Rexxar Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Rexxar in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Characters name: Kirbydarts, Dwarf hunter
Looking for: Gnome mage named Draogoon

Character Name: Tristnal, human Warrior / Bladel, Dwarf Paladin

Looking for any of the old Coupe De Grace peeps!

Edit: The error was mine, couldn’t remember if it was my memory that was incorrect or the spelling. Guild appears to be active, but none of the names ring a bell.

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Do you mean Coupe De Grace… mis-spelled and roughly meant car accident? If so, I healed hunters in MC as a feral druid with them and Off Tanked pretty heavily with them in Burning Crusade. Still my favorite times smashing my face against the keyboard trying to down Lady Vashj.

Character: This one
Guild: Coupe De Grace

My IRL brother was also in the guild… Sarajeane, a mage.


Just happened upon this thread and whatta ya know…

I was cleaning out my old email account not too long ago and found the emails where Dakmar and myself talked about forming CdG, October 22, 2005. Proud it’s still going strong on Rexxar today.

Character: Xyathir
Guild: Coupe De Grace (Founder)


Here’s the real test of who’s OG Rexxar. Any of you boys remember the Podel soundboard? How about that Horde mage that took the tank trinket from Magister’s Terrace from a tank, to “use for pvp”?

What a time to be alive! Also, Fanlix from CdG and Bragnon Smash, where you at dude?

EDIT: Xyathir, the name sounds super familiar, but it’s been 15 years, so forgive me. I haven’t spoken to Brett since Cata, last I heard he moved over to Proudmoore.


Character: Mungan, Dwarf Priest
Guild: Fire, Horizon

Looking for: Zariel, Raeld, Tobar, Neferdream, Davids, and any other guild peeps I’m forgetting atm

I’d love to dive back into Vanilla with the old crew!

Night Elf Hunter: Taliem.

Unguilded. However, I fully remember the Cockroaches. Had some great fun with them. Would like to see what they’re doing now.

Night Elf Rogue: Dagnir

Guild: Thor’s Hammer

looking for two Night elves, a rogue named Stelthkill and a hunter named Sputnik

Character: Sevenshot, Draenei Hunter
Guild: Prophecy

I’ve spent hours looking for the Podel soundboard… Can’t find it anywhere.

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Character: Efdra

Guild : Oracle

Looking for anyone wanting to reconnect as well as possibly join my Classic guild.

Message me on discord hobbit#1603

https: // www. reguild. org

Character: Perrynoid - gnome warlock

Guilds: Paper Street Soap Company, Runty

Hello friends.


Character: Achu Human Paladin, Totus Warlock
Guild: Unbroken, Ghosts in the Machine

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Hey man, there’s a name I remember. I’m pretty sure we raided together in WotLK?

I played Rexxar alliance side from 2005 to 2010. Main character names were:

Gandaalf (I was 16 and LotR was huge, give me a break lol) Human warlock

IStabYou Human Rogue

Sokajoo Draenei Paladin


If anyone remembers me and want to team up again my discord is ChonChon#1500.

Character: Thamon, Human Paladin
Guild: Time Well Wasted

Time Well Wasted, Paper Street Soap Co., Prophecy… Dang these are exciting times to ride that wave of nostalgia!

@Sevenn I’ve looked for the Podel soundboard too over the years. Seems like it’s lost to the void.

Wolfdragon - Human Warrior

I used to raid MC and Kara with a guild but I sadly cannot remember the name…

I also had a awesome buddy named Darkape who was a Night Elf Hunter. If you are around hit me up!

Playing PVP server this time around as a Troll Hunter.

Jorje - Human Warrior
Tarrackian Elite

Looking for anyone who knew me. Also…
Sinneas, also human warrior. Friends off and on for a long time.
Anyone else from Tarrackian Elite
Crackerjax, Human Warrior Grand Marshall, outside IF duelling permanently
Lemmywinks Rogue twink what uuuuup
I had some friends. A mom and her sons. One of which had a 60 warrior, rerolled rogue and had a ton of fun and got to 40+ faster than I had ever seen. We talked a lot when I was lower level, don’t remember usernames though. Long ago.
Jimadler, used to talk about EQ in chat all the time

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Golbeeze, human paladin.

Not part of a guild, but teamed up with many people. Many called me GolbReeze by accident and I always corrected them. Sometimes zone yelling.

Grombrindal, Dwarf Warrior.

Was in Red Light District, Small Union of Pals to name a couple.

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