Being one of the most outspoken hunters in their feedback in Alpha, please ask any questions and i know you don’t focus on PvP, but we really do need a voice. Hunter’s have been the lowest represented class in Arenas and RBGs. This change would push us down further. Arena especially, it would make healers think twice about taking a hunter when they’d have to potentially heal two targets instead of one. Trying to drain the other healer’s mana is definitely a strategy. Without spreading damage too much, just targeting the pet would have a 2 fold effect, draining mana of healer and also making the hunter a limp noodle. Zomb said it well earlier calling it a Disarm that you have to channel a 6 second cast to get out of.
No, Im trying to follow a lot of the feedback, but most of it is PvE wise. Truth be told, hunter is a great PvE option and always has been. We’ve had a few shining moments in PvP, but it would be nice to step away from the base sitter, lots of chores ( kiting, pet maintenance, actually aiming our CCs, prepping the target so we can aim our ccs (slow, stun etc…), making sure we don’t get LOS’d while we also try to kite, the list goes on…), and being an almost burden to bring either Arena or RBGs.
I get asked constantly, “We want to keep you, but do you have another class? Hunter just doesn’t work for the comp.” Truthfully it’s disheartening that my class of choice just isn’t to par. I call targets, my stuns, traps, and effectively operate decently in PvP, but it’s a class issue.
PvP wise every other class with the minor exception of base sitting (sometimes rogue or mage preferred) does things better than hunter. Turtle has to be combined with trinket if you’re getting stun killed making it so we lose a trinket and our main defensive CD at once where mages, and pallys have bubble in a stun.
Our pet’s consistently bug out and make it so maps like temple of kotmogu we have to wait to utilize our abilities like kill command if we jump to the middle till our pet paths around the structure to the stairs. This makes us a burden unable to get that kill, or unable to sac someone if it’s not LOSed properly.
We just inherently are burdened in PvP comparatively to other classes.
I honestly don’t even think PvP is enabled on alpha right now. There are so few people, only 2 zones, 3 dungeons, and Torghast are in right now, and they haven’t even completed anima powers for all classes yet.
I’ve felt that mechanical burden before, going back years, but I always thought it was that I’m terrible at PvP.
Not much of a PvPer, but I agree that 6 seconds is too long. I would like to know what led them to making that decision. Were hunters getting some notable advantage from having Revive Pet with a 2s cast time?
That’d be a terrible direction and a band-aid solution, though. You’re basically locking functionality behind something that’s not native to your character.
Adreaver I have insane amounts of respect for you. When u said you aren’t qualified to be the voice for pvp due to your inexperience. I’m not being sarcastic.
It shows what kind of honest player you are. You may be being modest who knows. But u are respectful enough to lead by following in a way. That is a huge thing in this world. And I commend you for 10/10 character irl. Way to go bro.
Adreaver has been very outspoken in his critiques and support of hunter development for a while now. His honesty regarding experience and of the class is paramount.
Not sure if you ever followed the “Let’s Talk” megapost back in Legion, but he lead the charge in my opinion of proper feedback and dialogue. Blizzard responses and everything, that was a massive movement in hunter direction.
I long for the days when epic / legendary weapons and items had slight damage or healing buffs attached to them. Where design of your character was almost resolute with slight variants depending on what you choose as it’s talents. Not having to rely on RNG or borrowed traits / abilities to have a functioning class…
Man I sound like a WoW Classic person… gross… Still though, enough with this borrowed ability design!!!
AND NO TO 6 SEC PET REZ!!! It will destroy us in PvP!
Yeah I honestly wish BfA was a more engaging expansion.
In WoD when the expansion was…sparse…the class design was at least pretty good. Not as good as MoP, but pretty good.
In Legion when (IMO) Hunter class design, MM in particular, was not great, the expansion content was really engaging.
BfA botched both, and killed my desire to really do much. I spent most of the expansion out of touch and playing other games. I’ve come back now and trying to get caught up with no social connections anymore is a pain. I’m on a basically dead server and not interested in spending money on transfers, so
Alpha is a lot more fun than live right now, the couple talent tweaks and returned baseline abilities make Hunter a lot better than in BfA, but there is still more work that needs to be done to bring us back to our prime.
Happy to be involved in providing some of the feedback that will (hopefully) get us there.
This is by far the dumbest post I’ve read today. I main healer occasionally and let me tell you how many times I’m watching hunter pets health…zero times. All of your suggestions are borderline troll honestly. I’ll refer you to Bepples for the appropriate response.
The 6 second cast is going to be brutal for Warlocks, and almost as bad for Hunters. I think this is a PvP change, and I am always 100% against PvP changes infringing on my PvE game.
Pretty sure it is a PvP change intended to make the opportunity cost of focusing a pet (the whole 3 or 4 GCDs it might take) worthwhile.
Basically if you can kill a BM or SV pet in arena, you completely shut down the Hunter for 4 to 8 GCDs, depending on how much time they spent on the first cast before they got interrupted. Compared with now, where you shut down the Hunter for less than 3 globals if you interrupt in the last 0.1s of the cast.
For group PvE, all it does is lower Hunter DPS if their pet dies to mechanics, which is exceedingly rare thanks to the Avoidance passive. Unless you have growl turned on and the pet is taking direct hits.
For solo PvE, nothing is or has ever been balanced around solo PvE.