Reward for recognition, or just change how RNG works

I strongly disagree. Things could always be worse, and even unimaginably so.

If you want all the loot to go to the most productive (ie already geared) players, that’s you choosing to eliminate all new and returning players as well as average players from the reward loop. Without gear players cannot move up, and there is no way they can ever catch up to the players who have all the gear set aside for them.

If you think eliminating new players is a good long-term goal, you’re willing to watch the game die.

And no, you shouldn’t be able to buy the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent off a vendor after 30 attempts.

Get Rarity to track kills.

The drop rate on the bow got reduced after the first week, its something silly like 0.3% or something.
The good news - a 252 bow from spires, will sim better than the heroic legendary. At this point, its basically the tmog thats worth anything, and its like the wish version of Sylvanas’s bow.
The bad news - Its a legendary, those will always have a much lower drop rate and they are supposed to be alot rarer. Do I agree with it. Not really, a) the bow isnt even that good so as a legendary it kinda sucks. but also b) there should be some kind of bad luck protection when it comes to gear thats actually needed to progress and can’t really be gotten via any other method. The best thing about the bow is the stats. Thats about it.
I dunno ive got like 30+ kills on her, mostly in groups with 5+ hunters, and ive seen the bow drop like once or twice. Thats it.

I’m ok with low drop rates while content is current, its a pita, but I get it. But once something gets moved to legacy content, the drop rates should be increased. Since they nerfed the gold value on everything legacy content wise, theres no other reason than farming personal tmog or pets/trash drops to even go into old raids.

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I think the current drop rates - while annoying are fine for current content really. Your supposed to be chasing the carrot and hey if a new player gets in a normal, experiences their first last boss kill and gets the bow, im going to be happy for them.
I agree I dont think you should be able to just buy things off a vendor after a certain point. RNG can be a fickle mistress tho sometimes, il give it that

I would be fine with the most ridiculous drop rates being increased. I also think that bad luck protection should mean that after you have reached the theoretical drop rate account-wide, the next drop should guarantee you your mount.

mmm thats the thing with drop rates tho, its, every time you down it, its the same chance, so killing something 100 times wont increase your chances of getting it. Ive not heard of the BLP working for mounts tho its only ever really been in reference to gear

So you clearly have never played the game if you think personal loot is not a thing in leveling content. Why do you even pretend to be a player? There’s a reason why there is personal loot in all content now. Not just Shadowlands raiding.

That’s how it worked with Legion legendaries. Up until you reached a certain amount of qualifying content, the drops were random. When you reached that amount of content, the next qualifying content you did would give you your next legendary. We tracked that with an addon.

The RNG system generates the most continued subs. They’re not going to allow everyone to be satisfied, that would completely defeat their economic model. For every person who struggles along, there is someone who gets whichever item we’re talking about, deservedly or otherwise, on their first or second attempt. It’s just wow business.

In Legion, after much bickering, they added a “bad luck protection” system that gradually increased a person’s chances to get a legendary item after every failed attempt (boss kill, dungeon run, chest opened, etc) until the next one popped. They may or may not choose to implement something like that again in the future.

There is a correlation between effort and reward but when it comes to a system based on RNG people establish this make-believe link that RNG should dissipate over time. You know the rules of the system going in.
With how WoW is designed effort dose not equal reward, it equals probability.

The RNG systems are designed in such a way that keeps player coming back. Dose it suck? Ya kind of but if we want to revamp everything in to a progress-able reward system then that means MASS revamps and over all changes to how things are labeled.
First off if we are turning it in to a progress based system pretty much everything would start dropping currency or crafting reagents instead of gear, mounts, toys, ect. There would be vendors for exchanging X amount of currency for Y level of reward or other cosmetics. There would be different levels of currency depending on the difficulty level of the content thus restricting people who do lower level content to lower level rewards or specific cosmetics locked behind higher difficulty. There would be an exchange system allowing you to turn higher currency in to more lower currency.
If you haven’t already guessed but if Blizzard were to implement this kind of effort based reward system everyone would immediately complain about Blizzard time gating loot.
So as you might surmise the point is you can’t have an all positives system. There will be down sides no matter what system is implemented to reward players. We may not like it but it is what we have.

I recommend preparing yourself in the future for the possibility of not getting what you want and adjust how much effort you are willing to put in accordingly.
To give you a real life example I have run DoS probably 40-50 times this expansion between both my Tanks. I have gotten ONE Blood Spattered Scale all expansion. Rather then dwelling on what could have been I look forward and keep moving. Don’t let yourself become a cynic about RNG because that mind set will eat you alive. If you are sick of not feeling rewarded the reality is it is time to stop playing because at that point very little in WoW will leave you feeling fulfilled.

My recommendation for anyone playing is to set broader goals. For instance my 9.1 goals were to reach KSM, AOTC and get one character above 250 item level and another two above 245 and have my main with maxed conduits. At this point I am still shy by one character 245 but I am pleased with what I accomplished. I don’t care what the rest of my guild or friends think I set reasonable goals for me. Sadly RNG based goals are not great ones because they leave you with the very real chance of disappointment, That is made worse with weekly looting because you will start to succumb to weekly disappointment. That is what will make you a cynic.

its ok for things to be rare dude chill out, i guess you werent here for the legendary trinket from argus now that thing was rare af literally never saw it drop FOR ANYONE and that was the raid i did the most, deterministic systems are ok for things like tier sets and how they are going to handle them in the next patch since everyone needs them but not ok for special items

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When it comes to rng things, i use an attitude of going for it until i stop having fun. Drops aint worth stressin over imo

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I have Mount Farm Helper or something similar… I can’t remember. I believe the data save is local instead of a server query(if that’s even a thing). Since I last did a reinstall, the kill count reset. Back up to 96 kills on my Hunter alone as of about 5 minutes ago.

Regardless, it’s a bunch of kills.

On the brighter side of things, I started farming Rivendare’s mount as Alliance (We all make mistakes - don’t hold it against me) about 2.5 months after release… roughly mid-February 2005, Stratholme became a daily run… minimum of once per day. On the weekends, I’d farm, farm, farm.

After almost 16 years of regular farming, seeing it drop multiple times - losing the roll multiple times, I got the mount and Achievement on 11/24/2021.

I pretty much decided that day that I had officially beaten World of Warcraft.

This is just a small part of the problem. I have 66, that’s 120+ just between the 2 of us and I have only seen 3 mounts drop total. How many have you seen total? Doubt it’s going to be much more than this. Collectively the amount of kills VS the amount of items is just not right.

If it really did give the most continued subs we would not be at a point that a levelling DPS can spend 1.5 hours in a dungeon queue and out level the content they are playing to the point they can queue for the next expansion.

Yes, that happened to me. I spent 1.5 hours in a BFA queue, levelled almost twice and was able to requeue for SL.

Back when the subs where at the highest we also had a token system amongst other good things, it’s just slowly degraded since than.

The thing people don’t think about is what really happens when players are geared and get what they want. No, we don’t quit or give up. That’s the top end players who are mostly interested in mythic raiding and getting their CE each patch.

For the rest of us sure there will be some who will also quit, but I can tell you with the communities I spend my time with and the guild I am in, we are far from quitting once we tick a few boxes, there is plenty to do. Like if I ever get the bow on my hunter than I can start looking at sending more alts into SL dungeons and gearing them for raiding, I have one of each at least and it’s quite fun running raids with a different class and spec, but for the time being I am killing Sylvanas on one character and one character only, that gets quite boring on it’s own and is more a reason to stop playing and taking a break, because eventually after that many kills on the same character, it gets very boring.

Literally, once. One drop from The Nine.

So, explain me why devs changed Mechadone achievement in the middle of shadowlands… It was a worse time sink that now.

Ask for love rocket, it’ll be least drops that the number of people talking here.

A mount that’s 1/3333 and with 50 characters you can only do 750 attempts per year.

Unfortunately there are people who think it’s good design…

''Hurr Durrr omgerdz, farming a mount for several years is so fun, WORK WORK WORK, hahaha 7333t yo! git gud"

Blizzard is stuck in the stone ages while newer games are finding a balance that lets it feel rewarding while blizzard is fred flinstone telling you to chip away at the stone because someday MAYBE you’ll get to the center.

It has no bearing on you in old content in the same fashion it does in a group setting who is doing group content. You’re dealing with transmogs and groups are dealing with progression. Given the dates of your achieves I am already certain you’ve never been part of a progression team. It’s very likely that you’ve never even been part of a very casual raid team since you are so against organized group content anyway and that you think anyone who does content is a toxic elitist, so you wouldn’t understand progression and what personal loot does within a team environment anyway. You especially cannot speak for anything related to raiding in Shadowlands since you’ve openly stated that you’ve never played, so you commenting on guilds and raiding last night was out of line since you have no idea beyond what you heard.

Also, to reiterate your comment, nowhere did I say that personal loot wasn’t in your transmog runs.

well there’s rare and then there’s when it gets to “am I even fighting the right mob?” or “Is there a drop condition I’m not meeting?”

It’s reasonable to expect it to potentially take a while, but there should be a cap on the timesink since other people can get it in one try.

It’s also very irritating to go make 100+ attempts and hear about someone going in on a lark and getting it first try. Then they learn or sell it, and never use it, and the people that actually want the cabability to use it are still at it 50+ more tries later.

Actually wanting the item, putting in effort to get it even though it’s no stat benefit anymore, should matter.

I don’t want rare things to be instant guaranteed drops, but I do want the people who actually want x drop and put in time trying to get it to end up with something to show for their efforts.

Since boss kills have been tracked for a while, I’d like to see something like a popup stating:

"Your account has run this fight 50+ times post it being current content. Clearly you value something off this fight. Here’s either a way to directly earn the loot drops not in your account’s mog/mount list, or a usefully upticking BLP buff on the rare drop items in its loot pool.

We the artists and programmers very much appreciate that you like this item so long after its stats heyday, but we also want you to experience more of Azeroth than just this one fight. Finish this part of your bucket list up, and go experience Azeroth!"

Not handed to you, and recognizes your effort.

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This is basically SL in a nutshell. How many times we killed X rare at the start of the expansion not knowing if an item would drop before figuring out we need to be part of the covenant for that zone was dumb, even more so knowing know that some rares in the zone don’t need to be part of the covenant and some like Tahonta needed to have a certain stichmaster NPC to be spawned with you just made it really bad.

This is what people who are against any changes don’t understand, we are not asking for something to be an easy drop, but at least stop making us farm things years later. Nothing that is still obtainable should be that rare that we are still farming said content 12, 14, 16 years later.

Like I have the legendary daggers for my rogue from DS, but only yesterday did I finally get one of the three mounts… on my hunter, who surprisingly was clearing the raid for the first time, but I have been through dozens on times on other alts on top of the many runs it takes to get the daggers for my rogue.

Than there is something like Firelands, I got TWO staffs from that place before the mounts both dropped on top of the many hundreds of runs I done on my alts for both myself (xmog and achievements) and helping others get the same.

And the same with ICC, two axes on top of the hundreds of runs on my alts before the mount finally decided to drop. And all that does is make me feel relieved after getting every other piece of gear from both raids and than some.

I don’t want things to drop within 5 kills, but I also don’t want to be farming for 12 years either, that’s a really bad design that is getting very old, especially like you said when other games are finding much better balance than this ancient Flintstones style gaming.

And who cares if someone collects everything, you cannot possibly believe that anyone here really cares if someone has it all, it’s not like you are ever going to notice or care. The amount of people I see running around with some ‘rare’ mount these days is beyond dumb to even call them rare anymore.

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