Revive Pet Cannot be a 4 second cast in PvP

New title / thread for the new build.

Reference arguments from previous thread and posts:
Revive Pet Cannot be a 6 second cast in PvP

New SL build going from 6 to 4:

This is still a huge NERF to us in PvP.

We need either pet overhaul or revive pet left at the 2 seconds cast time as it is now.


Yesterday I was playing on my lvl 30 sv hunter trying to solo some dungeons. I would not have been able to kill hogger if I had 4s ress timer

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4 secs in PvP is still too high!


If they are seriously going live with this change, they need to buff pet’s tankiness. Currently, in pvp, my pet can be bursted down in a few seconds. It’s just not a realistic change.


not just pvp… it is too high in every encounter… 6 was atrocious… 4 is still pretty brutal.


All content and abilities should be balanced around Hogger.

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It’s stupid some tool thought rez pets cast time needed to be changed at all. Who on earth there brought this up and with everything else wrong with hunter, that they actually felt the need to screw around with the cast time of rez pet. It makes absolutely no sense, especially since mend pet is significantly weaker than in other expansions.

Just have to face it Blizzard is a cop out company today, their devs don’t have a clue at what should be priority or how to make a class enjoyable to play anymore. Its ridiculous that rez pet should have as far as I know the longest cast time of any ability in game. Think how insane that is, then think about the incompetent hacks Blizzard has making changes these days.


I mean… It’s better than 10.


The Blizzard dev team doesn’t really understand Hunters at all, do they.

I mean, most of us knew this all along, but it’s like they picked people who play another class entirely and asked them to do class design for Hunters.

They only see the class from the outside, not the inside.

From the outside, it feels like you have this pet on you all the time. I get that. From the inside, it’s our weapon (SV/BM), our self-healing, and our evasiveness. Without our pet, we are essentially disarmed, but worse since our ability to kite, survive, and heal is reduced too.

Without my pet, my DPS drops 60-80%. It went from 54k to 19k on some short aoe fights when I do a quick test of this. I ran simulationcraft on myself with and without a pet. My DPS dropped from 104k to 20k. I wanted to compare that to my warrior, but it won’t let me sim without a weapon.

When they kill our pet, we lose all of this:

  • We lose Kill Command
  • We lose the Frenzy benefit of Barbed Shot
  • We lose Bestial Wrath
  • We lose Spirit Mend if we have a Spirit Beast
  • We lose Survival of the fittest OR Master’s Call depending on the pet
  • We lose 7% of our health, 12% of our movement speed, or 15% Leech depending on our pet
  • We lose Roar of Sacrifice, Wild Protector, and The Beast Within if we’re specced into those PVP talents.
  • Intimidation
  • 20 Focus
  • Obviously, we lose the damage of our pet too.

Our baseline damage is reduced to an 8 second 16k DOT, a 10k Cobra Shot, and Arcane Shot when it goes baseline in SL.

The devs at Blizzard do not understand this at all. Killing our pets first will be the strategy of every single arena match. If we are allowed to, we will need to run somewhere and hide behind a pillar as we try to re-summon our pet (aka our weapon), because all we can do it /spit at them when our pet is dead. If somebody with any kind of skill decides to kill us though, we’re going to die once our pet is dead.

This is one of the most absurd things they have done to Hunters since Legion.

Incidentally, this is exactly the same reason Ion thinks all the specs are the same. He only sees the arrows. He doesn’t see the abilities.

And we thought BM PVP was dead in BFA. This is a devastating change for hunters. I don’t care if it’s 4 seconds or 6 seconds. It is really bad.


So … Devil’s Advocate here.

If the enemy team is focusing their damage on your pet, then doesn’t that mean they’re aren’t putting that damage elsewhere and your team’s healer can, like … heal the pet?

I get where you’re coming from, I really do. (I like to play the Devil’s advocate too.)

The thing is, the pet’s health pool is like 35% to that of a player’s (which is what I last heard. I could be totally off here — but I know I AM right in that the pet’s health is substantially lower compare to a player’s), and that’s not even getting into a pet’s defense.

They die to cleave and AoE. We’ve all experienced this.

The matter is, if they want us to focus more on “managing” the pets, then they must also give us more tools to keep our pets alive. It’s just how it works. :woman_shrugging:t3:


It’s a really bad change across the board. It should remain the same cast time as it currently is for so many different reasons, one of which has been stated is the utility.

Biggest example of how bad this change will be, is how easy it’ll become for certain comps in 3s to just train down the Hunter to the floor as soon as the pet’s dead. So much of our utility and survivability is attached to the pet now. One of the specs can’t even regen focus without a pet, and that means diddlysquat damage going out.

Roar of Sacrifice is looking to be a suicidal honor talent to run, too. With how much damage some specs are doing (Boomy convoke seriously needs tuning, for example. I’ve seen streams where it killed the pet in 3 seconds), roarsac will just result in your pet dying before the buff even reaches half its duration. And then you’ll get shut down on rez for about 3 full minutes by anyone with half a brain, making it impossible to recover from and resulting in an inevitable loss.

Our only hope that this gets fixed is when the PVP testing starts and it becomes blatantly obvious that this is not a good change when our pets start getting euthanised by our opponents in the opener.

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You’re spot on here.

A warrior can kill my pet with bleeds within 30 seconds of a match just from cleaving as he’s damaging me. Lol

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i play low lvl arena (16-1700’s) Sv, and any team with half a brain nukes my pet then just jumps on me knowing i have no freedom, stun, and no regen (kc) and just interupt me or incap me from rezzing.

I cant imagine what its like at the higher lvl. 2 seconds seems fair but even then a bit more health for the pet would be nice,

6 seconds feels like a joke and 4 seconds isnt too far off one

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If that happened, it would burn through all of healers mana in a matter of seconds because pets are far squishier


What a great way of putting it. This applies to a very large part of the WoW community as well.


4sec revive is bad in pvp and pve.

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Hadn’t considered the reduced health pool. Fair point.

I tried to find my pet’s armor, but I can’t find the statistics anywhere. Maybe an addon is hiding that information from me. I suspect the armor value is less than ours’ too.

You should also consider that your pet will have more difficulty avoiding things. You can’t really side-step you pet out of LOS or easily move him/her away during whirlwind.

I’m also not sure many of us would choose to use our interrupts and stuns to prevent heavy damage to our pets. Throwing heals on a pet is one thing, but interrupting a Chaos Bolt directed at our pet means we can’t interrupt the next one directed at our healer or ourselves. I’m not sure how different that is in practice, but it would feel pretty bad in actual play.

The point is that our pet is going take a lot more damage than we will (regardless of armor value), so it’s going to be much harder to heal a pet. If we have a healer, he/she is going to go OOM very quickly. If we don’t, the pet will die very quickly, and we don’t have any reasonable way to recover from it.


Pet dies super easily, will force your healer to spend a ton of mana which will oom him fast. It’s not the same as a player, I don’t even think they get versatility from us but I could be wrong. Either way it’s actually very hard to keep them alive as is, especially because there’s no way you can play without your pet on the kill target (so you cant position it safely behind a pillar w/ your healer and just use it for utility)

I’ve even had teams do this to me with 2 second rez

4 second rez with current pet durability will just pretty much shut us down entirely

It’s actually not too hard to get a quick kill on a pet either and just shut the hunter down for a significant amount of time

The only safe rez you’d have is from aspect of the turtle, after that they can kill again and go back to shutting you down, will just win the game on mana while you tank free damage forever