Right-Click-Reporting + Ganking

Am I the only one that’s against this Right-Click-Reporting? Just imagine 1 person to start an Uproar about a specific player in world chat or zone and Insta report on sight due to Ganking.

Blizzard needs to keep in mind people will not be accustom to how PVP was back then vs Now. WPVP / Capitol Ganking / World Ganking / Interrupting Guild Meetings or Funerals tehe

this honestly makes me rethink the whole world pvp thing…


Good thing it doesn’t work that way.

But, go ahead and continue to fear-monger.


No. You’re also not the only person that doesn’t understand how right click reporting works. It doesn’t stop you from playing the game.


Is the sky actually falling? Better panic until we know for sure.

Seriously tho, this is a small issue getting blown waaaaay out of proportion.


Not at all. 5 second search would have revealed that. Heck scrolling down would have told you that.


OK buddy. Tell me, if a random person, or even someone in your guild, said “Hey guys, X is being a douche, report him plz” would you do it? do you have, say, 38 other friends that you’re sure would follow suit?

If no, how many people do you expect would do that, and have a legion of friends who would do the same?

a lot. especially if someone is high ranked in guild and well respected.


I wonder if today’s right click report thread can ever measure up to the 3,000+ post threads of the good ole days? And by good ole days I mean last week.


so if your GM said it you’d do it?

People who abuse reporting are never well respected.


I’ve been reported for the dumbest sh**. ganking and in some eyes griefing. Also for taking an item in a 5 man when 4 other guild members wanted 1 guildie to have it…trust me, people follow when there’s enough uproar.


I’m neutral on this issue (I don’t report and I don’t fear being reported) but it seems to me that most people concerned about RCTR are just worried they won’t be able to be complete pricks in-game without retaliation.

I don’t give a sh*t either way, but I’ve got my popcorn ready.


I mean, vanilla back then the PVP was real, and when I say “real” I mean… being a pest and griefing hard. whether it’s World ganking or Capital…you were a pest until you got over ran by 3-4 buddies countering that gankger. Yes, that’s not given in retail now due to too many zones and zones where you can’t fight in a PVP server!


If action was taken against your account then you were in violation of the terms of service. Every time someone claims they were suspended for ganking it turns out to be bologna. It’s always harassment or some other ToS violation that coincided with the thing they’re claiming they were suspended for.

You’re full of :poop: if you’re telling me action was taken against your account for ganking and ganking alone.


AH ganking in Org or top of the bank. Was a big one for me. World Ganking would lead to 5-10 deaths before I picked another body. Can’t help it being a gnome rogue and CB, ambush crit and vanishing into thin air… I mean STV arena was the place to be…

So question, why doesn’t this happen on retail right now? Contrary to popular belief, PvP can and does still happen, in particular around world quest sites for the opposing faction. It’s not uncommon to get stomped by groups of 15-20 people that know you have to go to a certain location for a quest. It would be comically easy to report people for corpse camping. If an alliance person gets enough consecutive horde kills without dying then everyone with warmode on in the zone literally gets a message with their name and marks the alliance person on the map. Why doesn’t that person get right click reported into oblivion? Is it possible that maybe it doesn’t work the way youre worried about?


Do you intend on having a friend playing the opposite faction trash-talk them in whispers or mail? No? Then you don’t have anything to worry about, there.

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Well, if we do get stuck with right-click reporting, the hope is that all the players that participated in silencing that player will get suspended.


There will be people who hate you for ganking them, for taking mining/herbalism nodes, for being in a competing guilds, for rolling higher than them on loot, for being a streamer they don’t like, for being in a higher honor bracket than them, for killing a world boss, for getting a rare spawn on a long timer, and sometimes just because they don’t like you. All of those things are completely fine by Blizzard’s rules and the spirit of Vanilla, but will possibly get people reported.

Rather than having someone be silenced/punished before a GM review, it should be the opposite. This may be an American thing, but innocent until proven guilty is a concept that I believe applies in this case.


CRZ, ability to escape easily due to flying, no actual consequences from that act of camping. Modern game has the player detached from the world and nothing really matters.

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