Revert your planned changes for arena

I know some people don’t pay attention to what the system used to be, but it always cracks me up hearing how people think it works lol

Supporting good changes isn’t the same thing as supporting bad ones. Just like supporting them keeping in all the old systems doesn’t support keeping in all the old bugs and exploits.

Tell me one of those changes that are bad. And explain why it’s bad.

Disagree you cant pick and choose it never works out the way you want.

You most certainly can, with feedback. You can’t pick and choose what gets to stay the same right? If you’re going to attempt to die on the hill of no changes, you will be digging yourself a grave with all the terrible systems and bugs you are going to have to ‘accept’.

What is this elementary school? Anyway 2weeks for draenei and belf to level is a bad change.

Ok why is it bad? I’m not sure how elementary school got brought up, have you never been asked questions since then?

Cause those classes were released in TBC prepatch is not TBC.

That’s not a reason why it’s bad, that’s a reason why it’s different. Why is it BAD

I guess I wouldn’t say anything will be COMPLETELY ruined. I just fear that, as some people have said, this may discourage most players from doing arenas at all, which will leave the pool with nothing but the best of the best, making it massively more difficult. I’m still definitely going to do arenas though and I’m definitely still going to love it, lol.

Removing buzzard employees from larping as gamers and talking trash on the forums.

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