Rexxar Alliance Reconnections

Played a female night elf hunter named Acissej. Was apart of the guild Chaotic Knights and am still on Rexxar today!

Holy F*ck…I totally forgot about podel…i remember raiding with that guy. Those were some hilarious times.

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Not sure if anyone I used to hang out with back in the day still plays from the guild Inferno on Rexxar. Or anyone else remember me Zargon Night Elf warrior tank. The good old days of glory and fun :smiley:

I remember playing with you, I was DaPope - Dwarf Paladin and DaHobo - Dwarf Hunter.

This is my original WoW toon
Looking for Thundar, Myna, Tickles, and other whom I may have forgotten. We were in quite a few guilds together all of which I have forgotten.

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Minicowfy, Minihealfy, and Minibuns here.
A couple guilds I’ve been in… The Burning Legion, Oracle, and a few others.

some of us are around! Cellular - nelf rogue here, I raided with Oracle along with the husband (Theesa, nelf warrior), there’s a facebook group of old Oracle folks, some of us still play here and there!

I remember you, buddy. Wasn’t anywhere near level cap in classic but if you haven’t reserved your name on any realms, I ended up on Myzrael. See ya.

Characters name: Angryhobo (Gnome Rogue), Battlekitten, Lilhellion

Guild: Renegade Beliefs / Escape from Reality.

Looking for: Tirza, Feathere, LostGirl, Lemonpepper, Sivin, Joran. You all took me under your wing. Yes that was from memory. I hope you all are doing well if you see this. Much love… 14 years later.


Hey guys!! i was Alucielia, i didnt really have a guild in vanilla, i was in one when BC came out :), i was a resto druid :slight_smile:

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Try this again, from the druid and not the default DK.

Sylotaes from Horde Solutions Inc on Kalecgos before we transferred to bruewall Rexxar and formed Paragon shortly before TBC. Eventually renamed to Cogliostro. Affectionately known as Slots.

Skelletor (aka Bertoxxolous post-transfer) and I are gonna be rolling Alliance on Thalnos.


Characters Names: Villea (Human Warlock), Thestrel (Night Elf Priest)
Guilds: Latronis Fortis, Red Light District

I didn’t raid in Vanilla and wasn’t in a guild but have been on Rexxar off and on since shortly after the free xfers from Windrunner. I was following a fool named Dunstad that was in CdG (though I never was.)

I raided in TBC with Latronis Fortis until we merged with Red Light District and raided up until RLD semi-merged with Small Union of Pals (so…sometime during Ulduar? It was after Krassen stopped raiding for anyone that raided with us.)

Characters: Courtpally (human paladin), Daruma (human priest)
Guilds: Saiyans (co-founder with Obeisance, pvp guild), Effect (healing officer)
looking for old friends, I still play and have played since this game came out, sure was fun in vanilla though, pvping against horde we all knew, then making good friends raiding in effect, good times.

Characters: Reyno (Night Elf Warrior), and Pyron (Night Elf Druid)

Guilds: Gothic Justice (xferred from Windrunner), and USKTA

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Lemmywinks! What guild was your twink in? I remember you!

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We are rolling horde on Mankirk I believe

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Character - Kyltira - (Night Elf Resto Druid)
Guilds - Aut Vincere Aut Mori, Paper Street Soap Co

Looking for anyone that I may have played with/remembers me from either guild or who knew me in general.


Who was your Mage? I was in PSSC back in the day too. Kyltira - resto druid

I believe I remember playing with you! I THINK I was in Pandemonium for a short time as well after PSSC - Kylitra, Resto Druid

Characters Khalis - Human Warlock, Zeid - Draenei Shaman, Illyana - Draenei Paladin
Guilds - Asylum, Pandemonium, Pseudo Serious, and Deadly Panda Squad
Lots of familiar names on this thread lol.

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