Rexxar Alliance Reconnections

I remember yoooouuuu :stuck_out_tongue:

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Poor life decisions from the body pull extraordinaire, sounds about right. :smiley:

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Uziel - Human Rogue
Ziel - Night Elf Druid

Guilds - Gothic Justice, USKTA, Immersion, Asylum, Pandemonium.

Joined Rexxar when it opened. Lots of friends found and lost throughout the years here.

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I feel like I remember this name!

I’ll be playing on Pagle - Alliance. Human warrior - Avery and NELF Druid - Besos. Hope to run into a few of you.

Krassen… Haven’t heard that name in a while. RIP.

Terethar here, Human Mage from Oracle. Looking for anyone from pre-TBC days, you know who you are.

berserkingappompyro is life

Guild: infinity
Looking for anyone that was in it back in the day. i dont remember much being so young. i remember a druid named icemandruid.

Light (priest) and I (Larzan/hunter) used to play with you back in the day. What realm and faction are you planning on rolling?

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Hiiii!!!, I’m going alliance on pagle :slight_smile:

I remember you too!!! Hi!

Hey i remember you too, good times :). Rolling alliance on pagle :). Character name Doc.

My mage was Iceis and I got the same name on Mankrik this time around.

Buragi!!! I used to play with you in BC. Name was Sammich and I was a Gnome Rogue at the time and I played in the guilds Rain Makers and Paragon. Don’t know if you remember that.

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character: Eladrain
guilds: The Friday Knights (raided with Dragons Elite), Divide and Conquer and Red Light District

godspeed Perrynoid

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Name: Sarah Watkins
Class: Warrior lvl 60, Priest lvl 60, Hunter lvl 39

Came over from Windrunner, played a warrior in PSSC that I named Datalan. Also have a few alts (Datakan) and twinks (Datalin) that I used way back when. Spent a little time in Deadly Panda Squad as well. Hoping to connect with the people who I used to play with. God bless.


Data! I’ve missed you. This is Solu. Hope you’re well

hey no way! i wasn’t sure if i’d find any of ya. how do i find this fb group?

If you have discord you can friend/message me there @Bellybutton#3900 and we’ll figure out how to add you! I don’t think it’s searchable - but there’s a bunch of us in it and it was fun to see all the old names and find out what everyone is up to these days :smile:

if that doesn’t work then you can add me on bnet - bellybutton#1279