RIP Cata Classic

Right. So as usual, the only thing MoP haters can come up with for why they don’t like the expansion is the extremely shallow “muHHhHHh PaNDaS”.

Not sure how you can call anybody ignorant when your entire reason for disliking the expansion is your irrational hatred of the theme. From a class design / content / systems / overall gameplay perspective, the expansion is peak WoW alongside WOTLK.


you’re delusional, just quit the game if u dont like a expansion, crying every day all day on dead forums is not going to make the expansion go away.

Just leave go away, no one cares about you or your 20 alts about how you hate cata.

no one here is playing retail, they are not going to play a retail event


I mean, they are forcing the lot of us who want to play both permanent wrath classic servers and cataclysm and not giving us that option to. So not really surprised they don’t even seem to care about the cataclysm players either.

I mean, I want cata to. But I don’t want to lose wrath classic. Just like you don’t want to lose your guilds.

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I had quit wow before mop and remember seeing the advertising for mop on tv :joy: had me dying. Kung fu panda was a big franchise at that time and it seemed like such a rip off.

I’ll probably still play mop classic though.


He’s free to dislike it and no one’s telling him to think otherwise. Just correcting the laughably inaccurate claim that it’s the worst expansion when BFA and SL exist. MoP crushes both of those for quality assurance reasons alone.


So, I’ve had two questions for people about Dragonflight.

  1. “What flight paths?”
  2. “What dailies?”

Unless you’re purposefully pursuing Renown for rewards, there’s really not much in the way of actual dailies that needs doing. They pushed dailies/biweeklies/weeklies too far with Shadowlands, but the pendulum swung the other way for good reason this expansion. Aiding the Accord + current patch Ally rep weekly are the only two things that really need doing. Superbloom is a happy extra way to get the Ally rep weekly done quickly. All three weeklies can be done in less than an hour with extreme ease.

What they did to the talent trees it what I hated most about MoP. All else was cool.


If its so peak why was it so boring i actually fell asleep multiple times in ToT Heroic, I literly kept dozing off because the place couldn’t hold my interest, and I can’t tell you anything about it, or the other raids even though I was clearing them on heroic at the time, I didn’t continue after Mop, Mop is what convinced me wow was over.

I quit right as seige landed, the whole expansion soured me to wow in general, as a PVE player it was dog poop, and I’m not alone, numbers kept falling off during MoP if it was a great part of wow numbers would have picked up, mists started at 10m on launch day and was down to 7.5M when WoD came out, it lost as many players as Cata did, so to say its objectively better isn’t backed up by numbers.

It wasn’t. A lot of people loved MOP.

You definitely sound bitter. Where did the Panda touch you?


I am. Not on this account, but on my 16 year old account that I had quit for a long time (stopped in legion, only came back in DF, don’t have the xpac yet though).

Still going to play cata and MoP with this account and this toon. Wrath through WoD is my childhood, so of course I’m here for as long as they’re going to run it. Might take some breaks (like I did in Wrath for a bit at the end of Uld and beginning of TOGC), burnout can hit hard at times and I have other games to play when it does. Either way, as long as I’m playing for fun, it won’t matter much.

Did not expect to type out this much lmao

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let’s be honest, no one cares about cata


You can’t speak for everyone lol


because why do we need to go through the expansions again? shoulda stopped at wrath kept a server or two for each (vanilla, bc, wrath) then move on innovating where they can to make the base game they have spent probably billions.

there’s more to life then reliving the past over and over


when did they say mop remix was coming?

It’s a retail thing, not classic.


Lets not act like yall wont burn through it all in 2 weeks and complain there isnt enough content like always happens

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Is that why yall keep playing classic after 20 years? Lul

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They even mentioned “accelerated” leveling and content. Whatever that means.

Sucks for the whole 9 people that were gonna play cata


Good, maybe we will get lucky and cata classic can kill all classic modes and the 3 devs they have left at Blizz can work on retail.