I remember yoooouuuu
Poor life decisions from the body pull extraordinaire, sounds about right.
Uziel - Human Rogue
Ziel - Night Elf Druid
Guilds - Gothic Justice, USKTA, Immersion, Asylum, Pandemonium.
Joined Rexxar when it opened. Lots of friends found and lost throughout the years here.
I feel like I remember this name!
I’ll be playing on Pagle - Alliance. Human warrior - Avery and NELF Druid - Besos. Hope to run into a few of you.
Krassen… Haven’t heard that name in a while. RIP.
Terethar here, Human Mage from Oracle. Looking for anyone from pre-TBC days, you know who you are.
berserkingappompyro is life
Guild: infinity
Looking for anyone that was in it back in the day. i dont remember much being so young. i remember a druid named icemandruid.
Light (priest) and I (Larzan/hunter) used to play with you back in the day. What realm and faction are you planning on rolling?
Hiiii!!!, I’m going alliance on pagle
I remember you too!!! Hi!
Hey i remember you too, good times :). Rolling alliance on pagle :). Character name Doc.
My mage was Iceis and I got the same name on Mankrik this time around.
Buragi!!! I used to play with you in BC. Name was Sammich and I was a Gnome Rogue at the time and I played in the guilds Rain Makers and Paragon. Don’t know if you remember that.
character: Eladrain
guilds: The Friday Knights (raided with Dragons Elite), Divide and Conquer and Red Light District
godspeed Perrynoid
Name: Sarah Watkins
Class: Warrior lvl 60, Priest lvl 60, Hunter lvl 39
Came over from Windrunner, played a warrior in PSSC that I named Datalan. Also have a few alts (Datakan) and twinks (Datalin) that I used way back when. Spent a little time in Deadly Panda Squad as well. Hoping to connect with the people who I used to play with. God bless.
Data! I’ve missed you. This is Solu. Hope you’re well
hey no way! i wasn’t sure if i’d find any of ya. how do i find this fb group?
If you have discord you can friend/message me there @Bellybutton#3900 and we’ll figure out how to add you! I don’t think it’s searchable - but there’s a bunch of us in it and it was fun to see all the old names and find out what everyone is up to these days
if that doesn’t work then you can add me on bnet - bellybutton#1279