Ride the Tides into the July Trading Post

Why would it be currently, when currently is over in two months?

That’s news to me, because it was specifically stated not to.

It does say Steady Flight only, yeah. To be fair, that doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t change.

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yeah TP is so terrible for a multi billion dollar company

they have the money to make better stuff

Yeah, whether someone has been saving or not is entirely up to their subjective taste, not sure I like prices being tuned around a global average. I know the last couple months have a lot of players not buying much of anything, but I -like- the mundane stuff so I’ve spent more than I have in any previous period. If prices are trending upward after I spent mine because some other people didn’t like what was on sale, that’s some crap. Set prices. Let them be consistent. Let people choose how to save or spend based on something predictable. The Trading Post should not be akin to the WoW Token.

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Counter: Why wouldn’t it tell us what it is currently while Skyriding is still extremely limited?

Confirmed for myself that the Wonderous Wavewhisker does in fact have Skyriding in Beta. (As opposed to second hand information I had before)

Would be very surprise if the Old God fishy mount doesn’t.

That logic doesn’t make sense at all. If someone didn’t spend 500 on a backpack, it’s most likely because they either didn’t want it or didn’t have enough for it, neither case will be more inclined to buy another backpack at 800 because “well some people just have too much.”

If the “average tenders people have” is actually being used as a metric for setting prices, it’s an exceedingly stupid metric and they should stop. If Tender acquisition is standardized, the prices should also be standardized.

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…they just keep increasing the tendies required…

They’re gonna start selling those.

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chainmail bikinis or we riot!


I mean, I sort of expected it to happen eventually when I saw the writing on the wall very early on.

Because dynamic flying mounts state that they are dynamic flying.

Well, that’s one off my list that at least will have dynamic flying. I’m still ticked off my otter and D4 doggo don’t have it.

It doesn’t look like the same rig, so I’m not surprised it wouldn’t.

Yes, when skyriding is implemented for it. It’s likely that it’s just upgrading to Skyriding with 11.0 when that’s expanded on. Weird timing but probably just how it’s programmed right now.

Does suck about Otto. :confused:

I doubt that’s the case and refuse to tell anyone that a mount that’s labeled as static flying only will change based off assumption. Better safe than sorry.



Looking at the model on Wowhead, it looks like it has all the Skyriding animations ready to go (it indeed shares the same animation set as the Wavewhisker), so if it’s locked to static flight in TWW it’ll be for a purely arbitrary reason.

OK, I almost snorted my capuccino, your fault if I had ended up with a nasty monitor. But made me laugh. :sunglasses:

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I like the diver suit

Looks like a good month. Nice work devs.


Yep, you’re right. Maybe it’s old text then. Since the goldfish wasn’t supposed to be dynamic flying and apparently now it is.

I’m pretty sure that most mounts have the animations, even if they are currently locked. Even ones like the phoenix and cloud serpent from Remix have them. They just haven’t flipped that switch yet.

Really liking that Diving suit, long overdue. Still, 800 tendies doesn’t leave a lot of change!