Right Click Report is a Bad Idea

You may not define it as abusive, but thats not what the TOS says.

Ignorant can in fact be a violation of the ToS. Read it. The language does not preclude something like “ignorant”, and the entire point is that every review they make their intent is not to see if fairness has happened, but to just uphold the autosystem.

The only time I have ever heard of a report being over turned was Grubby for obvious reasons.

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yeah, that was the Silence punishment was implemented during Legion. Nothing has changed on how they handle reports.

Also they designed the system to be more automated due to cutbacks. They were getting GMs less involved in the process and wrote an auto program for it.

And it is clear if you have been involved in the process that during reviews, their intent is not to review for fairness, but to just uphold the automated system and keep costs down.

What do you mean by “more automated”? The squelch has been automated since it was introduced in 2007.

cutbacks have.

I remember reading about some new algorithm they designed to make the process automated and have less human reviews.

And my experience is when you contest and it goes to a human, their goal is to not overturn the automated process. as I stated I have only ever heard about high profile people getting anything overturned.

which means nothing, most people don’t advertise their interactions.

You’re right! I can leave this silly conversation at any point!


Ignorant just means you do not know something…
No reasonable, articulate person would consider that abusive, you can use it in an abusive way sure, but in general useage no it is not.

And thanks for ignoring the last part about how you can basically use ANY word to be abusive… Context matters which is why the ToS are written the way they are, and why reports get reviewed.

the only thing automated is the squelch, and to get that, you need to be reported en mass in a short period of time.

Care to share a source?

tbh you knew from your first post to me I was talking about my experience with HOTS (you even made a note of it)

So my rhetorical question is why did you ever interject to begin with?

but anyways, bye

Loses roll on item > Right Clicks winner - Report - Offended. > Right Clicks ML - Report - Offended. > Right Clicks GM - Report - Offended.

I mean you can google and learn about it yourself.

I know I have read about them messing with algorithms and machine learning in their report system in their new “clamp down” on toxicity that started a couple of years back. Its there. Go google.

so in other words you have no source other than “Trust me I read it honest”

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Most of those layoffs are from middle management and the e-sports stuff. Support wasn’t really touched.

Ah, means you got nothing. You made the claim, you have to back it up.

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actually its I know if you actually cared about the subject you would have been versed on it already.

But since you are just jumping in without actually knowing anything so you can throw your thoughts in about a topic you do not know about, I am not doing the finger walking for you there.

If you are interested in actually knowing about what you are talking about before talking, then go use google.

Its there.

I dont actually.

If this was a moderated debate sure. But its just a conversation. One that I am more knowledgeable than you.

If you care to know what you are talking about before you talk, then you have that option with google.

then support your claim,lol. Otherwise all it is just hot air. You made a specific claim, so obviously you had a specific source, so provide it.

And I am very well versed on the subject ,sorry

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At this point, people lie so much about how RCR works that I have a copy pasted post I can just lay out with the facts and proof.

And My link is current:

Appeal Silence in World of Warcraft
Updated: 6 days ago

Now… why would someone lie about how the system works? Hmmm…