Ride the Tides into the July Trading Post

Kinda wish they wouldnt put pets as the completion rewards but keep it for higher quality rewards like ensembles and mounts.

Still beats the watch…

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This post is useless without pictures.


Aside from the Diving suit, I’m good on everything else but the tender pricing needs to be revisited :man_facepalming:t5: Guess I’ll be saving this month :man_shrugging:t5: Enjoy if you like it tho, kind of lackluster, last month was :fire::fire::fire: in comparison​:v:t5:

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They really need to allow you to make 1500 each month you get the 500 for logging then the 500 for completion then another 500 at max for completing extra stuff.


I’m really happy that the Naga battle pet is the monthly reward, as I wanted it when I saw Wowhead listing it. I’m generally happy with the monthly reward being any mount, battle pet, or toy I don’t have. :mermaid:

I’m also a bit torn on what to buy in July. I like the behemoth mount and the fish battle pet, which I don’t know if it can actually battle or not, but I won’t have enough to buy both next month. I might decide between them while freezing the other, or just freezing one of them and waiting to see what August’s Trading Post rewards are so I can save some tenders for the future. :fish: :shark:

I already have the Crimson Glimmerfur mount also, so that is one less worry. :fox_face:

I always have that nagging feeling that there will be some things that will pop up in the future I’ll really want, but I won’t have enough tenders and couldn’t freeze more than one item. Wish I could get some more tenders sometimes… :moneybag:

And as usual, I’ll post my current wishlist for the Trading Post in general here:

The main existing items I can think of off the top of my head are these Ogre related toys that came from the WoW TCG:

Still want playable Horde Ogres, of course, but I am trying to collect Ogre related stuff in the game. :japanese_ogre:

I’m also adding Cap’n Crackers to my wishlist since I was unable to get them from the Twitch drop and Twitch drop items seem very possible for appearing on the Trading Post. :parrot:

The only other thing I can think of is the Brutosaur mount, which I know the chances are very slim for that to actually happen, but it’s still on my wishlist. :sauropod:

I’m sure I’ll find some other things to add to my Trading Post wishlist as I remember them, but for now, those are all I can think of at the moment.

Until then, I’ll see what I’ll feel like buying when the July Trading Post comes! :smiley:

-60 days (56 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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All I want is the bow, and everything else not getting. It’s good for me I need to save my tendies.

Like I said we also now have a single slot item worth 800 tenders, which seems a bit much.

Also, let’s not pretend like I’m acting as though this is gonna ruin WoW or anything. I’m not being dramatic, you’re just reading way too much into somebody commenting on an internet forum about something.


Well then… ok.

Some day these posts will have pictures of everything listed.


All those raised prices do is annoy me. If they keep doing it, I suspect i will start ignoring the post and announcements.

It is one thing to expect people to have to choose what to buy, but when you go from being able to buy a couple of things to one thing only, it starts getting a bit irritating.


There’s a reason her name is spite.


Well that is unfortunate. I’ll still buy it. Thanks for letting me know. :dracthyr_a1::dracthyr_love_animated:

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Please give us something as a monthly reward worth getting it’s so pathetic you know what we like yet release half baked toys and companions


Blizzard, please. I am begging. Either give us more tenders, or lower the costs of things on the Trading Post. Every single month I’m missing out on things because there’s so much I want to buy and the freezing system is useless because I never have the tenders to spare. That, and you’ve started releasing transmog sets in pieces, the collective cost of which is MORE than full ensembles. It’s so frustrating and disheartening, especially with never knowing when things will come back, if they even will.


Aiming this at Blizz not you Sendryn- “That sucks!”

So what they are saying is that the people who don’t complain about “another useless reward” and the “trash” in the trading post cause all of us to pay more including those of us who rarely-to-never piss and moan choosing instead to spend our tenders thus showing our appreciation?

I used to be called a white knight and a shill all the time here. And that’s mostly because my attitude is “this is just a game” so I overlook a lot. But seriously. This basis for choosing prices is bass-ackwards Blizz. Booooo.


Lame just another pet should have switched the mount and pet

Why do they have to?

there isnt anything wrong with emojis

I’d like to buy the mount, diving suit, backpack and weapon transmog. Granted even at a reasonable price I probably wouldn’t be able to get all of that, but even with a bit of leftover from June I won’t be able to get more than 1 of them.

Yeah to me releasing the ensembles in pieces makes no sense just offer the whole thing or not at all. I may even just want to use the belt of an ensemble but not the rest but it sucks having that set sitting in your collection and its not complete.