Revive Pet Cannot be a 6 second cast in PvP

I would be fine with Revive Pet being a 6 second cast if they made it tanker and took Mend Pet off the gcd. That way you would be punished for letting your pet die but rewarded for making sure it stays alive.

If Blizzard insist on keeping the 6 second cast then they need to allow Hunters to use ALL of their abilities, even when the pet is dead, example being Kill Command which is entirely dependant on our pet being alive.

They could give us an alternative ability that becomes usable once our pet dies, so we’re not entirely useless in a fight once it happens.

On another note, 6 second cast time could be okay if they either buff the amount you can heal your pet for or nerf the amount of damage it can take.

Wish I could still down-vote such stupid statements.

A six second rez for hunter is complete trash and once again shows devs dont even play this game.


Keeping your pet alive on Alpha is super difficult (comparatively), even for a Ferocity pet, even just in Torghast. The 6 second rez feels bad. 3 seconds would be much better.

If Mend Pet was buffed considerably, or if pets were tankier, I could see it. Killing the pet would be harder, and there would be more of an opportunity cost to do so, meaning the longer rez would be necessary to balance it out.

That isn’t the case right now with current alpha tuning.


Fun fact, pet rez was 10 seconds in the past.

Or keep it at what it is now? I appreciate your Alpha testing, I’ve been seeing some of your posts in the development. I remember good dialogue with you during the “Let’s Talk” legion posts. I was a diff name then though

Not fun. Not understanding the point you’re trying to make. Truth be told, I don’t want / require a response about your reasoning either.

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Don’t worry. We get Eyes of the Beast back. That should solve everything.

Seriously, Maybe they’re thinking abut throwing in a PVP talent for instant rez. If they do that, then we lose a PVP talent because nothing else would be as strong as this for BM. I don’t really see a problem with 6 seconds or longer in PVE (or even MM or MSV), but 6 seconds in PVP on a BM hunter is insane because your bar basically goes grey. It’s a disarm that requires a 6 second channel to recover from.

You are right though. Everything they’re doing with Hunters (aside from Tranq shot) feels like a PVP nerf. Even the addition of Hunter’s Mark is an underhanded nerf. It’s not like ranged Hunters were rocking, or even showing up on the ladders this expansion (with about 40 notable exceptions - Hogx being one of them).


I’m glad someone other than me is not jumping for joy at the mostly RP ability.

This is an awesome way to put it.


I mean, yeah, obviously.

That said, I assume if they are nerfing it they have some reasoning to do so. Without developer notes explaining the reason, “don’t make this change, I don’t like it” isn’t super useful feedback.

Warlock demons are also 6 seconds, for what it’s worth. Haven’t tried Frost Mage with the Water Elemental, guess that’s next on my list now.

Thanks, it’s nice to be appreciated. Lots of salt in development and GD forums right now.

With the warlocks though they can resummon while their demon is currently out. Giving them an ability to be advantageous on placement of their demons. So if it’s getting targeted as a strategy they can LOS and start that summon cast, we have to wait till pet is dead. By that time we are the focus target.

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u literally broke down what I said to claim it’s an l2play issue. Hogx and myself at different points have been number 1 bm hunters on us roster. Ur opinion is mute. U can’t force healers to heal ur pet when they have to many jobs as is. Ur wasting everyone’s time here. U have ur profile private as u undoubtedly have never even been rated in pvp. so tell us all your experience that makes u qualified in this conversation. Let me guess bm hunters beat u up and stole ur lunch money. Weeb


What a surprise to see Azagorod once again shilling for fragrantly anti-Hunter stances again on this issue


If we were talking about the past then maybe you could convince me about the pet res timer being higher then what it is now, but since we can consider the hunters pet as a resource essentially or quite literally in the case of survival hunters. We would in turn have to punish every other class when it comes to their generation of resources/dots/etc. in turn.

If Azagorod is pushing this kind of stance for the other classes too, then I don’t really have any issue with what he’s saying since it’s an interesting stance even if I disagree heavily with it personally.

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Well said.

Hes been scared off i think.


Have you played hunter? I am not trying to attack you or anything but its practically impossible to keep it alive with 1 heal thats a HoT while your pet is taking tons of damage. This is a stupid change for both warlock and hunter, in Torghast currently warlock just dies if their pet dies because they cannot heal it in time and they cant summon the pet in time so they just die.

I would be fine with 3.5 - 4 seconds but 6 is way too long, I play both warlock and hunter and this change is actually really bad.


pet numbers havent been adjusted yet. So theres that.

Yes they are currently squishy on solo content for sure, but in group nothing prevent them from receiving a heal from the group healer. Most dont because they havent learn to heal and care for pets.

A pet shouldnt be rez in mid combat anyway.

In arena that will be a different story, will enemy team decide to use interrupt - cc just to stop you from reviving pet? or save it to actually chain cc to get a kill on a player. The later is most probable, while the first being an issue on low rating.

As for the rest, it really wont change much.

If your pet dies on an elite, you should absolutely be rezzing it in combat.

Is SV just expected to not generate Focus for the rest of the fight?

Is BM expected to just plink away with Cobra Shot?


Question to ask yourself.

Why did pet die to elite?
-Did I kept it growling at it and not alternating between pet and my characters?
-Did I not properly use the kitting strat with my pet?
-Did I think my pet was a tank as strong as the player class?

If you play the hunter at the very basic level of it, then yes
 I can see this change hurting people that does.

However, proper usage or traps, kiting, etc 
 your pet will not die.

Take note that elite aren’t really supposed to be something you solo. Yes some class will have easier time / tools to do so
 but they were designed to be something to taken with a team / ally.

Elites are meant to be killed by anyone (or any group) who can kill them. I’m not talking about soloing current dungeons or raids here. I’m talking about soloing in Torghast specifically.

Beyond keeping up Mend Pet and occasionally using Play Dead and kiting to let the pet heal up, there isn’t much you can do to keep it alive.


Torghast a different environment
 there’s a lot going on in those. If no anima affects the pet, then you should keep growl off and you tank the dmg.