No they aren’t. I wish I had made clips of all the times Ythisens debunked common misconceptions on his stream. He said the entire time he was here on the Classic forums he only ever actioned three or four people. He didn’t do any Customer Support.
If I link you a blue post saying their CS team didn’t have any reduction in force, will you perform an acrobatic display of mental gymnastics or will you accept that you’re wrong?
Interesting, I don’t know then. I do know that Community Managers didn’t perform the role of Customer Support reps. There’s been plenty of explanation as to what a CM job entails over the years. CS employees like Orlyia sit there all day and deal with customer complaints and issues (she has 40k posts), CMs generally run around the office talking to devs and answering emails about organizing events months in advance.
Nevalistis actually talked about this on her twitter once. Sore feet from running around all day.
Sure, but that’s not the Customer Service department. They both fall under that category even if the specific “Customer Service Representative” isn’t a “Community Manager” and vice versa.
Alright, after reading what you linked and using my impeccable reading comprehension abilities.
1). The scope of review was jobs within Customer Service at Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in Irvine California reporting to xxxx.
5). The following is a listing of the ages and job titles of employees who were and were not selected for termination of employment and the offer of consideration for signing a Seperation Agreement, relating to the layoff described in number one, above. Except for those employees selected for layoff, no other employee is eligible or offered consideration in exchange for signing the Seperation Agreement.
That’s a list of jobs that were under review for termination and severance. There’s two columns; selected and not selected. Those jobs you listed were under the not selected column.
It could be the person writing the article was wrong as well. I don’t think a Blue would openly lie about there not being a reduction in their CS force when there’s a widely circulated article like that.
Thank you. Not to go into too much detail but I have my very first appointment with a counselor in a couple weeks. We’ll see if I can be helped then. xD
Why do people want this BACK?
Hearing it was cut was the best news I’d seen on the forum and now you tell me it was all a mistake?
As someone that IS homosexual I’d rather see the word (use your imagination because there’s an auto detect built in to posting now as using naughty language on a forum for a game about violently bludgeoning people to death for personal gain or just petty hatred would just be oh so abhorrent) spammed a thousand times in /2 than give groups of people the ability to completely silence others when we’ve had /ignore since launch and RCR has been repeatedly proven to be prone to exploitation. I don’t see why we need to give groups of players the ability to remove users from chat when the offending individuals could be just as easily /ignored and reported via a standard ticket should the content of their conversation be a legitimate violation of ToS. This once again falls into the category of a non-solution being applied to a non-issue resulting in even more legitimate issues cropping up in it’s place all because people weren’t satisfied with the expedience of the original solution.
Its disgusting honestly. It goes one of 2 ways.
The social forum you go to is such a safe space echo chamber that anything besides pats on the back and agreeing unconditionally gets you shadow banned.
Or the social forum you go to claiming to not cater to SJWs is full of blatant racists and antisemitism. Full of posts that make you sick or are obvious trolling by edgy teenagers.
There is no middle ground anymore.
You cant have centrist views on anything and take part of any conversation anymore.
So I guess what I’m saying is.
Give Us RP-PVP Servers So Everyone Has To Stay In Character.
Garithos Did Nothing Wrong.