RFD is needed

Been playing an alt on Pagle with a friend, we’re 43 now and we only ran one whole dungeon the entire time. Deadmines.

There’s occasionally people in LFG but mostly dps and when there isn’t people that aren’t DPS it’s for dungeons we outlevel so we just haven’t done anything except for quest spamming.

And before someone says “Why don’t one of you tank/heal?” Yeah, I’d love to see what kind of tanking or healing a mage and a hunter can do.


JJ should be going on all summer if blizz were smart. Rdf will come but keep JJ.


There was a hunter on one of my servers who named himself huntertank. He wanted to see how many dungeons he could tank. He specced for pet tank. I lost track of him but I’m pretty sure he tanked every dungeon up to at least 50. I don’t know how much farther he was able to get. I was in a group that lost our tank and the group wanted to continue so I started to tank with my pet. Sm library, we did fine and completed the dungeon though I occasionally lost aggro. Definitely wasn’t easy for the group with my pet as the tank but we were able to finish the dungeon. Of course it was a full group and the healer was excellent.

Wow. Where do you guys play?

Are you down and depressed in real life too? Does your negative attitude prevent you from enjoying the day to day activities that other people enjoy?

That’s a shame, if so. Still, if you’re at least willing to try to cheer up a bit, and not bring a dark cloud over every group you join, then you’re welcome to join me.


There’s still 0 indication that this is true beyond them changing their stance on it going from “RDF isn’t in the spirit of classic” to “we want to be caution about bringing it in before ICC”.

There’s still a reasonable chance that they simply cannot get it working without the ICC 5 mans and they can’t admit this.

And that’s downright scary.


Earthshaker EU, I literally said in the following sentence.

Sure, but even laughing and having fun doesn’t make people appear in the LFG. Weird how that works.

It’s 17.35 here now unlike the mid day time of 14 that I posted earlier.

Wanna take a guess at how many people are in the LFG tool for BC dungeons that I talked about earlier when there were 2?

I wish I could do spoiler texts to make this guessing game proper.

There’s 0 people there now.

Not a singular person.

If I could will people into existence I could probably will them out of existence too, and this is not something you should wish for.


Oh. Why not post on the EU forums then?

I do, but they’re even deader than these so I made a starter account to post here so I can at least respond to Blizzards posts and have my voice “heard”.


Wow. So you don’t even play in this region, but you’re here to bring negativity and berate players who do?

You supported someone trolling my comment with doubt, but you have zero intention to take up my offer and join me on my server to see that you very much can, and I very much do and am dungeon leveling.

Is this not against the EULA or the CoC?

Actually, according to you, you don’t pay anything for your US subscription. These are US forums, which is a different region. My US subscription does not pay for me to play on EU region servers not post on EU forums.

I didn’t know it was possible to make a free trial account to troll other regions, but it seems like a violation.

Absolute violation. This is inappropriate language and an inappropriate way to interact with people on the forums.

Again, very inappropriate.

Anyway, regarding the topic of this thread, which is RDF is needed, RDF is not cross-Region. It will not connect US to Korean or EU servers. Those are completely separate as far as I know!

I don’t know anything about your region, and frankly I don’t care to. I’m a US region player, who is interested in addressing issues within this region with people who play in this region.

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Which I never said, what I said is I pay the exact same subscription for the game and want my voice heard.

But go on king, try to chase people off instead of addressing their point.

I can’t help but notice you haven’t remotely replied to the “0 people in lfg for bc dungeons” bit of my post.

Report me then :roll_eyes:

Boohoo. Literal victimhood.

No kidding?

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You said that you play on an EU server and created a starter account to post here.

If you play on US servers and have it in you to not be a completely negative person the whole time, you’re welcome to join me on Whitemane in my Dungeon Leveling guild, and I will go so far as to show you step by step how to join or form dungeon leveling groups.

Heck I would even roll a new character with you and teach you how to form community around you as you level to ensure you always have a group to Dungeon farm with for the duration of your leveling experience!

That’s right. There are many things that are not cross region, including the forums. AFAIK, the game in different regions is separate enough that the issues of the player base is also different.

If you were playing Retail and posting in the Classic forums, we would say, “Wrong forums.”

You are playing EU and posting on US forums. It’s also the “wrong forums.”

And I still pay for my EU account just fine. How is this hard to understand?

I haven’t edited my comment at all, I’m not afraid to “admit” that I made a starter account cause I’m hugely opposed to region locked FORUMS for a game. The game service as well come to that.


So what you’re saying is that you tie yourself down to fully levelling a character once you start one and go with the same group the entire route.

Yeah, sorry, I have obligations outside of the game. I realize you don’t, but some of us do.

How was that sarcasm not obvious?

No lol.

If you’re playing retail and post in the classic forums about classic issues you’re in the right effing forum.


It’s not hard at all. Is there a reason you would ask such a question?

Well, is it the same people managing your game in the EU and Korea as in the US?

There are different governments and laws for doing business in different regions and that may impact game experience.

We cannot interact with each other in game if we don’t pay for accounts on the same region. Indeed, we cannot even post on these forums without an account with active game time, yet you’ve found a way to circumvent that, apparently.

You apparently don’t know what I’m saying. I suppose that is pretty obvious by your negativity towards the subject of forming groups and community.

I suppose I am typically an exceptionally positive person and there are some points to be made against being overly optimistic, however I doubt that your negativity is doing you much good.

Yes, if you post about Classic you’re right. However you are posting about your situation in Classic on EU servers. We are US players on these forums and cannot access EU servers with our subscriptions, even if we wanted to!

While I’ve stated a situation that I’m experiencing and you supported someone else’s comment implying that I was lying, when called out, you conveniently have the excuse that you play in a different region.

In any case, good luck with your leveling journey. I hope you continue to enjoy this wonderful game that we have all been playing and enjoying for years and years, and hopefully will continue to for years to come!

So you just want my voice to not be heard since it’s incredible clear that Blizzard does even less interaction with the EU forums than they do these, gotcha.

Yes, literally.

It’s even the same effing CM posting stupid posts about the WoW token, they’re just more easily ignored.

Literally posted by Kaivax, same as here. The exact same thread just copy/pasted by the exact same person.

That’s clearly false, how do you think this starter account got past level 10 to post on these forums?

I thought it was pretty clear, “I can teach you how to grind dungeons from level 1-max level”, but if I misunderstood you feel free to clarify.

For clarification, this is the original content I replied to.

Not condescending at all or anything btw, but go on about how “sod” offends you :wink:

And what do you think I’m doing?

No, I’m posting about the issue of the majority of players.

A group you clearly don’t belong to and you should consider yourself lucky, but you can cut out the snide nonsense about “teaching others to socialize in a game”.

If you’re not feeling the population rapidly declining in WoW classic I simply refuse to believe you play the game.

I do enjoy it, the point is I wish I could enjoy it for longer.

Sitting around in a tool and spamming a chat simply isn’t something I enjoy, I literally fall asleep when I try.

So I log off instead and play another game entirely until raid resets.

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We’re all just posting about the servers we play on. It’s not like all players on US servers know everything there is to know about every US server. I’m not gonna talk about the situation on US PvP servers since I don’t play on any of them. There are some issues that seem to be on all servers. People like to try to gate keep the forums just like they try to gate keep their groups. Don’t post on a retail alt, don’t post on a low level alt, don’t post if you mainly play on an EU server. /shrug None of that bothers me, I don’t get why it bothers some people. If rdf is an issue for someone I don’t have a problem if they post here.


For one, we cannot interact with each other in game if we are playing different versions or different regions.

The way people play the game, the issues they face, and the general community may be different enough across regions that it is not relevant to share across them.

If someone who does not own or live in a gated community comes to a community council meeting to complain about what others are saying and talk about their own community it would be strange. Indeed, their opinion is irrelevant, and they do not belong there.

Also, these forums are a paid service for people who have active US region subscriptions. Are there any cases of circumventing systems that Blizzard has in place that are met with positive responses?

A buzzard account is buzzard account. We may be restricted on where we play, but not on the forums. The fact he can post here, shows that. I suspect we can read and post on EU forums. Who cares? As long as, they have legitimate issue… rather you agree with that issue or not.


This is such a bad analogy cause I pay the same amount to play you do, they’re just using 2003 style region locks for who knows whatever reason.

The issues facing players are the same across the game.

You’d prolly need to do what I did and attach a starter account, but once you’ve done that, yeah.

As long as you have an active sub you can post. Go figure.

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I play on two servers and can’t interact with the vast majority of servers in game even though they’re all US servers. But we still can interact here. The way those on pvp servers play, the issues they face are very different than what I face on pve servers yet blizzard has us all together here even though I skip most of the pvp related posts because they aren’t relevant to me.