Right now Classic on a pvp server is unplayable

It’s a 15 year old game and people cannot accept pvp servers for what they are and what has existed for as long as such.

So that’s fine if i am considered “the worst” because i rather be “the worst” instead of the person who cannot accept extremely old game facts.

You care so much. A shame you can’t use that energy to help starving children or feed the blind or something.

Maybe i will one day :slight_smile:


There’s only two problems, and 1 is fixable:

  1. The servers were never meant to hold so many ppl. There’s not enough area for the amount of ppl involved across the world.

  2. Spy add-ons don’t allow anyone to hide.
    Even if you could get away to a remote place, someone running by will see you’re in the area and come find you.
    I did this in un’goro bug cave. They came down into the cave and killed me. No reason to think I was there or go out of their way. I saw them running by above me too. Also, Resurrecting and stealthing shows everyone in the area someone stealthed. Players in the area go nuts on AoE even though they weren’t watching your corpse. Hiding behind a tree? Better hope you don’t have an aura on or eat/drink any food.

But we are. I’ve never been a lore nerd. It is an interesting way to view our time here, though. Much more interesting than grinding whatever to no tangible ends.

If they didnt see this coming, there is no hope for them.

You noticed that too hey?


That’s what they do up there in Canada eh?

That’s how it works, try pve server if you don’t want inconvenience of pvp.

I think the larger servers now with no sharding certainly is playing a role, and perhaps faction imbalance is an issue too. I do find it kind of annoying having to corpse run most places… But hey, I did pick the PVP server too so… Can you really complain?

I love pvp, especially wpvp. But op is right, if you aren’t already level 60 and don’t have your epic mount you’re gonna have a bad time. Rush through the bg’s please. BG’s should be a top priority right now.

I know doodles about pvp other than my nephew enjoyed it. How about - honour points for the level 60’s beating on level 5 players.

I’m not too bothered by the world pvp, but I am in the group that didn’t have time to a make it to 60 before phase 2 and I can’t really play at all. I’m on a hugely horde populated server but I still can’t quest in high level zones if there’s even a couple level 60 alliance around to get me. Who wants to do 3 or 4 graveyard runs per 4200xp quest? I’m just gunna take a break for a few days or weeks and see how it shakes out. Part of the game, but part that sucks.

You only receive honor for other players within 4 levels. There, I just fixed this mess.

big times facts

You know, one of the things that nobody is brought up that Blizzard could easily do that would be a #no changes?
They could easily cut the server size down to what they were in vanilla wow.
While I could be mistaken, I think that # was 3,000. So imagine sitting through a queue with only allowing 3,000 online at a time.
I think someone said the other day that fairlena has something like 13,000 players and all those streamers. How great would it be if we really

no changes

Which is absolutely a viable player solution to a player problem. So is rolling pve server. So is rolling the underdog side of one of these “imbalanced” pvp servers.
These paying customers have options. They just think blizz is going to magically fix a problem they haven’t had any control over for 15 years.
Blizz’s fix to faction “balance” is warmode, cross realm zone, connected, sharded realms, and free epics and honor for the cowardly alliance.
That only works for reset days. Then the allies get their free gear and turn warmode back off until next week.
Player “knowledge” has made this “issue” worse. Can’t stand the pvp? Get off the pvp server.

I play just fine

4 hr line to get on the ride makes it unplayable for me. And thats before the wpvp

Not necessarily. I have a lvl 30 horde alt and participated in SS vs TM mostly 60s and had plenty of fun.