Revert your planned changes for arena

People who are opposed to all changes dont count xD???

Salty is right, many of the TBC changes are big positives for the experience. I wasn’t looking forward to everyone in the 25man raid going LW for drums rotations like on Pservers. Seal of Blood being Horde only is a definite balance problem and most previous incarnations of TBC experiences have rectified it. Blizzard made a good decision with both of those changes. Allowing people to level their BE paladins and Draenei shamans two weeks before release was also pretty cool. Would’ve liked to see a little bit more time, but 2 weeks is better than nothing.

All of those changes are great.

The changes to dungeon farming are not in the spirit of TBC, imo. The changes to arena are probably going to lower participation and if it gets bad enough will have to be reverted. The addition of paid character boosts and store mounts is absolutely awful and has been largely criticized.

Those changes were terrible.

But, I’d take the bad changes to be able to have the good ones.

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vast majority of posters? probably right, I don’t know. But i was definitely not for any of those changes. I am not a big No changes type either. you can look back at my posts. i don’t mind changes that have no impact on the playstyle. The palidan seal change was the biggest change that irked me. They changed what TBC was with that change. Then the drums. total nonsense change. Groups that wanted to speed clear ( which i hate ), wanted to use the drums. No guild needed to use them to progress. They were a bonus.
A bonus that got taken away from the guilds that wanted to use every possible advantage. A guild of like minded players, all trying to shave off seconds, lost a tool. For what? So that whiny cry baby players that didn’t want to use them, wouldn’t feel like they had to? Yeah, i am against those changes.

But im all for this change. Doesn’t affect gameplay at all. No spell changes, no new talents, no nerf… U still play an arena game. The only difference is that now what you are doing matters a little bit more. Good change.

Agree, all we needed them to do was CTRL+C, CTRL+V the TBC system. These S1 and S2 changes make no sense.


Drums don’t only affect speed clearing they would also affect every classes ability to get good parses. And we both know how the speed clear/parsing metas bled into almost everything in classic. I think it’s worth reconsidering your stance on that.

You can think what you want. I saw several streamers and read posts from several players that stated they would not take up leatherworking for this meta. No matter what. they would find a guild that didnt’ require them to. Getting world buffs in classic is completely different than being forced into a profession. Those guilds that wanted to do that lost out on that.

regardless, my response wasn’t really about the need for drums or not. I probably shouldn’t have given an explanation. My point was that there were people, aka - me, that do not agree that these changes were good. And I am all for changes. I loved tbc. i would love to play it again as it was but if anything can be done to improve it , i would be all for it.

It’s hilarious to me that Activision has abysmally destroyed Season 1 of Shadowlands with high gear disparity between PvPers, then they… make the mistake by adding rating requirements for gear in arena seasons that never shared those requirements in original TBC.

I was liking almost every single change that Activison was making for TBC Classic until this horribly thought out trashcan of an idea. I’m sure a ton of players were looking forward to being on an equal gear playing field, then saw this change and now might not even bother with the expansion.

Remove the rating requirements for Season 1 and 2 of TBC Classic

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And? Your point?

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Yep, just puts the entire bottom 75% of pvpers at a disadvantage because they won’t be able to get more than one set piece lol. And no weapons even though they’re not even on par with craftables

The arena changes are definitely jacked up. :worried:

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Dont suck /10

Ruining participation in their own game. You would think they have people sitting around making sure idiotic changes like these would never go through…

There is middle ground between “dont suck” and only 3% of players get weapons

I’m curious, what is the Part that this is ruining arena for you as a pvp player? I feel like the game will be just as fun game play wise. I’m a little worried pushing 2k+ for a weapon but I’m a goal oriented player so I will push for it. It’s 2021 we live in a time of esports is a thing, I think wow should have a line between casual pvp and competitive pvp. Best way to motivate players is gear.

I think people have a bad taste In their mouth from shadowlands arena. The gaps in ilvl for gear was INSANE and it happened at every bracket, for every person’s gear slot. However, idk how much you played back in older seasons of the game, but being bottle capped at a rating when your opponent has a arena chest piece vs you having an honor chest piece. The gap is substantially smaller and much more manageable.
An advantage is still an advantage but earning gear upgrades is the best part of WoW and raiders get it the best, pvpers need it for a healthy competitive community

Keybind your abilities

Oh, so you’re just a troll. Another one to add to the ignore list. Enjoy TBC :slight_smile:

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I mean??? Need more help? Macros are also useful

Already got my merciless and vengeful drakes, not to worried about making macros. You account seems to be hidden though, Catch you later, best of luck out there.

Mind giving some examples?