RIP Cata Classic

Ooof Legion? Legion killed retail forever for me. But different strokes for different folks i guess

I do agree on MoP though. Cata & MoP were peak in my mind.

Why? Is it “LaWl PaNdAs” or is there a real argument to be had?

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The numbers don’t lie but you do. Excluding the last 2 months of cata when the subs dropped to 9.1 million 85% of cata players paid for 21 months. 10.2 million players, a number that dwarfed all it’s competitors several times. Cata was a massive success based on the numbers.


yes no class depth, bad theme, over reliance on dailies, no meaningful progression or big bad to fight.

Yes I agree cata did have

no Cata had those, Mop had none of it, Mop is a souless cash grab to milk Kung Fu Panda nothing more

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I care about cata but I also care about permanent wrath classic servers to. Both are important and I want both.

It’s a retail thing

I will miss the vanilla zones again. we’ve been stuck with the cata versions of most zones for over a decade now. Really wish they have Zidormi wind back to vanilla leveling or just have it part of Chromie time. Call me strange, but I actually like vanilla Desolace.

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Ofc there’s others who don’t like it, every expansion has haters. However, you’re in the minority in not liking it and to go as far as to say its the worst expansion is just laughable and tells me that you haven’t played it, or more recent expansions. Also I just told you how your numbers argument doesn’t hold up and you conveniently ignored it.

Yeah things like this tell me that you never actually played MoP. MoP class design is so good and so universally loved because of the depth of them lmao. This was the last expansion that players were given new abilities before they started pruning in WoD and as a result, every single class has so many buttons and feels so fleshed out.

Bro lmao the old talents are the exact same, everybody runs the EXACT SAME BUILD. You run the same cookie cutter build that you found online and you never change talents around ever. At least with MoP talents, you often switch them around consistently, depending on the situation. And even beyond talents, the actual class design of MoP is way more complex than that of WoTLK or earlier expansions. I mean TBC and Vanilla saw classes LITERALLY SPAMMING 1 BUTTON and you want to talk about MoP not having class depth :joy:


Why is it odd. They know a lot of Classic players hated Cata and Retail has a content drought going on.

So they’re using SoD and this Remix to keep the subs.

This is like the “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” of WoW.

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wow what a sad, ignorant and xenophobic thing to say.

Do we all know this? No, we all don’t know this but thanks for trying to speak for me. Your opinions border on absurd so please don’t ever think you speak for me, ever.

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you are clueless, giving alot of buttons is not class depth, its simply giving alot of buttons and no most of us respec often to optimize our builds, i’m frequently respecing for the need for a raid buff or talet ect, with MOP that goes away, and no there is no depth, MOP sucks and yes I was there for it, the boring bland of all of it

Projection at its finest.

No one respecs in WoTLK “frequently” to get a raid buff nor does anyone respec “frequently” to get extra talent needed for a raid. That does not exist in WoTLK. I’d guess 99% of the people use a cookie cutter build, talent and frake work from places like wowhead or iceyveins for all of their specs. Yes as new tier gear drops you might change a talent around but “frequently” no.

As far as “many buttons”, he never even stated that giving “alot of buttons” (btw: fun fact, alot is not an actual word) was classic or even made classic, but I do agree with him, pushing 1 button and pretending like you are doing some “leet” is not much class depth.


I hope that you’re aware that Pandaria and the Pandarians themselves were already established in lore.

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I assume the “lol kung fu panda” types are not aware.

Yea you have no idea what you are talking about lmao. More buttons means more complex rotations, more skill expression, etc. Many classes have unique resource systems to manage aswell. You are never going to convince anybody here that MoP classes have less depth than Vanilla and TBC classes that do nothing but spam 1 button in raids. You should probably play MoP for the first time when it comes around instead of forming opinions on expansions that you didn’t bother to play because you hated the theme so much.

Also, no. nobody respecs often to optimize builds lol. You’re acting like these talents are complex like PoE style talents or something but this game is solved bro :rofl: everybody uses the exact same build, there is 0 reason to swap around points or to experiment. Hell you aren’t even able to change your talents on the fly without talking to a trainer, so there isn’t even the added complexity of changing points here and there for different situations like MoP has.


You literally had garrosh nuking theramore, the big bad was bult up throughout the xpack rather then on the box, dailies, fine, class depth? Every class has a rotation, alot of classes gameplay was different and everyone was broken as heck, and it had the same type of progression style as the other xpacks in the early and mid eras (Vanilla - WoD)

Garrosh did nothing wrong.

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