Revitalizing Guilds in World of Warcraft

I hate to suggest yet another GW2 option, but let folks join more than one guild.

Give guilds a filter option to hide inactive players by default so that way guilds feel less abandoned.

To compliment the above suggestion,

either A: have players with multiple characters in the same guild roll up under the highest ranked character they have and then have a drop down option to look/expand.

B: don’t add characters to a guild, add players. (this has some issues)

Haha, you fail to see what I’m talking about. But I don’t think it can be explained because, in today’s time, people don’t care about being part of a faction or the pride of being in a guild. The best way I can explain it is by sharing my experience. When I first started, I didn’t see any fun in PvP. But one day, I was questing in Tarren Mill, and when I came back, it was a ghost town—every NPC had been killed, not any of the lower-level players, but the NPCs. The town had been taken over by the Alliance. But soon, a guild of Horde players came over to liberate our town from them. This was my first experience with PvP, and it made me, someone who had never PvPed before, want to take up the banner of watching over this town when I reached a higher level—and that’s exactly what I did. I was filled with faction pride at that moment, watching and talking with the guild members who came over to help. [LOK’TAR OGAR!]. But nowadays, War Mode phases you away from being able to see or take part in that. If you never had an interest in PvP like I did back then, I might never have started PvPing in today’s system because I would never have seen those kinds of events.

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No, I just see you’re pining for a time that never really existed.

I would enjoy all of the ideas presented in the OP.

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Thank you for the like and support; it helps highlight the post, which might draw attention from the developers or the WoW Community Council at some point.

It would be great to see more options and filters added to the guild hub page, along with a full UI update for the guild/community tab. Enhancing the Looking for Guild UI interface would also be beneficial.

I’m not entirely sure how allowing players to join more than one guild would work, as it could be tricky to implement. However, I know this has been requested in the past. While I personally wouldn’t choose to do that, it might be worth considering for those who would like the option.

Blizzard had to cater to the solo players, they realized most of their customer base were anti social and completely incapable of making friends or being decent people to eachother.

Its why they cater to people with making looking for groups easier and simple. Get in speed run get away from those people as fast as possible.

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I understand where you’re coming from, but I believe there’s still a strong desire among many players to revive the sense of community that guilds once provided. If we make our voices heard and show that there are players who genuinely want to see guild activities, leveling, and more come back, it might make a difference.

Many of my friends stopped pushing for this because they felt ignored, as if Blizzard had a fixed plan they weren’t willing to deviate from. With Chris Metzen back, I’m hopeful that we might finally get a chance to bring back meaningful guild content for those who truly enjoy and value it. It’s worth trying one more time.

What about you? Do you want to see guilds come back with added features to enhance the experience? If so, take a step and leave a like to show your support!

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They need to add more guild rewards. When is the last time they added real rewards WOD?

I think they stopped the cash flow to fill guild banks, I think this needs to comeback. Maybe adjust ways of earning to “prevent the abuse” they claimed previously.

The perks were cool, miss those was a benefit to being in guilds if you did not raid or pvp or whatever.

I do not care for guild currency idea, too many currencies these days

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This is true about to many currencies but it’s the only way I can think to bring back a perk like Cash Flow without it being abused as a passive money maker for guilds then the GMs in charge just taking the money. Maybe if there was a weekly cap for the passive gold or even have it be disabled for someone under a certain reputation with the guild, maybe this could help negate the issue. If not the only real fix is a currency we can use to buy stuff and even repair with. Would also be nice to be able to turn the currency in for satchels of matts or a sack of gold as well. Just ideas to roll around with.

Amen, I’m forever stuck mentally in that era so usually I can only get that enjoyment out of wow classic but sucks since all the work we did from the very beginning in retail. I sort of get bored of classic fast since I been there and did that but it gives me the opportunity to live the golden era of wpvp thankfully. Would love to see Warmode to be made better since as of now it’s not very great.

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Thank you, but I am not currently looking for a guild.

(just rewarding people for being in a guild is no different than punishing people for not being in a guild; it wouldn’t be building communities, it would be manipulating people into guilds just for the sake of increasing a metric counting how many people were in guilds)

This is a weird take, it is like saying rewarding PvP is no different than punishing people for not PvPing. Either you take part of the content or you don’t take part of the content nothing punishing with that, just personal choice.

Frankly I would love to see guild reward become focused on cosmetic rewards and having guild challenges that are not just raid or dungeon based. Fun things that people can work on even if they are guild of one.

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I’d be thrilled to see them add in much more robust features for guilds and provide benefits you can only get in a guild. We’ve gone far to far down the road of making the game solo friendly and devalued the social experience that MMOs are supposed to be.

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I used to hang out in Duskwood (esp), Elwin Forest and Red Ridge Mts, along with several other guildies and friends, as max level toons to defend lowbies from being ganked so they could complete their quests & level up. I know Alliance is guilty of ganking as well, but at the time I just did what I could. Ganking is so demoralizing and deincentivizing.


I have no problem with that comparison. The removal of Legion’s alternative method of accumulating marks of honour that allowed collecting obsolete PvP gear was disappointing to me.

bring back “have group will travel”

I never suggested rewarding people just for being in a guild. Everything I proposed involved new content that players would engage with and work towards, just like any other system in the game where you get a reward for completing it. I would never say to take away PvP mounts, rewards, titles, or anything else just because I don’t enjoy PvP, or do the same for raiding and the special mounts and cool armor sets that come with Hardcore and Cutting Edge achievements.

Nothing should be removed or excluded just because I don’t enjoy participating in that type of content. Players engage in many different kinds of content, and having more options and variety is always a good thing. We even have special rewards for people who enjoy pet battles.

What you’re really getting at is, “I don’t like it, so I don’t want something I don’t enjoy standing between me and a reward I want,” but I’m sure anyone could say the same thing about something you enjoy. If you don’t like guild content, simply don’t do it don’t join a guild—reward or not. I don’t like Hardcore PvP, but I still want the really cool PvP mounts. However, I’m out of luck, and that’s okay. Let the people who enjoy it have something to show for it.

Even bringing back the old guild leveling system to unlock perks would be something I’d want, so that perks aren’t just given out for being in a guild.

I 100% agree. I’m all for benefits for guilds that put in the work to earn them, like guild perks, Guild Halls, etc. These features are amazing and something that guilds can come together to build from the ground up.

I’ve been thinking about some PvP-inspired content for guilds. Maybe they could introduce quests to capture some of the old Open World PvP flag locations. They could also add PvP dailies that would cause players to cross paths and encourage open-world PvP with both new and existing content. I’d love to see guild PvP and PvE daily quests that take us to all the locations we’ve visited—new and old—like Outland, Draenor, Shadowlands, Northrend, and Pandaria. This would get us out and about, doing stuff again, while making use of and improving old systems by bringing them back as evergreen content that guilds can enjoy together.

People often do.

( Look, I’m not entirely unsympathetic to your point and I know I’m being a bit snippy here; but please allow me a little selfishness when you’re talking about locking rewards you expect I will want to collect behind content you should know I’m not interested in participating in )

You seem to think that the overwhelming majority of group activities are unlimited in size and scope, while currently parties have 5 players and raids have their own limitations/requirements. What sort of activities are you imagining that 20+ players will take part in? Some sort of RP?

I’m not sure what you mean by this. Every guild I’ve been a part of, even if there was a limit to group size, made sure to organize multiple runs so everyone could join in or participate if they wanted to. I did the same when I ran my guild. We often did old raids and dungeons together with members who wanted to go. If I wasn’t running something, our other officers were. Not letting everyone join in on something isn’t a failure of the system—it’s a failure on the part of the guild members in charge. I’ve always advised people to join a guild that plays the way they enjoy for this reason. Ask questions and see if the leaders are doing what they need to do. Heck, if you have a big guild, you can set up multiple runs at once, like 4 teams of 5 doing older dungeons or battlegrounds. But on the flip side, guild management can only do so much if the players aren’t engaging when asked.