Right click report function being blatantly abused

Has anyone else been unfairly banned by guilds telling their members to mass report others because they don’t agree with something that person said?

I’ve been banned twice in basically 2 days instantly because of a guilds mass reporting. And this is why right-click reporting is a huge issue in Classic WoW and will be an issue in TBC Classic also. It’s sad because when they say to do this there’s almost no action taken by Blizzard GM’s even though this blatant HARD harassment and leads to ruining the game for other players. I also did get unbanned by the GM I spoke to though.

This didn’t only happen to me, but it happened to my friend after we left a guild, and they didn’t like it since we are their top parsers after they sexually harassed members in the guild and are unbelievably racist. Yet Blizzard continues to allow a terrible system to ruin the game for innocent people. The Blizzard GM not only in my live chat but my friends live chat, mentioned that there’s evidence of blatant mass report abuse. And then literally 5-7 hours later after I got instantly banned for no reason.

If this happens to anyone else, make sure to tell a Blizzard GM what happened and you should get unbanned. I actually can’t believe this function even exists in a game this large, in other games like League of Legends. The only way you get system banned is by saying certain trigger words, and League of Legends is much larger.

I also have several screenshots that’re showing proof they did indeed mass report abuse, including screenshots from GM’s telling me they see evidence of it. I’m sort of mad, because this completely hinders the game for me. And I literally just want to play the game.

Not a whining post, basically an awareness post. I know for a fact this is happening to so many other people, and you literally pay money to play this game. This is literally just disgusting and petty.

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Getting squelched is not getting banned. Players can’t ban other players.


Technically correct, but that’s missing the point. Even getting squelched wrongfully is unacceptable. Also getting a hit from the automated systems gets a strike put onto your your account that has other consequences.


This is the first I’ve heard of this. Surely you can link a source for this claim.

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If i wanted to dig deeper i could find it some where. But squelches double in time every single time you get one…how do you think the game keeps track of how long a squelch should last? It just tallies up the strikes on your account and then calculates the length of the squelch.


Oh, you’re not differentiating between the squelch and silence systems. Silences are applied by GM’s after they review player reports, squelches are automatic after a time/report threshold is met. Squelches don’t have long lasting implications and are removed after GM review if no rule was violated.


Even if that were the case, getting squelched wrongly is unacceptable.


It is the case.

The right-click report and automatic squelch systems were implemented in May of 2007. The Silence system was implemented in the Legion pre-patch in July of 2016.

Automatic chat restrictions have been in place for 13 years, it’s not a big deal and all the doom and gloom is ludicrous.


Are you trying to say its okay if people gang up on others and squelch accounts because its “not a big deal?”


Yeah, because it’s extremely rare. The people that abuse the system are punished and there are no “strikes” on the account unless the reports were justified.

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The squelching / mass report abuse has been going on for a while.

Anyone who tries to downplay it probably has no idea how lame the game is once you are unable to talk to btag friends or invite people to group / lfg etc.

Even if you are auto squelched, if it’s your 3rd or 4th strike, it’s basically the same as a silence, right?

I think people who abuse this should get a strike themselves. Not all the mindless guildies that listened, but the GM that instigated it.


I don’t know how anyone can think its okay to basically always be vulnerable to a group of people at any time…even if the ramifications are only temporary.


No, because squelches don’t put “strikes” on your account. Every squelch is the same duration, Silences double in duration.

If you were Silenced, that’s because a GM hit you with it, not players.


Alliance av premades were mass reporting pug alliance who wouldn’t give lead or listen to their rules lol


And i hear its pretty common for those who mess up Ony-Buff resets too.

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Yeah there’s a key word in there, “were.”

No system is perfect, this system has been in place for 13 years and people only complained about it recently because “No-change” people always need something to whine about.

Ok but if you already have strikes on your account and get auto squelched it isnt just a day. It’s usually 3 weeks or a month.

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No it isn’t, you don’t understand the difference between a squelch and a Silence. If you’re getting muted for a month, it’s because Blizzard muted you for breaking their chat rules.


If you have already been striked by blizzard and are on good behavior and then randomly get mass reported and squelched it does not count that as your 1st offense. It adds on. Sure you can appeal. But it doesnt start you out fresh that’s for sure. Have seen screenshots


You don’t understand the difference between a squelch and a Silence. Here:

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