Slamwich, Holy Paladin
Didn’t come to Rexxar until TBC, and ran with Forget Your Sanity for a while doing SSC, TK, and Hyjal
Some names I can remember off the top of my head: Cheesysnacks, Paulbunyun, Booradley, Paupp, Jergal, Lasper, and Holyschidt.
I know I didn’t play with you guys for very long, but it would be cool to reconnect if you’re playing Classic.
This is Revak/Romanek (also Aceyalone and Maiava). I’m one of the founders of Forget Your Sanity and we still have some who play retail today including a few you mentioned.
We’re not completely sure where we all are going to end up for this. But several of us are definitely playing Classic. Are you on discord?
He wasn’t everyones cup of tea but he was a really great raid leader. I miss listening to him tell people what they’re doing wrong in Vent.
Hey Perry! I remember raiding with you in PSSC
Hey Solu! Glad you’re still around, I’m doing well!
Name: Indika, Gnome Rogue
Guild: Oracle
Lookin for old mates to play with. Not sure how much ill be playing, but definitely gunna poke around. Let figure out a server!
Guess who’s gonna be back!
Zizzach, Balzach, Prozach, Nutzach, Inapropriate…
Character - Hogar - (Human Holy Paladin)
Guilds - Paper Street Soap Co, Prophecy
Seeing a lot of familiar faces in this thread. Really takes me back >_>
Hit me up - wickedstylis#1940
hey! I remember you! Cellular (another rogue) here. I think maybe a handful of us are going to play but I honestly don’t know where everyone else will be. Theesa and I are going to be on Pagle. There’s an Oracle fb group where a bunch of us have reconnected, you can friend me on bnet (Bellybutton#1279) or Discord (Bellybutton#3900) if you want to connect
What, not looking for Bouncebouncy?
Characters: Bounce/Bouncebouncy, Dreuger, Darthbounce, Butterbean, Kevinsmith, Diabetes
Guilds: Horde Reapers, The Burning Legion, Small Union of Pals
Looking for my buddy Keleko/Diable and anyone else anyone else I spent time hanging out with.
Hey Terethar!
Indika, gnome rogue
Glad to see some familiar faces, do you know what server youre going to play on?
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Just going to put this here.
1 more day! can’t wait to see new and old faces!
Wow figured I would just see who was still around who was looking for who. Wow Besos, Sarajeane, or Xyathar had not heard those names in a long time or even thought about CDG. Good memories fun times. I think back then I was playing my Destro Lock and went by the name Marrock or as some would call me Marr. Well I don’t play anymore, but just thought i would stick my head in and see what was happening.
Deal, OMFG It has been so long. My first guild GoHK, I remember you and your wife Dem. I have long since deleted my Destro Lock that caused us so much trouble Marrock. I will never forget when I picked up the Blood of Heros and we all died fast in EPL, lmao fun times. I miss them. Seeing that you and Besos still play I may pick it up again.
Hey Bounce, Marrock here we played alot together in HR and SUoP
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Oh hey awesome! If you ever start playing again, so far my plan is to play on Pagle unless I’m able to find a larger concentration of old buddies to play with on another realm. Piratepoots#1539 is the bnet ID.
Rebo (Night Elf Druid) and Dontdodrugs (Human Paladin)
The main guild I was in during this realm was “Horde Reapers” for raiding and whatnot.