RIP Cata Classic

Strange because many players agree that ToT and SoO are some of the best raids ever made. Sounds like you hate the theme and didn’t give it a chance.

No, you are definitely in the minority for not liking MoP, and an even bigger minority for saying that its the “worst expansion ever.” That is quite a spicy hot take there. MoP had the best class design, best pvp, and best endgame systems that we’ve ever seen.

So first you say its the worst expansion ever, then you go on to cite sub numbers as proof for your claim. If we start to apply your logic to other expansions, we can quickly see how this argument falls apart.

WoTLK is considered by many to be one of the best expansions ever, yet that is the first expansion where the sub numbers stopped growing and stagnated. So again, by that logic then WoTLK isn’t a great expansion either.

WoD’s launch saw subs spike back up to 10M at launch, and yet it managed to lose about half of those and go down to 5M in just 3 months, and then they quit displaying sub numbers. So if just going by sub numbers alone, WoD is objectively worse than MoP.

Despite losing sub numbers, 7.5M is still a lot of people paying to play the game, indicating that a lot of people liked the expansion. In comparison, Legion (another popular expansion) managed to sink all the way down to 4.5-5M towards the end of it.

Roughly 7.25M are subbed to the game currently, around the same as MoP. Except this time, those subs are split across about 5 or 6 different versions of WoW. MoP managed to maintain those same sub numbers all by itself. So long story short, yeah I don’t think the “numbers” are really proving your point very well. There are MANY factors for why an expansion may seem an increase or decrease in sub numbers, and it does not objectively mean that “X expansion is bad”.


Ok you can dislike MOP but calling Asian HISTORY bland is the most wildly ignorant thing ive ever seen.


you bring cluelessness to a whole new level

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no its a fact, Asian history has nothing exciting going on, unless you cite what was going on in Mesopotamia as Asian history which it’s not, I’ll take the persians, greeks, hittites, akkadians ect over Japan, korea, or China any day.

There are a ton of folks who do not like MoP, I’m not even close to being alone in this, the numbers is just one example, its reference as being wow for the kids and to draw in the kung fu panda crowd is another black mark, the absolute requirement to spend 20-30hr a week on dailies to even keep up per toon, and the absolute gutting of talents and any real depth in the game making it all surface deep at best. No MOP wasn’t good.

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Please stop, you clearly know nothing of mop
classes had peak mechanics in mop


No i was there for it, and compared to everything prior to it, it lacked the most depth, the reason the classes where so well balanced is because they lacked zero depth, after gutting the talents, it was actually impossible to have optimal vs non optimal builds, because all the depth was stripped away, maybe you should learn what your talking about.

that is so untruth its actually funny
1% dmg increase talents are meaningless, they made baseline mechanics much more important in mop
snapshooting, much more skills and much better class mechanics, less gimmicky and no rng stuff.
it required much more of the player in mop than it ever will in wrath

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no not really, the class damage spread in MoP was around 5% from top damage to worse damage in the same gear because it wasn’t possible to actually be bad, right now that spread same with back in real wrath and even cata that spread was closer to 80%

I was running at the high end in MoP, as a guild officer, i quite during ToT because of how bored I was, but picking people more came down to can they avoid being stupid not can they do damage because by mop any idiot could do the dps.

oh here we go with the high end classic pve andy speech that pretend they are doing anything special other than organizing a group of people.
when you talk about mop you talk about pvp, when it was at this pinnacle, both mechanic and in depthwise, and where you really see the difference between a good and a bad player

pvp is garbo always has been

yea pressing 1 2 3 rotations into a static boss where the hardest mechanic is to be with the back against the table or avoid a cutter is quality at its most.

oh as where as PVP is FOTM for OP classes, sorry if you want PVP play something actually balanced like Quake, UT, CS 1.6, wow PVP is not it, and because that its not actually relevant, add to that Classic is all about PVE, the PVP scene on classic is already dead, so obviously MOP will be for the PVE which again is terrible. Your argument fails PVP clown.

What is MoP remix? is it official from blizzard? i don’t see any news about it, only cata classic release in may 20…

the best part of mop was the lack of fotm, you could play anything to rank1 basically.
and pve had challenge mode, which is more relevant and fun than anything that happened in wrath at this point

except for that Mage/Hunter/Warrior are the to beat combo in MOP arena, and where generally the overpowered classes

out of the 9 individual blizzcon champions in pandaria, only 1 of them played one of the classes you mentioned(venruki), thats how wrong you are

It was going to be doa, regardless. But i agree.

That’s nice. I’m going over all statistics here, not 1%ers. That’s how wrong you are.

obviously not no one, you child.

but numbers don’t lie. go back in time to when subs dropped.

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