Ride the Tides into the July Trading Post

A good currency sink is supposed to be expensive but worth it.

It’s not a good tender sink.

Well we now have other threads on the subject with people joining in about how they don’t like how little it feels like they can afford with the raised prices.

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Girl, do you think we have amnesia?

You’ve complained that there’s nothing that you want on the TP every single month the entire time we’ve had the feature.

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ive always said the first year of TP was mostly amazing. we got blood troll and the broom and etc. since then we’ve got naught but garbage consecutively since january and march onward

To some, it is worth it. To me, it isn’t.

To those sitting on like 10,000 Tender or whatever, it’s a drop in the bucket.

That’s not what I was referencing. Perhaps my quote was off and that’s why there’s a miscommunication. Apologies, let me try to explain. I was talking about Nikolo’s joke that you were frustrated over, with people who would save up Tender specifically to raise prices.

Did you miss where I literally quoted your posts? Those are from February and April of last year but if I had the time and energy there are posts like it for every other month of last year.


yeah i said mostly it was amazing. it started getting mid as a normalcy with the watch monthly reward

Can we please get the blue-colored version of the magical girl/love witch outfit soon? I’ll pay for it, just like other people bought the dark version.

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I’m sure they are well aware, but it’s easier for them to sidestep the argument instead of engaging it directly.


this is all i care about so blizz where is it ???


if there was anything to engage with id engage with

but plucking and choosing strawmen from 2 months out of like 9 where i praise the TP monthly rewards. thats nothing to defend

These are all quotes from you from 2023 in various months.

You might be saying NOW that last year was mostly good, but what you were saying then was that it was mostly garbage, almost every single month.


Mount - Yes Please!
Completion Reward Pet - Yes Please!
Bow - Yes Please!
Backpack - Oh Definitely Yes Please!

2 months in a row I’ll be spending.


oh yeah the catalogue of items to buy was absolutely garbage

but the monthly rewards were mostly good

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Another sidestep.


They’re really not worth engaging with.

You’re more likely to find success talking to a pile a dog feces.

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ive been saying the monthly rewards.

and jellani is posting stuff i said about catalogue

so jalani is fake


i mean if you like eating dog feces month to month more power to you

Here’s what eastern games release as their “cosmetic store”:

> https://www.bumped.org/phantasy/ngs-ac-scratch-stylish-avenue/

Theirs are weekly too. You can even buy every item for in game gold off other players!
The trading post is pathetic.


Are you sure it doesn’t just mean currently? The Wonderous Wavewhisker has Skyriding on the Beta (according to a guildie of mine that has done nothing on beta but test all her mounts with Skyriding).

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