Let the tides of summer carry you away this month. Take Trishi the baby naga pet with you everywhere you go. She’ll help keep an eye out for you on all your adventures!
Very nice:D
another useless monthly reward haha
I feel conflicted about owning humanoid children.
Hey! Did you know that you that you can simply not participate? Hope that helps!
stay mad and cope
Love the mount and very happy to see the monthly reward be an interesting pet.
PS, Blizz why no increased tendie cap during the Summer like we had last year?
Why are there no pictures?
pet battles should be removed from wow
Those costs should be revisited XD
That’s…a naga?
Lol but I do want that backpack.
and you should be removed from the forums.
It’s nice to want things, but sometimes you don’t get what you want.
Meh. Guess I’m saving up another month.
Can’t even escape inflation in WoW lol
Don’t look into the children’s week event…
Blub and backpack for me
there hasnt been a good monthly most of the year so far
if u like garbage more power to u tho
Bring back the blood troll set!!
itll go on the shop for 20 bucks eventually