Ride the Tides into the July Trading Post

yeah what the heck ever happened to those ???

infact what ever happned to the light blue mail trial of valor recolor set too ? like blizz hello ? wheres the blue love witch outfit too ??


Yay! Catchup month! No hate, but the prices are bad. 800 for the back piece or 800 for a suit. Just getting my surfboard since it will be totally tubular once it dynamic flies.

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Lou’s been losing at the track.

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man blizz you tack all fun out of stuff everything is expensive BAD soooo bad D…


Maybe Blizzard can set up some sort of dispensation and people can ‘donate’ their excess tenders for Subscription time and the people that can’t afford items in the Trading post can get a Blizzard-backed stipend on the last week of every month…

Looks good, 4/5 stars.

Unfortunately, it does not have a duck mount so can’t give it five stars.

they doin that on purpose tbh, they could have put the mog or mount for monthly reward, but a pet is cheaper than mount and mog so they’re only doing pets and single piece mogs for monthly rewards so we spend more tenders buying stuff

remember that sometimes they sell items in shop that awards tenders

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But people only do that because most of the stuff is crap. I’ll buy the mount and backpack for sure. Maybe a wep transmog too. Bought a bunch last month surprisingly so the wep will put me below 4k.
But I have to say I’m ASTONISHED that Daddy Blizz hasn’t jumped headfirst into selling tendie bundles in the shop. Cynical me bets the 1000 tendie bonus for pre-purchase foretells many more shop bundles. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Just the next step in the plan to sell tendies on the shop.

Clutch workaround for the DR/TBC toggle shenanigans.

Nice bow. I will never use it because I will never use anything other than what I am using now. But nice.

Pet’s cute, but I’m getting tired of getting a new pet every month :frowning: And why is a back piece 800 tender???


These prices straight busted Blizz.

At most Ensembles and mounts should be 650. 800 for a single back piece is ridiculous. The pet is cute, but the monthly rewards have been consistently the items the community is least likely to buy.


I’m not on beta but I’ve been told that when you have gliding toggled things that can’t glide become ground only.:cry: Aparently that would be against the edict of Daddy Blizz so “potential Fun Detected, Fun Removed”. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

It’s free garbage junk cosmetics. It’s meant to be useless.

The back piece is 800 tenders? The same as the mount? Seriously…? Can you at least give us some more tenders per month?

At least the bow is 180.

Also where is the Sylvannas outfit?


I like the endcap reward, at least it’s a unique pet, but it really should’ve been the Deeptide back piece which comes in at a HEFTY 800 tenders, whuf. As much as a mount or the full Big Daddy ensemble.

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they used to be actually good for most of last year.

idk wtf happened. i think theyre putting the good stuff for tender and the garbage as the monthly now


Oh my.

Give this bow to me Blizzard. Now.

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It’s a good Tender sink, but definitely not worth it.

I never claimed that you said it would ruin WoW. So we can stop there with that.

I was speaking specifically of this:

Which was one, single person.

That is very hyperbolic. AKA, exaggerated. AKA, dramatic. Not all of your posts. Just that sentence. No need to get bent out of shape at me over one sentence.

Not necessarily, no. It’s an overall look— including at me, who usually has 1500 or 2000 left over the end of every month. This isn’t just, “oh, this certain group has 15,000, so let’s make everything expensive!” Because not everything is expensive. They pick and choose items and it’s always been an increase up or down in the range of 200ish.

They add bundles when there needs to be more Tender and add sinks when those need to be there, as well.

Because that’s how these systems work.