Rexxar Alliance Reconnections

Macdaddy - Gnome Mage
Bauer - NE Druid

I can’t remember my vanilla guilds (I remember Herotodus gnome-warlock and Nieves-NE Druid as guild leaders) but I was in Paragon and PSSC for TBC. After that I swapped to Horde-Black Dragonflight. I’m planning on leveling the mage again, probably Whitemane alliance since I got the name reserved lol. Happy to see some familiar names! Send me a bnet request at Mac3#1970. I wish I had kept my old screenshots.

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Hey Zarreth, I was in TBL for many years. I went by Helio (paladin) mostly, but had some alts too. I remember SUP too!

Hey Ares, I remember some of our adventures from TBL. I was/am Helio, another paladin plus however many alts. Glad to see guys like you and Tubble still popping up.

Hey Dreuger, I remember you from TBL, I was Helio a paladin. Hope things are well!

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I was Helioster (human paladin during those times), eventually shortening to Helio, a part of The Burning Legion. We all xferred in from Suramar at some point during vanilla. Played for years even after the dissolution of the guild, mostly solo. My sis and her husband (Syrona and Corrib) are also old-school TBL members and we’re all going to dip our toes in the Classic waters. Alliance side on Mankirk, I am told.
Played with a lot of talented, nice, funny, awesome folks over the years. This is bringing back some serious memories!!!

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whats up Grom dont know if you remember me or not. I played during TBC and WoTLK with SUP as Amarolyna /Gaia!

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I played at the end of Classic on Rexxar as well as during all of TBC WoTLK with SUP.

Amarolyna - Human Paladin Prot
GÄiÄ - NE Druid Guardian

Hope to reconnect with more SUP people from back in the day.

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@Pattyrolla Yes I remember Sammich lol are you still playing?

Hogar! What happened to you, you’re a flighty Orc now.

Yeah I remember you. Glad to see you’re around!

Hooollyyy hell lol. I’m unsure if I’ll flip to Old Blanchy or stick with Atiesh but dude it’s good to hear from ya!

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I’ll be over on Westfall under Butterbean, Tansin, Dayolddead and Bornincasket (Horde) if you wanna swing by some time. Possible alliance characters on Old Blanchy, but haven’t decided yet lol.

I remember you from PSSC!!!

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MistahClean - Gnome mage, all arcane all the time
Dugood - Dwarven Paladin
GoodGrief - Human Priest
MusclesMagee - gnome warrior
stopped playing after a breakup, she got to keep the WOW friends…
I remember some of these names I think… its been so long. I liked flying around on my griffon picking flowers and helping lower level peeps thru Deadmines back when Deadmines was cool…

Ellomotto - NE Druid.
Nycite - NE Hunter.

Looking for all those that were around. Especially those in Storm Born!

When I went to raiding hardcore in Cata I realized that it was far easier to find people horde side. Never turned back =(

I was Chi the Night Elf druid healer! (Also in PVP as Tahlana a warrior who hit Marshal rank and had a bunch of other alts :slight_smile: )

I played with CDG in BC, but in vanilla I was with a small group of friends I met on Windrunner and followed over to Rexxar and I can’t remember our old guild name for the life of me. But I remember Punjar/Khale/Kaluden who was my best friend in wow and I heard he passed away (RIP my friend). We had a crazy group back then, so much fun, I remember his sister and RL friend played and we ran Strat too many times and Dire Maul tribute runs (where we all first met!). Woody, Thundar, Bheid (sp?), Ninja-something, something-monkey and lot more names I can’t quite remember or spell haha

Haha nice man. I did the same for a while but since I cant really raid much anymore I just went back to alliance. Good to see you alive and well man.

hey, yes i do! Good to see a familiar face. Rolling Ally on Skeram now… if the queue would go down.

Character: Kyoukyuu, Resto Druid

Don’t remember too many names beyond Park, Cobretti, Spronzilli and a few others (my memory isn’t all that great). Drop me a line if we use to run together.

Also looking for some advice on a classic server/guild. I’m not 18 any more so I’m not looking for anything hardcore. Ideally looking a friendly bunch with good seasoned players that want to clear content, but not spend 15 hours a week to do it.


Update: Started a Tauren Shaman on Fairbanks (PVP) and Night Elf Druid on Westfall (PVE).

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