RIP Cata Classic

mop was the worst exp ever lol are u blind?

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Personal incredulity.

No, they just repeatedly spout “they were an april fool’s joke hurr durr!”

Conveniently ignoring that Chen Stormstout is cited as a key figure in the founding of Orgrimmar…

Bro is so mad :rofl: once again you ignore every single point I make about actual gameplay because you don’t understand this game at all, and you go on crying about the theme. I think you might need to see a therapist so you can stop seeing the pandas in your nightmares lmao jesus

EDIT: LMAO wait, you’ve only killed HLK twice and we’re in the last 2 lockouts of the expansion… and you’re throwing personal attacks at ME and trying to argue class depth lmfao I’m done. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


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In terms of the roadmap, looks like Cata classic and SOD will largely overlap. Seeing as I’m in a warehouse six days a week no way in heck there will be time for everything.

You seem to equate what I do now to what I was doing back then, I’m not interested in running like I did back then, these days I have a life and good company matters I got the kill thats the only thing thats relevant now, and yes I will tell you your wrong because you are objectively wrong, your opinion is dog poop and your a idot.

And all class depth was gone in MoP, one of the biggest complaints at the time was the gutting of talents, and the over simplication of the classes to optimize the playstyle things where removed even more so than cata. Classes lost all uniqueness and benefits all in the name of pvp balance, all the flavor was gone, and this was a complaint back then, but likely you where 12 and just remember pandas.

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Sounds like excuses for being bad but w/e. You have 210 kills logged btw, you’ve been raiding weekly since the phase came out and have only just now killed HLK. I’m a PvPer, I hate raiding and even I killed him months ago lol.

Says this yet at the same time says things like this:

Also again you’re wrong, not sure what else to tell you. You’re making random sh1t up like the old talent system adds depth and I’m telling you it doesn’t because everybody uses the exact same cookie cutter builds. Rotation, cooldowns, and mechanical complexity is what makes a class have depth or not, and MoP has all of those. Meanwhile early versions of WoW have most classes spamming 1 button. Can you explain how that is “depth” or are you just going to keep deflecting and resorting to personal attacks?

Like here you are saying cata is peak design just because it has an extremely dumbed down talent system? But before you’re saying old talents = complexity because you can “optimize your build”? What “optimizing” are you doing with Cata’s watered down talent trees? Cata design is really good but its not because of the talents :rofl: they’re even more simple than the original talent system like what are you even talking about

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Cata still had talents and flavor, as for being bad again I play with like minded folks, nice middle aged folks like myself, and PVP is once again a joke, always has been a joke in WoW, when a PVP’er says anything you can take it with a grain of salt because they have no valid or valued opinions on anything, again if you want PVP i suggest an actually balanced game, but you’d likely get your butt handed to you in an arena shooter or hack n slash game, where its 100% skill and gear isn’t locked behind an arbitrary wall, the closest wow has ever gotten to being an actual serious game is the old system where players where given all gear freely for compitition at blizzcon, but the actual pvp in wow itself its a joke and anyone pretending its not, well they just know they don’t have the chops to do real pvp content.

And again yes I was raiding every week, with people I enjoyed being around, my life isn’t a sad pathetic thing like yours where my entire sense of self and achievement comes from a video game, one day you might grow up though and realize there is more to life, maybe if you get a job, and a family you might understand but right now your to young and foolish to actually realize whats actually important, and stop using but pvp its not important its always been the red headed step child of wow and always will be, pve matters, and pve design was horrible in mop, no classes retained any of their unique flavor for Mop, and having extra buttons does not equate to good design.


Should prob work on those green parses then, this PvPer is vastly outperforming you :skull:

No PvP game is ever balanced btw, there is always a meta no matter what game you play. Also, you’re assuming I don’t play other PvP games for some reason lmao

Cope for being bad.

More personal attacks from the guy claiming to be an adult who “doesnt care” about games, meanwhile you are on a video game forum whining about virtual pandas and throwing insults at anybody who disagrees with you. You need some serious self awareness :joy:

In my experience, only people who say things like this are green parsing PvE’rs who stand in fire because they’re too busy staring at their action bars and then claim that raiding is the most difficult content in the game.

yea whatever you say, maybe check with your mom before getting online,

again you think parsing is relevant, this isn’t Molten Core or sunwell anymore, what matters far more is mechanics, and going foward that still applies, what you will find though is orange parses are either fed gear or they ignore mechanics to to “parse”, instead of doing their actual role, but you simple minded pvp idiots wouldn’t understand the term mechanics because they don’t exist in pvp.

Garrosh turned out to be wow’s best villain.
In latter years.

Elegant simplicity . The dude just wanted to pick a whole bunch of fights,

As wow went for the 10 dimensional chess villains….they just fell flat on their faces.

Garrosh just wanted to see the blood flow since he was a ticked off orc.

Several villains after….want to kill 99% of all life to save the world or universe. I’ll take the orc with an attitude.

When the grand plan is to kill all life to save it…that plot is thin as hell. It only worked in fallout 4 imo.


It was thought of by robobrains. Brains taken from disturbed psychotic prisoner test subjects would naturally come up with some freaky ideas as to how to save people.

The robobrains killed people quickly to save them from their most likely more painful death to the post bombed out world for those who didn’t play fallout 4.

Bro you’re telling me you have been raiding for 21 weeks now and you still can’t get the mechanics down? They’re the same every week they never change lmao

Cope for being bad.

:rofl: arena is 10x harder than doing the same fight every week btw. Here’s a pro tip for you: stop staring at your action bars and move out of fire

I mean, Garrosh was kinda racist but I agree he’s the best non-WC character we had.

So I’m not misunderstood, Garrosh didn’t care about the Horde, he only cared for the Orcs who just happened to be in the Horde IIRC.

That’s funny arena is a joke, no talent or skill required, you pvpers are just sad people stop being bad

Garrosh was a great villain, just a terrible character, thanks entirely to how every single person writing him wanted to take him in a different direction

Prime example of this is the difference between the quests in Stonetalon Mountains and Twilight Highlands. In Stonetalon he heavily berates and executes his own general for the senseless slaughter of innocents…then 10 hours of quests later turns right around and sends his own defensive formation away to bully some stranded dwarves and then immediately gets BTFO’d by twilight dragons

when i read this i see a fat guy saying that having a good shape doesnt matter because muh superior fat guy IQ

its not only intelectually dishonest but is also a lie

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The great Inigo Montoya once said - “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Fun/Unfun (Which is what is being implied by the good/bad argument) CANNOT be Objective!

Guy with 0 arenas played says arena takes no talent or skill :skull:

Also says stop being bad meanwhile is a green parser who has only recently killed HLK for the very first time. Yikes.

oh yes we you lose almost a fourth of a player base that’s success, give me a break you sound like a nice shareholder.

You have a narrow view of success, all that matters to you is if the subs dropped. So Starcraft 2 only sold 6 million copies of the game and was a success while Cata sold 12 million copies of it’s game and had 10.2 million people paying $15 every month for 22 months but is a failure because it lost subs over it’s 2 year life time. There are many games that never reached the sales of Cata, that didn’t even have as many sales as Cata’s lowest sub number Yet Cata was a failure just because it lost subs. Even BC sold less copies of the game and had less subs but it’s a success but the far more profitable Cata is a failure because it lost subs. The simple fact is you’re an economic moron. Most companies wish they could get to 12 million copies sold and wish they could have 10.2 million monthly $15 subs over a 2 year life of their game.