Rexxar Alliance Reconnections

  • Me: Tsuneto! The one and only Jase!
  • Guild: EFFECT!!! God do I miss hangin’ with you guys!
    Others include: Deadly Panda Squad, Consilio Et Armis, Paper Street Soap CO.,
  • Peeps: If only my brain had the capacity to remember them all :confused:

SKREWBALL! OUR MT - I will never forget u.

Sky#13982. Add my btag! :smiley:

Hey Dirty I used to hang out with you and a Druid named Adorean in the Amon Ra days. I know Adorean outside the game too and he quit years ago. I wasn’t a member of Amon Ra but Adorean brought me along for a lot of raids. I played this character back then as holy.

Dealdus - NE Hunter
Guild of Hard Knocks - Charter member
Horde Reapers - Raided MC
You No Take Candle - when raiding stopped before expansion
Coupe de Grace - Short time before server transfer
Definately remember Besos and Sarajeane
Also played Horndup - Draenei Shaman after expansion

Wife played Demariss - NE Priest
Guilds - same

We still both play retail and await Classic
Still play with Alexx and “The guild breaker” NE Druid Swiftfoot

Played with way too many for me to remember. But if any of these ring a bell hit us up.

Buragi - dwarf hunter (this toon)

Amon Ra

I remember the Podel sound board…

Dirty Deeds in BC


Aliyana, NE Druid.
Guild… Multiple
Looking for anyone that will be playing classic again from back in the day!.

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Back on Suramar, yep. If only you could get Nick and Craig back with you, then we could really live in the old days :stuck_out_tongue:

Lollypopp - Resto Druid
Divide and Conquer (Druid Class Lead)
Red Light District (Officer and GM during TBC)
Guardians of the Ages
Seen a few familiar names on here so far!

Any one remember the guild " Fearless Arms " raided with them for a long time.
played a Human paladin named Con

Anyone from “As Lightning Strikes”, “Dismissed”, or “Elwynn Police Dept”

I really wish that were possible, Add me on battlenet if you like, me and my brother will be playing classic wiuld be nice to catch up.

OG CDG! A few of us are heading over to Mankirk horde side. I’m trying to get a hold of Xya right now to see if we can get the band back together. Thoughts? You wanna do this?

Sadly, I would but I’ve already got a group of folks going Ally over on Pagle. Hope yall find lots of CdG alums to join you guys!

Name: Andap, Gnome Rogue & Tyrgras, Human Priest

Guild: Unbroken, Unbreakable, Crusade of the Dragon

Looking for anybody I ran with back in the day. I’ll probably be playing on Horde this time around.

Ares - Human Paladin. Guilds were Twilight and later TBL during TBC. Going Alliance when this thing launches.

I’m still friends with one of the MTs from TBL named Tubble. I am unsure if Tubble will be playing, but I know for sure Icelord/Mysticon is on board. He was in Horde Reapers and CDG.

This game has created some interesting friendships haha.


Character: Lyndis - Draenei Shammy

Guilds: Rebirth, Paper Street Soap Co, Pandemonium.

Sup all, time to make poor life decisions again.


Hey Blutrek (paly) here, looking for friends from the old days. Particularly the 3 brothers i hung out with Warrior, Paly, and Rogue (Kelsenell). The Paly and Rogue were in Deadly Pandas.

i think warrior name was Deadlus (Jake)? And you all had a 4th, little bro (Thyeye?), you never let play with us LOl good times.

I was in Paper Street … with you all on my Mage: Iceis.
Also anyone else i used to play with in Red Light District. Hit me up!

I’ll be playing on Mankrik, Alliance side of course, this time around

Zarreth, Human Warlock and several other characters.

Raided with The Burning Legion guild and eventually founded Small Union of Pals.

Would love to get together with any of the old TBL people and the few SUP members who may remember me.



Akuria here, played on Rexxar since classic. Began w/ a warrior tank named Semirhage in Late Night. Switched to Akuria (Shadow priest) in early/mid BC and played in Ashes of the Phoenix, Erus, Paragon, Prophecy, Escape from Reality, Art of War, and now in Advanced Campfire. Would love to reconnect w/ some old peeps and meet some new ones (Looking at you Oracle peeps since you guys seemed to be the ones everyone aimed to be like). What server is everyone starting on?
