did Arena back in the day, it was easy, and again with parses thinking they are relevant, orange parsers are people that don’t do mechanics properly and are poor team players.

Wow for me ended at MoP everything after Mop is just more Mop, it was the expansion that convinced me it would be more fun to watch paint dry than continue playing WoW, I came back to play classic when the game was still fun with like minded folks, I activly avoid parsers and anyone born after 1995 as they lack of sense of maturity or fun.

its not MOP sry !

Dayum son, no need to destroy him with facts like this

I can’t remember which xpac it was, but it was the one with the Mage Tower you had to do weekly. That is when I started to go downhill for me. It didn’t “end” but it was not as much fun for sure. DF is really the one that has stopped WoW for me, which is the reason I’m back here.

Legion is the expansion you are referring to.

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Ah ok – I could not remember which one it was…
I hated Mage Tower
and I hated that thing in the Maw even more.

Do you mean Torghast?

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner :slight_smile:

The Pandaren race originated in the artwork of Samwise Didier, dating back to the 90s. Pandaren appeared in the franchise as far back as Warcraft III.


Wasn’t up to speed on this remix thing. I don’t normally come in through retail portal. May have to check it out if I can find time. Another way to look at it is something that may generate more interest for MOP Classic progression when we get there.

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except none of the classes will play like they did in mop