Reward for recognition, or just change how RNG works

I like to collect things, so that means running content on lower levels than I can do, like how I just done a normal Sylvanas run on my hunter, and last night done it on heroic when the only thing I need from that raid is the bow both because it’s a legendary item and still an upgrade.

Yes, still. That’s half the problem with RNG, I still run a 239 bow on a hunter who can do M20+ timed. I’ve seen 3 bows maybe drop for me from the raid and that’s it, nothing from M+, nothing from the vault. At this rate I may very well head into next patch with a low level bow and miss out on the legendary one. Sure it’s rare, but who actually cares? Almost no one is even going to notice I have it, anyone who says “bUt It’S rArE!” either doesn’t spend enough time farming items, or has it and wants to be greedy.

It’s the same with the mount from the Nine, I am going to be in the same situation I was in with GMOD, kill that boss X number of times throughout the patch when it was current, than continue to kill it in a later patch because the last boss offers a mount (maybe not this time since we have a skip already), than wonder why I ever spent so much time in that raid when I didn’t get the one single item I wanted.

Than when the next expansion drops realise no one I play with wants to run older content and put that one mount on the back burner until 2 expansions later when I can solo it.

I just came out of a normal Sylvanas kill, 6K DPS, next best DPS was 4.7K. And yes the bow dropped, but it went to someone who got carried said something nasty when we asked if we could roll for it, didn’t even say thank you.

Why do I bother sometimes? I have 13 characters, run mythic raids, run old raids, high level keys, carry pug groups, but at the end of the day everything comes down to RNG to the point you may never see what you want to get. Today I finally got one of the three mounts from Dragon Soul, and it’s not even unique, there are TWELVE mounts in the game the have that same skin, why does it take this many years of farming to get one item?

Say what you want about that mount being rare, one of twelve drake mounts is not rare. Even worse when you add all the other variations of the drake mounts that can still be obtained (Like the Drake of the East Wind, not TLPD variations), that gives like 50 different drake variations of the exact same model just re-skinned, still think things should be rare?

I know a guy who has over 14,000 attempts at Sha, 7,000+ kills and bonus rolls. Should it really be like this? Or should players be rewarded based on what they do, not simply when a dice roll decides it’s their time. Some players play an ungodly amount of time here, and some walk away not ever getting the items they are after, and I have seen people walk away because of that. And that we don’t need, players walking out because they can never get the items they want.


You’re not meant to be guaranteed everything.

It’s okay for some things to be rare for the sake of being rare.

The fact that you like to collect things doesn’t change that.


Hello, I see you posted a thread about RNG. Seems to be working as intended if this fellow pulled this many attempts. Considering the amount of time spent doing this, it appears Blizzard made some decent money off of him through extended sub time. Would he have unsubbed if he got everything rather quickly? I don’t know but considering this person seems rather addicted, I think Blizzard are the real winners here!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


This makes me glad that personal loot exists.

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OP is right though. RNG shouldn’t be so bad that you get screwed for an entire tier.

I remember clearing KSM the 1st week it was available and unlocking the achievement this tier. I’ve also been farming full clear heroic SOD since July. Only RECENTLY, did I upgrade my 226 dom socket helm to a 246 when the RNG gods gave me the heroic Sylvanas helm for the first time. How is that okay or acceptable? Meanwhile random trash players dying in phase 1 would get the helm every other week on their alt. Players would get nice items from the vault every week. Me though? NOPE! I literally got the same neck piece from Mythic Tarragrue every mythic SOD vault, every week but like 2 since doing mythic SOD. I got the shoulders once, and a ring once. That’s some BS. And my vault for the M+ keys I’ve done… every week has had duplicates and same slot items. I JUST got my BIS trinket last week after all of this time. I’ve been selling +15 carries to max out my 10x unlock every week and been pushing 20+ keys since the start of the season. There’s literally nothing to show for all of the early hard grinding other than achievements.

The reward system is trash in this game and anyone w/ half a brain can see that. Meanwhile we have these do nothing Andys like “hur dur that’s RNG”. This is why people leave WoW in droves. Dumb systems that are gated like phone app games, poorly designed zones that piss people off, horrible loot system, and hyper focus on trying to keep players chained to long term horrible feeling grinds in the hopes people buy crap off their stupid shop.

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This is the most garbage excuse for items being a super low drop rate and only enables Blizzard to keep doing it.

Some of these ‘rare’ items are not even that good and I can guarantee that most players in this game won’t even notice if you have something ‘rare’ because not much is left in this game that actually stands out.

Players who collect stuff have so much to collect that I doubt we will ever run out. I have been collecting mounts for the better part of 4 years with 13 characters, I am still have over 100 left that I can get. Than add in all the achievements, transmog, pets, and not to mention doing something else like running high level content on another character.

There is so much to do in this game that if someone ticked all the boxes towards their goals and than quit, chances are they were never really going to stick around in teh first place.

So someone shows up with the intent of not actually doing anything just to hope they can be carried and get some loot? Is it really fair though? Like the guys you see in LFR who go AFK hoping they won’t be noticed?

I had a fight earlier, first wing of LFR, some guy ‘missed’ the first boss because they were still getting their powers, than done 25th DPS on the second boss before just disappearing off the map for the third boss, but still being listed as being inside SOD. If I didn’t call it out and get him kicked chances are he would have still been eligible for loot, and better chances are given their iLVL they were there only to try for the mount, is THAT fair? I doubt it.


You’re upset that someone who was paying you to carry them wouldn’t give you his personal loot.

You start a lot of threads on how RNG shouldn’t stop you from promptly getting everything you want. /shrug

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You’re not even close.

It was a normal SOD run with randoms from all over the place and yes, it was 100% randoms. Just before we started Sylvanas one of the tanks bailed and we had to find another one from group finder who was bad and died in P1.

So why did you say he was a “carry” when he wasn’t? And why is it you are upset that some random wouldn’t fork over his personal loot to you?

When you see someone at 245 iLVL pulling tank level DPS, you will call them a carry also. It’s the same people who show up and do bugger all, ignore the mechanics, get some ‘lag’ and die and than make any excuse in the book as to why they are playing bad.

It was 100% obvious he got invited because of his iLVL and planned to not actually put in any effort.

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Okay. So there should be a system built into the game that will determine who deserves loot and only give it to those people. Undergeared people who are able to contribute less to the effort should get no loot, and it should be given to the top players as a master loot retro thing.

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D- do you want them to make the uber-rare drops ALSO one-of-a-kind? Seems to me you’d just change your argument if that were to happen.

Welcome to the real endgame and those are rookie numbers, Sorry to hear a lot of things about your post, right now i’m leveling my last 7 alts to 50, so i can have 50 characters level 50 for the Love Rocket farm, the whole game has a really big RNG ISSUE, but a lot of players will tell you that the game should be like that, that you don’t deserve to have everything…etc, when players usually ask for an opportunity, not to have the mount or thing that you want in the mailbox tomorrow, that if you’re farming a specific item, well it’ll be good a bad luck mechanic that if you kill something 30-100 times then you can buy the item directly.

There’s a lot of farms that take years and multiple alt armies or accounts full of character to have a minimum chance, the game was designed during vanilla for a single character they didn’t design a game which incentivize to create alts due to the time invesment on leveling and other aspects, however they created somelow drops over the years and changed the mentallity to a more alt friendly game, however the low drops doesn’t allow a player with few characters to have the same chance that players with multiple alts.

It shouldn’t, for example it took me over 8k attempts on the Sha, its a boring farm that you must wait 15-20 mins per kill, you could be an active player on M+, PVP…etc other aspects of the game but you want that mount even when it’s just a recolor of rep mounts, the game is full of SLOOT MACHINE Bosses.

Also, if any player thinks that the RNG in game is OK, please check 9.1.5 Patch Notes on which Devs mentioned that Mechadone Meta Achievement was so difficult due to RNG… Change performed one expansion later, it wasn’t even Shadowlands content, it was 8.2 content, while a lot of people get it before those changes, they even recognize that somethings on game are behind RNG walls but i don’t know what triggered that change to Mechadone and no other achievements/drops in game.

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Any system is better than the current RNG system we currently have. The game even has a logging system that logs DPS/HPS and all that is related, use it, not so much just who is the top DPS or HPS, but parses, averages, overall numbers, start rewarding players who are doing good for their class and iLVL instead of simply allowing a dice to be rolled for anyone who was in the group at the time the boss died.

That would not just help keep players in the game who are putting in effort and feel like they are never being rewarded, but it would instantly eliminate paid carry groups. But no doubt Blizzard are after short term goals and if that means selling tokens more than keeping players invested, no doubt they are going after the token sales.

Personal loot has no bearing on you since you don’t actually do any content where personal loot matters. You’ve never even played Shadowlands to worry about group loot. You’re doing exactly no group content where loot type matters. lol

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They are just another person who comes here thinking they know what is best based on what their favourite FaceTuber tells them.

Anyone who plays this game long enough and does enough high end content, or anyone who farms items like xmog and mounts, anyone who does that and is not lucky with getting things in the first couple of attempts will all tell you the same thing, RNG is garbage.

Only those who don’t really play much or at high level content will say RNG is good and rare things need to stay rare without even realising what makes things rare.

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Given his account achieve dates he’s never done any high end content when it was current. He’s constantly got negative opinions about Shadowlands but he’s openly stated he’s never even played it. All he’s doing is regurgitating nonsense that he has seen posted on the forum or seen on youtube, he’s got no actual experience in most matters he rants to players about.

Actually RNG does things rare but in a bad way when it’s too much RNG like drops that takes 10 years, 8000 attempts… Etc which are also not fun for a game, a game should be fun and prioritize that, so bad luck mechanics help with rewards for a player, like the new rares from shadowlands for each covenant that drop a mount, however you can buy the same mount with anima and offerings, that was a good bad luck protection implemented. I think first time i notice something like that.

Also, i prefer rare like the book mount from MT, its a deterministic reward because you know what’s required and since not all the playerbase can get it, it’ll create a rarity concept around it.

The same can be said for the gladiator mount, you need skill, not just “Oh hey look what I got for showing up.” They need more things like this in game, stuff that takes actual skill and effort, than we will be able to call stuff rare.

Right now there are only a handful of stuff in the game that you can really call rare, and here and there things get added like the hard mode mounts, but since they stay in the game they eventually become not rare as you can learn to cheese them.

Honestly some people just have no idea what is actually rare VS what is just garbage RNG. But than there are those who are lucky enough to have done something a handful of times, got an item and are hell bent of keeping it ‘rare’ to make themselves feel good.

The RNG is absolutely terrible in some instances. I got the bow on my 6th Heroic kill and consider myself extremely lucky for that. As for the mount from the Nine, I think I have just over 60 collective kills across multiple characters so far with no luck.

My kryptonite right now is the Antoran Charhound and both Gul’dan mounts. I don’t even know how many kills I have across each difficulty, but it’s been every week, across all difficulties that drop the mounts with 9 toons. No bueno.