Alexx, Night Elf Hunter -Unbroken- / Phrosty Draenei (TBC) Shaman -Emerald-
Looking for Adamzero Human Pally, Peia Dwarf Rogue.
Alexx, Night Elf Hunter -Unbroken- / Phrosty Draenei (TBC) Shaman -Emerald-
Looking for Adamzero Human Pally, Peia Dwarf Rogue.
Dirtypierre Human Holy Pally
Was in GoA, Amon Ra, Sanctum
LF any of the old guildies. Best times in wow for sure.
Clicilas, Human Rogue
Guild: J E A L O U S
LF other J E A L O U S guildies =)
Hey Alexx I remember you
I am “The Brett” and all my toons are back on Rexxar after being on Proudmoore from 2010-2018. 3 are on the horde side now, but I’m 100% Rexxar again and will be till the servers are all turned off.
Kageromero, Night Elf Druid
Guild: Long forgotten at this point since I was young at the time (I believe it was Amon Ra), but people from the wotlk era would remember me from YARG
Not particularly looking for anything, but damn is the nostalgia strong seeing some of these names / guilds making their return
Well welcome back! I though that the name sounded familiar, but wasn’t sure. Plan on playing Classic or just seeing who’s kicking around?
Dodge (this guy) - Night Elf Rogue, Emt - Dwarf Priest, Dauid - Night Elf Druid
Deadly Panda Squad
Pick Up Group
Just really shouting out to all my Rexxar peoples and fellow transfers from Suramar <3
I’ll be back on for Classic and I’m casually around retail.
Looking for anyone from Elite Dark Knights (EDK)…
Jerkus and Severance are the two i remember the most from this time. Would love to reconnect for Classic launch.
Hey, Enaren the nelf hunter here. Looking up old Oracle members, it’s the main guild I remember raiding with. Hope to find some more of y’all.
Were you also apart of the league of gentlemen by anychance?
Valios, Gnome Warrior. Was all over the show.
Dindrel/Moonkinfuzz. I was a NE druid. I played with Anjele(human female priest and Uzbad(dwarf warrior). We were in the guild Paragon I believe? I forget our original guild name :(. We battled a lot with “Farm status” guild on kalecgos
Name during vanilla: Revak
(changed to Romanek during TBC when that became a feature)
Class: Night Elf Holy Priest for all of Vanilla (became shadow in TBC)
Guild: Accendo Nox Nocto - looking for anyone that used to be in this guild during vanilla and TBC
Also, leveled with some people that ended up joining the guild - The Burning Legion once we all hit 60.
Some of the people I leveled with or played with from ANN:
Just looking to see if any of you all are coming back for this. Hit me up. I still play a little on Rexxar (retail) alliance with Maiava, Phaidon, or Aceyalone.
name Pack
didnt raid in classic times
more so raided in wrath in ‘blades of tankinator’ as one of the main healers hoping to c some ppl from there still tho
Hatoup human paladin looking for popnfresh gnome mage cuz we gotta make a new youtube video bro
Amaging, human mage of Pick Up Group (vanilla), Identity Crisis (TBC, formerly known by many other guild names), Secret Cow Level (TBC), Prophecy (TBC / Wrath). Formerly Kayhlin (human rogue) from Suramar, was on Rexxar from day one of open free transfers until the start of BFA.
On Rexxar I also most recently played Vyri (human warlock - Prophecy / Dark Prophecy), and used to play Moofire (tauren druid / Death Group Eight), and Eclipsis (BE warlock / Steady Hand) (human warlock / Prophecy).
Currently play live with Vyrie-Stormrage and am planning on playing classic. Nice to see a lot of familiar names and old guilds here!
Alexx!!, I remember you!. I’m Aliyana, resto druid :).
Char name = Solu - dwarf priest
Guild = Deadly Panda Squad
Missed this realm for years. Never really played seriously after classic, maybe a short time in TBC. Old account is long gone. Hope you all are well. Not sure what server I will land on but will be trying to save my old name. PST if you see me. Best of luck to you all!
I certainly remember you =D.