Right-Click-Reporting + Ganking

Initial expectations by investors and analysts was set by historic standards. Notably the 2012 restructuring of customer support positions at Blizzard, caused by automated loot trading and right click reporting functionality being introduced that eventually eliminated much of the customer service aggregated workload. This was the expectation for the recent restructuring, with a distribution twist as the move towards digital distribution continued. For comparison, 2012 saw 600 layoffs throughout Blizzard at the time.
Source: seekingalpha com/article/4244058-activision-blizzard-losing-voice

While discussing, keep in mind that right click reporting wasn’t done for the players or even for the workers. It was a cost-saving measure that allowed them to layoff hundreds.

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Right-click reporting works on communication, not ganking, or stealing nodes, or beating them in a roll, etc. Once you right-click,you get these options:

Report player for language
Report player for spam
Report player name
Report player for cheating

Beating you to a node isn’t cheating. Beating you in a roll isn’t cheating. Ganking you isn’t cheating.

And if you’re tempted to report them anyway… keep in mind that EVERYTHING you do in WoW is logged. As has been proven over and over again when people claim they dint do nuthin! and get busted by Blues for just the opposite.


<3 someone that understands. Many people haven’t been reported nor gotten into a situation like that. Camping / Griefing is a fine line to WPVP, which I do a lot of in vanilla being a Rank14 rogue back then…

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Rules to live by:
Do not file false reports
Do not file reports just because someone wants you to

Right Click report is fine, just as long
as blizzard smashes abusers to a pulp publicly.


I’m not sure I understand. One, you can’t fly on the current continents yet. I think you can report across servers assuming you can see the person to target them, but I honestly don’t know. What is different about the consequences of getting camped in vanilla vs current?

You are technically correct, but your logic is the same as assuming an “Are you 18 or older” prompt will stop a teenager from visiting an adult-website. “Report player for cheating” can easily be used on someone who ‘stole’ your thorium.

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Love the new avatar. Like a smurf got head shot.

Convince enough people to do the same and I am betting you and your friends get a vacation.

I would be absolutely happy if that were the case. I’d gladly take my ban and resub knowing that abusers of right-click reporting were actually being punished. The issue is, while I’ve seen many instances publicized of people being unfairly reported and punished, I haven’t seen any cases, nor any public statements by Blizzard, of right-click-report abusers being punished. Until then, I cannot agree with automated punishment before GM review.

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Right-click reporting and auto-squelch has been around since 2007 and Blizzard hasn’t seen enough abuse to warrant changing the system. You can be dang sure if you try to make a habit of abusing it in Classic, (if it’s in Classic in the same iteration) you’re going to get hammered by Blizzard.


Not worried, infact I will make sure to annoy those abusing it so that they can be banned even faster.


I mean … have you heard of twitter before? How many people don’t know the facts about something and just start yelling at the top of their lungs basically these days because they think someone might have said a naughty word?

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Unfortunately because its just a click to report rather than a written report the situation is very vague to say the least.

I do think that the click to report should be how you open the ticket, but I do think that a description of the situation should also be required so that the GM reviewing the situation has some frame of reference.

Oddly enough few if any that were not manufactured by a streamer are ever linked to.

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0 idea how anyone could support the implementation of this into classic. I have 20+ friends/acquaintances rdy to form a guild on launch, we will all be in discord… knowing that we have the power to pick anyone we want and disconnect them with two clicks is absolutely insane.

and loot share??? WHY???

Right click reporting as it is set up in modern wow is welcomed.
Loot trading is another separate matter entirely.

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You mean, like this?


Hey, alright! that’s really good. I have not reported anyone in game so I was under this false impression that there was no such text box.

Do they do the same for the other types of click to report? Because it’s every bit as important, and would greatly reduce the word load on the GM’s due to the fact that it would slow the pace a lot.

Not really. Report name and spam don’t have the box if I recall correctly.

I stand corrected…

They all have text boxes. Just checked in game.

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Well that’s something that really should be added, because without that the system will be abused.

The description box is something I do feel should be universal for all GM tickets / reporting system in WoW.