RFD is needed

I come back after months of break because work and i need gear but there is no one at anytime in DF i’ve logged on at 7am 10 am 11am 2 pm 5 pm and its more dead than the barrens. We need cross server RDF to level & gear alts otherwise were all just raid logging


It’s Joyous Journeys; the world is alive with levelers on a lot of servers right now!

But 100% there are definitely some server population issues out there that could be addressed somehow.

I see maybe 3 questing people when I hop on the 16 s. priest in blood elf land. On whitemane.

LFG not so hot I take the few minutes to hop on the Orgrimmar bank alt. Nope, no people outside RFC. It saves time over having the 16 go to org to see its not jumping.

While I like the JJ buff…yeah I got that s. priest on the cata boost package if it comes. D4 timing didn’t help lol.

I’d rather level the rogue in sanctuary in the more immediate future tbh. She will actually see dungeons lol.


You must be Alliance. I literally started leveling like 3 days ago, started a leveling guild, and have had no issues getting groups for every leveling instance, spamming dungeon after dungeon after dungeon often having to thank the group and apologize that I can’t continue on with them to yet another dungeon, because I need a break.

What does D4 have to do with WoW? Particularly WoW Classic?

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Whitemane horde at 0400-ish local PST server time.

Why in these threads when people say “I am good!” I ask what server. AND what time.

Whitemane at 2000 (if your play time or close) is not the same as whitemane 0400.

The game runs 24/7 (except on maintenance days, ofc). Some see issues here not on their server’s primetime. IMO, and experience, its when you aren’t on primetimes you see issues more.

Ah, so you’re saying that there are only around 3 people queuing at level 16 ish for instanced content around 4am server time? Yeah, I could see that.

That’s fair.

Playing Alliance on Pagle (made an alt with a friend) and so far the only dungeon we ran we Deadmines. Never saw any groups for BFD, RFK, SFK or Gnomeregan. Currently level 33 on those alts and I highly doubt we’ll even get a Scarlet Monastery group because it’s such a horrible location for Alliance.

I’d find it hard to imagine spamming BFD as every 2 runs would make your inventory full so you’ll have to leave.


Oh that’s a good point! I forgot how out of the way SM is for alliance. We spammed it a lot during P2 of WoW Classic when I played Alliance, but that was on a PvP server before BGs and while ranking had started.

It was a lot of fun getting there. The world felt so alive (and hostile!). We were lucky when someone had a warlock set up ‘em with some clickers, but that wasn’t always the case.

Haha yeah. I don’t even loot on my alts, and I equip them with 20 slot bags anyway, so I don’t really have much of a problem with bagspace, but I could see needed to delete items or getting full after some runs, but BFD is tough to spam anyway, isn’t it?

Idk if there’s a trick, like logging out and back in at the end to get back to the start? But the ending location isn’t really in a place that makes it easy to reset.

If you see it if like when I perused the lfg when leveling…you hit 5 level fun.

There are graveyeard runs. And you are 5 over the group starter.

or you are 5 under the say armoury starter.

Monastery to me needs the 5 level rule removed and maybe a special +11 ish rule put in. The world would not end if an armoury capable tank could tank the grave yard crew.

Its a leveling dungeon, not an trial run for entry into a MDI team lol. it be okay, imo, if tank is at a +8 really. It get lower parts of monastery running.

I thought most people knew thats what wotlk was anyways :laughing:

JJ promoties solo leveling over group content.
JJ doesn’t fix the fact that most dungeons require over 30m in travel time. Why would anyone want to waste an hour running to and from a dungeon + wait on another person to show up for summons.


They add a bunch of QoL “features” to Retail that trivializes time spent in the world, and various other content. Apparently, some people don’t like Retail, and want to play Classic.


Imagine people playing classic for content.
Right now, very very few are playing said content.

I was just online on mu 30 rogue. 2 people were queued for STOCKADES Stocks. Requires zero travel time.

Imagine wanting to do GROUP content in an MMO.


It’s a game; what else are people playing it for?

Right now, not 10-70 group content that’s for sure.

Meh… I just spammed dungeons from 10-70 (well 69 atm) over the past 3 days, but of course, that’s me. I always find dungeon groups easily, even when others don’t.

Can confirm for alts getting groups is painful on Wrath.

Getting Groups on ERA is cake EZ like 95% of the time tho.

With wrath its just so… dead.

The other day; last friday night a RL buddy and I were leveling alts on Wrath like we always do every friday because its the game he wants to play so needless to say we set up Wrath play so that things would be easy for us… I play a Tank (leveling a second paladin) and he’s playing a healer (priest); these are not our first characters on Wrath by any means and we’re not new to these classes and know them very well.

Lets put it this way, its so freaking dead that we could not find DPS, not even one to join us… So we just 2 man’d content for the second week in a row.

As much as I would HOPE that RDF will fix it… some how I doubt it will tho friend because when you cant find DPS, that’s when you know things are effed.

What really surprised me the most was, I thought the “Wrath” content was just easy… Nah, turns out that’s not the situation, the real problem with wrath is the Tanks / Healers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too powerful because doing TBC content on what are comparably poorly geared characters VS my original characters who were FULLY raid gear in AQ 40+ loot mostly full BiS, just a tank and healer makes the content easier than doing TBC content on full BiS characters per the level…

As a result Wrath content seems very easy because the classes are insanely over tuned, at least Tanks / Healers are indeed way too powerful. I cant say this is so for DPS because I have not leveled any fresh DPS on Wrath Classic so I don’t know how that scales. All I know is that Tanks / Healers are like way way way over tuned per their item level.

I had assumed that things were “Easy” on the way to 80 on my first characters because they were sunwell geared, nah just turns out the game is easy because the classes are OP AF making the game boring,

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And do you think pro RDF people … don’t want to actually play the game?


Doubt. 10 chars.

IKR, doing a lil levelling during JJ and there’s a grand total of 2 people in the LFG tool for BC dungeons.

Admittedly, it’s 2 in the afternoon in the EU but Earthshaker is still a fairly big server so “I spammed dungeons” is just not a thing for most folks who aren’t entirely carried by their guilds.